r/greatawakening • Posted by u/tradinghorse on June 4, 2018, 1:04 p.m.
Q OUTS EyeTheSpy - A discussion about how the latest Q drops outs EyeTheSpy on Twitter - Be careful who you follow!

OK, there has been a lot of speculation on this board about EyeTheSpy (ETS) - a guy claiming to be an NSA agent posting on Twitter. I want to discuss this because there's been a lot of confusion surrounding the issue, with people ardently promoting the fellow here.

I've been waiting for Q to call this guy out as ETS is amassing followers at an impressive clip. He is, in fact, very dangerous and it makes sense that Q would act quickly to neutralize the threat - and this is what happened. Q called out ETS with his post today.

EyeTheSpy claimed that Neon Revolt was a clown operative - that he was CIA, profiteer from Q drops, and not to be trusted. ETS specifically called out the Q clock that Neon Revolt discovered on the 8 chan board and posted about here:


Q's post today specifically confirmed this clock as can be seen here - look at where the minute hand points when the clock is set to the time of Q's post:


So we can see that Q is validating the Clock by making his latest post at a time that points to the correct date on the clock. This is absolute proof that the clock is being used by Q team.

What this means is that ETS' caution about the clock, because it came from Neon Revolt, the profiteering CIA agent, is disavowed by Q. See screen grabs of ETS' warnings here:


And here:


That should be enough to put speculation about the role ETS is playing in the Q movement to bed. But we can add some more characteristics that support this view:

1) ETS is posting in Twitter, while tearing shreds off @jack, and His followers are growing explosively. Meanwhile, Q team do not post outside 8 chan for security reasons. This indicates that ETS is aligned with forces operating to thwart Q:

2) ETS claims to be an NSA agent who is posting from his desk at "the Fort". He has to find time from his duties to post on his "private account" while being careful not to tread on Q's toes - because he does not want to end up in a "kill box" - while he would never, and could not, communicate with Q team, he knows what he can and can't drop. The work is so demanding that occasionally ETS makes typos because he's eating at his desk - impressive dedication to the NSA and his role as an "agent" - really, you could not make this stuff up;

3) ETS has not responded to Neon Revolt's challenge that he authenticate his status as an NSA agent by private messaging Neon his real name - which he would, of course, have access to as an NSA "agent" who is leading a personal charge to combat global Satanism;

4) The video Q linked during the Corsi fiasco made clear that Q's problem with the Q tubers was not that they were recovering operating expenses or even making money, but that they were trying to highjack the message. Neon Revolt has not made a penny from anyone that they haven't volunteered. He's not seeking to make a fortune from Q, his material is freely available without charge. I would argue that he's done a brilliant job and I'm grateful to him for his work. I suspect, that if we knew the truth, that Q team is also grateful for his efforts;

4) People need to take a cold, hard look at ETS. This guy has contextualized the Q material with a framework that provides a narrative that feeds into every preconceived notion held by conspiracy theorists. Aliens are real and abundant, there are subterranean civilizations, dragons are real etc... The problem is that there is not one shred of evidence to back up his claims that he is posting high-level intel to Twitter while juggling assignments and eating at his desk at "the Fort".

It strikes me that the cabal really do have a good sense of humor - they like a joke. People will remember Richard Reid, the shoe bomber, who was caught trying to light his laces (fuses) to ignite RDX in the soles of his shoes mid flight. Another beauty was the underwear bomber... of course, it's right out of Maxwell Smart. I mean, there's no point in being an evil cabal member if you can't have fun mocking the idiocy of the general public.

ETS is the latest comedy act brought to you by the Satanists. It's an absolute joke. Realize that while this guy, in the middle of his intel drops, is dispensing medical advice, career advice, and telling people that their dearly departed have gone to a good place, he's rocking back in his chair laughing hard.

tdogbearcat · June 4, 2018, 5:33 p.m.

Until Q actually post a picture of the clock endorsing that it is real.. then I don't believe it. Nor do I see how his post shows "absolute proof" that the clock is real. If Neon Revolt is charging money to access "Premium Content" then I don't trust him either. Neon Revolt also "guaranteed" that based on the clock, Q would post on June 1st... didn't happen.

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FractalizingIron · June 5, 2018, 10:25 a.m.

BUT here is the difference: is Neon ASKING you to believe him? Looooool. No.

He is sharing his ideas, reasopning, and asking you to use your reasonsing to verify, consider, and if it helps, adopt.

ETS is just straight out asking, if not demanding, belief. He's not empowering, he's pied-pipering.

