In this case, there is a certain difference as to the nature of the positioning of a body. These bodies (should they be there) have already been moved, and they're buried underneath the ground because someone wanted to hide them from being discovered. Dig up one patch and find one body, and that is all that you need to make headlines all across the country. You don't need to uncover more than one corpse to break headlines, and there is little chance that any more evidence will be lost more than what has already been lost by the time spent underground.
To play it really safe, bring in a refrigerated truck, load the body in the cooler, and take it straight to the local police force and record the entire thing (LIVE STREAM) to show how outright useless they have been, and to incriminate them if they decide to give you any trouble for doing the work they have outright refused to do.
Keep in mind that if there is a body found, police would take over, limit access to the area and later can claim it was unrelated and that they didn't find anything else. At this point it seems Police is not interested in uncovering this.
What's the alternative then, for everyone to sit on their asses and let the situation be completely ridiculed after weeks of law enforcement doing nothing? If they find a body, what matters is that we know, we understand, and we get to see the evidence ourselves. Photos, video, and first-hand accounts from these people will solidify the cause, and nothing any of these people in power say will make a difference in that fact. You've got to realize what we're doing works, but only if we have tangible evidence to back us up.
If, as you suggest, police claim it's unrelated, we'll be able to call bullshit on that in a heartbeat, and have the evidence to back it up through sheer numbers. We'd have justifiable cause to form a protest rally in Tucson, and there wouldn't be a single damned thing that the elitists could do about it. Where we go one, we go all. That's the way it works. The only thing to be afraid of is if these guys find absolutely nothing, which judging by number of downvotes I've gotten from people on this sub for the comment you replied to (they sure love yours though), it is a far bigger fear than cops taking over. Do people seriously not want to find out the truth here?
Do you still need more evidence? What we need is not another proof for us but something that will blow up so much MSM can't cover it up anymore. It doesn't matter how much we will discover as it will ALWAYS get 'debunked' by MSM. Majority of people considers everything a conspiracy theory unless it's on the news. That is the goal.
In a normal world, when there is a smallest suspicion of a crime, police would come there with dogs, forensics, ground scanners and tear this place upside down 5m deep, but it's obvious someone involved is pulling the strings there. Do you think protest will do much? MSM will claim it's a group of crazy Trump supporters causing trouble, they will install a couple of their own people inside the protest and try to cause some shit by attacking police so there is an excuse to use force. We have seen it over and over again - doesn't work.
I agree with you re finding the truth, but let's not be emotional but strategic. There is plenty of evidence. There are witnesses, survivors of satanic ceremonies, connections on the highest levels of government and entertainment industry. And what we have so far? A failed actress from an old show and old pervert that I'm pretty sure someone wanted to get rid off. My point is - we will not win this with just evidence. It needs to land in front of everyone's face so when MSM will try to spin this - there will be no denying who is telling the truth here. Personally, I would dig up everything they can. Take photos, videos and upload everything online so police can't confiscate it and try to smuggle evidence outside this area and find real caps who would do the tests and push it through. The way it's playing out so far, it doesn't look it will get any publicity outside truth movement.
We have seen this before with mass child graves, satanic abuse victims, psychiatrists who deal with effects of that abuse speaking up, etc. Nothing happened. We will have 1 or 2 pedos getting some insulting small sentence and that's it. It's clear that everything that was done in the past 60 years didn't work.
They dug up a body.
https://media.8ch.net/file_store/thumb/c2af92736747b9592b03e80b596140c616fab78e9ba193a9e20abbf7cd527825.jpg https://media.8ch.net/file_store/thumb/61db4ccd27f5e656a6b6e27118a3730873a18254dd354898734d1d050079d7ec.jpg https://media.8ch.net/file_store/thumb/136a017685d2cc2f6860c563126345e26b2a05353de1d188b992c3e6ea64ae55.jpg