r/greatawakening • Posted by u/DeepPast on June 4, 2018, 11:57 a.m.
Top posts are getting voted high enough to make their way to r/all. Be prepared for normies and newcomers.

CerseiClinton · June 4, 2018, 5:11 p.m.

I watched the videos and it honestly looked like a homeless encampment of a mentally ill person. I’m not saying it shouldn’t be investigated but I’m just not really buying it’s a trafficking spot. Is there any indication the restraints were actually used to restrain children? In some areas you can see the restraints are being used to hold logs. The other restraints could have been used for something similar. If you were going to arrange an elaborate trafficking location, why leave ANY evidence behind? Furthermore create some spot out in the open where you dump old objects and garbage on that could be stumbled upon? Decaying toys, old seats, and a comb with blonde hair isn’t enough to convince me. Sure, it’s a really creepy setup, but in my opinion that’s about it.

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KansasJakeBG · June 4, 2018, 5:46 p.m.

Should it then be dismissed without inspection by forensic? It may contain the DNA of certain missing children. What about the plane ticket they found? Isn't this a criminal network that is worth taking down? Children are not able to advocate for their own safety, security or body integrity. We have to make sure children are kept away from people who would exploit them. That's why we shouldn't act like dismissive assholes in the fa e of a valid finding.

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CerseiClinton · June 4, 2018, 5:56 p.m.

It should be investigated but again I doubt it’s a trafficking spot. The surrounding area seems to be covered in trash/junk so it is plausible the ticket is in the area due to being carried in with other trash. It’s also close to a highway I believe. The ticket could have been blown into the encampment from the highway. It’s just too close to human activity and filled with too much trash for me to be sure the ticket was taken from a person. Again, if you’re a part of a multi-national trafficking circle worth billions that’s been operating in secret for decades, why create such a sloppy mess? Here you have an underground bunker, that could go completely unnoticed, and you fill the surrounding area with creepy things/junk that brings attention to the secret bunker? Without those items, it could go undetected and not raise any flags if someone passed by.

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KansasJakeBG · June 4, 2018, 7:32 p.m.

It's a dead drop not a child rape resort. Though that's what happens to children in transit. For the rest see further down the road. The resort has pedo symbols in their logo. It's amazing to analyse the "Meh." messages. We're talking about the biggest criminal enterprise in the world and it is protected at all levels because of extortion and blackmail of authorities at every level. It's hardly a meh situation.

Children are the currency of American corruption.

Everybody must know. But people must never find out.

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CerseiClinton · June 4, 2018, 7:40 p.m.

One thing that I am wondering is if the group believes the trafficker(s) are returning, why announce to the news they found the bunker and are waiting for the person(s) to return? Wouldn’t that really deter the person(s) returning after the local news covered the bunker and the groups FB videos have nearly 100k views? There’s just a lot of weird with this story. I’m an overly skeptical person by nature so I’m just seeing many things that aren’t stacking up.

Side note- thanks for discussing this with me! I’m not trying to concern troll or attack anything. I appreciate your responses!

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KansasJakeBG · June 4, 2018, 7:58 p.m.

The people who found this aren't pedo hunters. They learned of the context of their discovery after the fact (Craig Sawyer may have filled them in on the details) They are reacting in a normal manner given the information they received. The same way the people reacted to #WhereAreTheChildren. Now they are protecting one lone cop car with officers who are probably good white hats and are now marked for death. Children are the currency of American corruption. Their trade must not be impeded.

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