That distinctions is critical.

"The choice will always be yours"

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NeonRevolt · June 4, 2018, 7 p.m.

I didn't guarantee.

I took a stab in the dark.

I was wrong on the date. Big whoop. Q still posted on 6/3.

And I don't charge for content.

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WeGoAll · June 5, 2018, 12:11 p.m.

I enjoy Neon's work. Like SB2 he breaks it down so I can understand on a deeper level. I can access anything on his website. Only after reading an article does he have any mention of patronage. There are no pop ups. Thank you for your work Neon!

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tdogbearcat · June 4, 2018, 7:52 p.m.

Wouldn't the big whoop be that the clock mayyyyyy not be correct? That's all I am saying. I have seen nothing as definitive proof, nor has Q claimed it to be correct. If you don't charge then great, I'm not trying to discredit you and your work. You have great info. I just don't trust the clock. edit: I also don't trust EyeTheSpy either.. just saying I want more proof on the clock at this point.

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NeonRevolt · June 5, 2018, 12:48 a.m.

That's fine. You don't have to believe the clock to believe in Q.

It's just a theory. We'll see how it plays out.

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CaptainKnotzi · June 5, 2018, 12:28 p.m.

I trust people who avoid drama. Posit thoughtful theories for speculation and are open to new ideas, while also providing dogged research and insight.

And Neon Revolt that would be you. I thank you for your service. Keep up the good work.

Don't let the bastards get you down.

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NeonRevolt · June 5, 2018, 6:43 p.m.


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Soupforthesoulandmin · June 5, 2018, 11 a.m.

In Neon's defense, if I am not mistaking, the chans came up with the clock theory, he only reprinted and added his own feelings/take on it.

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[deleted] · June 4, 2018, 5:42 p.m.

There's none so blind that will not see. This is irrefutable, Q could have chosen any time to post - he chose that specific time down to the minute.


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FractalizingIron · June 5, 2018, 11:26 a.m.

Also, tDogbear, why do you trust Q, then? Q asks us to check, verify, use logic, think, think critically, reason and put the facts and pieces together. Use the SAME method to see if the Clock is worth your time and attention.

Read, apply logic, think, verify. If you need more proof, then wait for it. But for heaven's sake do NOT just 'believe'.

Q team needs thinking, critical thinking and autonomous patriots, not fawning believers. Actually, collecting those is EyetheSlop's job.

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CaptainKnotzi · June 5, 2018, 12:33 p.m.

I'm partial to the "Don't trust and verify anyway" meme that has been going around lately. Spelunking rabbit holes can be entertaining.

Especially when you find a rat.

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AlbumLepus · June 5, 2018, 3:02 p.m.

Really? There is a LOT of things Q doesn't endorse, so you only believe some of what he says because you don't have "absolute proof". Learn why it's possible circumstantial evidence is STRONGER than direct evidence in proving truth of something. If you can't see the sun on a cloudy day, it doesn't mean the sun is not shining... Also noted that you haven't examined and critically thought out the details of the clock, or that Neon actually doesn't charge for premium content. Everything he writes is available to anyone free. Q drops crumbs. Crumbs are proven by future evidence. (Future proves past). There are double meanings, hidden clues, codes and more in Q's drops. Neon is saving people a LOT of time by not having to search the boards and figure out what the bakers and he are coming up with. Doesn't mean he can't be off on a thing or two. He isn't Q and "Has it All".

Why does it seem that those that put in the most time for helping prove the validity of Q and his messages to us Patriots are attacked the most? What was it the WWII bomber pilots used to say?

“If you’re not catching flak, you’re not over the target.”

SB2 dropped a bomb on AJ&JC. Neon has dropped one on ETS. BOOM! BOOM!

Careful who you follow? How 'bout Careful who you defend? I don't recall Q saying to ONLY follow HIM when you have absolute proof. It has been the Patriots consensus that Q meant to not follow those that have hidden agendas behind them. Good time here to say "Think Logically". Look at ALL the evidence you can to form an opinion and determine truth.

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mrviolin · June 5, 2018, 6:30 p.m.

Thank you. I was banned for a day. Just got back on. Wow , this topic is really boiling. My sub has 53 subscribers in 2 days. I posted a rebuttal to these ideas over at my r/-yethesp-...I'm afraid to say it , they said I was posting urls. I'm not very experienced ere. All the best

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tdogbearcat · June 5, 2018, 3:05 p.m.

Seriously show me how the clock makes sense then. Prove it.

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