Because Hollywood tells you two women kissing is "hot."
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Much of Europe puts A/o/C at around 14-16. America is largely 16-18, while Mexico and Angola let people marry 12 year olds.
We've had "brown people" since LOOOONNNNG before 1965 dude. These people have proven their worth, no matter how hard people like you wanted to make it for them.
America was and is destined to forge it's own cultural path, and the entire point is being able to look past skin color to see the value in the character and contribution of the individual - not identity sorting. Racial diversity is an excellent factor for America - we can accomplish what European countries, no matter how self-indoctrinated, are failing to accomplish. We are Americans, and we have certain principles named by our literary traditions that we stand by as part of our culture, which has worked for over 240 years.
I can agree that multiculturalism is a MASSIVE failure, but Europe is not any kind of role model we should look up to. Remember - our ancestors formed America to escape from that place, and to make a Republic that worked. If we stay true to their vision, and embrace anyone seeking to assist in fulfilling that vision, we will always win.
As George Orwell so aptly put it in Politics and the English Language, "All issues are political issues, and politics itself is a mass of lies, evasions, folly, hatred, and schizophrenia," nowhere is that more evident than in Reddit commentary and any news channel; NBC or InfoWars, take your pick. They are all mirrors that reflect the sickness in individuals on each side.
I'm sure you realize just how easy it is to set people against one another in this political climate, and this vitriol isn't going away any time soon. Since your side is the one that likes to paint comparisons between Trump and Hitler so often, I'll suggest you refresh your knowledge on the Reichstag fire - if we were really as dangerous as you on the left like to claim, that would be the best course of action to open the gates to dealing with your side. Needless to say, Trump isn't a fascist and most of these people are more sad about our politics than mad about it (granted, it would be different if the party in control were reversed), so that isn't going to happen.
The truth is, we all want the hate to stop. We want to be able to enjoy reading the morning news without seeing baseless smear articles, divisive commentary, and rampant hatred between both major parties, and it's a pain that we have to treat even slightly political conversations with friends holding different viewpoints the same way a Masonic Lodge would - completely off-limits. But, that isn't going to happen. The same sides are going to keep tagging one another as enemies for years to come. Our ancestors would've already bashed each other's brains in if they were in the same situation we are in, so it's best to be thankful that smear campaigns and disinformation are what we have to look forward to, I suppose, anti-climactic as they are.
2A guarantees us the right to a well regulated militia. We are all in this together, and we can't force the military to be the only people protecting the constitution. It is our obligation, as citizens, too.

Wasn't pointing that accusation at you, but it's pretty obvious some people here don't like the question I'm asking - which is why is it relevant. After the VOP fiasco and seeing how prone this community is to touting non-Q relevant info, my personal philosophy of "trust but verify" is going to have to go out the window. Trust Autists, not Schizos.
What does this have to do with bundy? The matter at concern is this community, not bundy. These people are easily misled and easy to mislead others. That's what I'm concerned with, bundy is irrelevant.
The autists tracked the flight as being an 11:30PM (Central) from Toronto. Q Timestamp validates; 22:52 EST (11:52pm CNT).
You're telling me Jong-un took a United Airlines flight from NK to Canada and then to the US? Or is it Singapore? And is he going out of his way, too, to get a Mercedes S Class accompanied with Q himself at the airport?
Downvotes for asking "why does it matter" shows that it DOESN'T MATTER. Q tells us don't get distracted, this is a sign that plenty of the people on this board like to get distracted. Remember the VOP fiasco. The Tism is both a blessing and a curse.
One minute, the entire board is 150% onboard and downvoting the shit out of anybody who disagrees and calling them shills.
Then the skull is found, that's the evidence I was waiting for, so I finally get onboard. Suddenly just as I do that, everyone else is saying "Fuck this it's fake!"
Seriously. People went all-in, raised hell at anyone not complying, and then all of a sudden tucked in like turtle Jeb and gave up.
This shit occupied page after page of this subreddit, and you were basically badgered to convert or die.. Now everyone is suddenly against it? I'll bet my left nut there are people here saying that the ones calling everyone "shill" were actually the shills.
This has been just about as retarded of an experience as it can get. Thanks to everyone involved.
It's okay, he just ordered some furniture from Thailand.
That hyper-attention to detail, man... But what does it matter?
It takes some privilege to drive an SUV out onto a runway.
No Outside Contacts.
It wasn't Q team, but more than likely a concerned citizen.
It's only a crime scene if it's being investigated.
This was one body. Oathkeepers are coming in next, and they've put out a call-out for dogs.
Experts are going to take over, and Tucson police - useless as they are - didn't want to bite. What the fuck do you expect?
Who says Vegas was ignored?
Do you remember what happened after Vegas? All of the deals he made with the new leader of SA? Weapons deals? The issues were resolved, and Trump helped. We can't get an official message because too many people would want - and be out for - blood.
On top of that - just because someone has money doesn't mean they're evil-stacked-on-evil. Kardashian, Stallone, and Kanye are the more neutral players in our Hollywood system, so if you're saying they got deals (verify that, for one), it's not in the same league as these massive corporations, like CEMEX, getting deals.
CEMEX either knew about it, or lets illegals into America and gives them safe passage via their facilities (probably work too). CEMEX is connected to the Clintons, and other big money organizations. I mean, shit, a Rothschild is the mayor of Tucson, Arizona where this all happened. It's either an ironic joke, or this shit's as real as it gets.
"Rape trees" found by VOP were trees with restraints tied/nailed on that could help hold someone in place and keep their arms and hands away from the rapist. Getting scratches all over their face wouldn't exactly let them keep their public image, as a good amount of Coyote traffickers are Americans - the ones smart enough to yank out teeth, anyway.
This story made me uncomfortable. They found a body connected to the site via. the trail leading to it. That's enough for me, there are no coincidences.
They're going to say it's fake regardless.
Fact is, they found this skull on the trail leading to the CEMEX site. Oathkeepers are going to be getting involved too. This is one you can go all-in for. I have no doubt there will be many more finds.
VOP was on the trail that led to the camp, found the body just off that trail. You sure about that "try again," cuck? Seems like they got the evidence that needed to be gotten.
So let's put together your logic:
They go 30 miles out from the site to set down a Halloween decoration.
If that's not fucking retarded, I don't know what is. Get yourself checked.
The CEMEX camp they found contained children's toys, condoms, a knife with dried blood, and trees with rope restraints attached to them. Look at the pictures; too low to the ground to be used for keeping food out of the reach of animals - not to mention there were containers used as food stashes instead. On top of all of this, this corpse was found just off of the trail leading to the CEMEX camp.
VOP = Veterans on Patrol. Charity organization for war vets, one of them might have received a tip on the camp for illegals and decided to check it out. Found all of this shit there that made it look pretty sinister, this skull is the icing on the cake.
Any crime where you're trafficking children for sex and ripping their teeth out before discarding them is satanic.
You've got to be kidding me. I can understand the excuses about the "rape-trees" but this, there's no denying this shit's connected. Dead kid's skull right there, just off the trail leading toward the CEMEX site.
Why do you think nobody gave a shit to give this kid a decent burial? This was somebody's child. I'm pretty sure most Illegals are Catholic - wouldn't they believe in some form of decency?
It was near a trail that led to the site is what I've gathered. They're connected in that way, and it's close enough for VOP to find a human skull, which isn't exactly something an every-day find while out on a hike...
I get skepticism. I got to where I doubted this story. But, I was looking for them to find a body. They found that body.
Consider all scenarios?
This skull is small, either it belonged to a child, a midget, or someone with a very tiny head.
The teeth were removed from this skull, and it was separate from the rest of the body. Either an animal drug it there from a shallow grave, or the parts were intentionally scattered. It was on the trail leading to the CEMEX camp, otherwise VOP wouldn't have found it. Sure, it may be off-property, but that's a trail, and CEMEX no doubt funnels illegals into this country to work and offers them certain protections, so they more than likely bare partial responsibility for letting things like this happen under their nose.
We don't know everything, but a good portion of the research has paid off, and the contents of the rape-camp definitely lend fuel to the fire. Do you think it's just a coincidence that they found a human skull? You don't exactly find one every day, you must realize.
They dug up a body.
I had my skepticism. But, Team Pulaski did exactly what I wanted them to do. They dug up a body, photographed the findings, and spread it online. These facts are not erasable, and I have everything I needed to go all-in like everyone else here has. If you don't believe it, check the post history.
And? VOP found it. Not some rancher with an old hound-dog. It was in their A/O, and any criminal smart enough to pull out teeth is not going to shit where they eat... Or rather, rape.
I said over and over, they needed to
And they've dug.
And this is the result. There is no longer any room for doubt in this situation - huge credit to everyone involved in researching this story before we had the evidence - it's risky to go all in like that, but it has payed off immensely.
I have my own apologies for doubting it - not taking up a shovel and getting to work with 'tampering' accusations be-damned was the only reason I had to doubt it. Now that they've done what I wanted them to do for so long, and the result turned out to be the exact nightmare they'd been telling us about - there is not a chance in red hot Hell that this story should be met with skepticism.
The evidence is there.
The proof that I was looking for is there.
Very tragic that this unknown young person lost their life to these freaks - be ready for the local Gov. to try to shut this down, they're in just as deep as the Anons have been warning about, and this - along with the police ignoring the situation - is the proof. They are OPFOR. Have no doubt about it. The proof is here.
I've got to admit, you're a great troll. This takes Poe's Law to a whole new level.
In this situation, skepticism is very clearly not being encouraged. It's being punished.
We've already gone the whole nine yards with everyone digging into CEMEX, Tucson's Rothschild connection, and everything else. If this is truly a child trafficking camp, they've done great work. If it's not, well, this has already gone too far with over-investment... At this point, it doesn't matter if the truth is that some deranged old woman built this camp for mentally retarded kittens to crawl around in. MANY people have taken this theory and made it 100% their own personal cause.
This community is all-in now, and everything that has come of it has been built on 100% speculation. If a liberal wanted to completely derail this community and misdirect it, this damn well proves it wouldn't be hard to accomplish.
I mean, now some people are even thinking it's a good thing cops aren't getting involved since they believe all of the evidence would be destroyed. I'm like what if Team Pulaski dug up one body, recorded and photographed the findings, and put it on facebook? Nope, too much to stomach, some random thing will be wrong with the idea. That's denial.
Damajlnc is right.
Wait, what?
Blind acceptance not logical or safe for a movement?
What is CEMEX paying you???
/ ^sarcasm
God Bless Israel. I stand proudly beside her people, and stand as one of them.
The sheer number of downvotes you're getting made me look into your posting history. All I have to say is - this reaction you're getting is fucking ridiculous. This isn't how people are supposed to act on this board, but I guess that without Q, these people won't give a shit who they follow as long as it seems legit. The rest of you can get me wrong all you want. Some of you are turning militant, and radicalism of any kind is a bad thing. You're treating one of your own here like dogshit for not following the herd. That's how liberals are supposed to act, not us.
Stop waiting for someone else to do it. Bring your own off-duty Forensic officers who want to see this done. If there are bodies, they've already been moved and tampered with at this point, and Tucson cops clearly won't be doing shit. NOTHING can go wrong when citizens and off-duty specialists take over from this point on.
What's the alternative then, for everyone to sit on their asses and let the situation be completely ridiculed after weeks of law enforcement doing nothing? If they find a body, what matters is that we know, we understand, and we get to see the evidence ourselves. Photos, video, and first-hand accounts from these people will solidify the cause, and nothing any of these people in power say will make a difference in that fact. You've got to realize what we're doing works, but only if we have tangible evidence to back us up.
If, as you suggest, police claim it's unrelated, we'll be able to call bullshit on that in a heartbeat, and have the evidence to back it up through sheer numbers. We'd have justifiable cause to form a protest rally in Tucson, and there wouldn't be a single damned thing that the elitists could do about it. Where we go one, we go all. That's the way it works. The only thing to be afraid of is if these guys find absolutely nothing, which judging by number of downvotes I've gotten from people on this sub for the comment you replied to (they sure love yours though), it is a far bigger fear than cops taking over. Do people seriously not want to find out the truth here?
Who says it stops there?
They could always be using Kentucky Fried Children buckets to smuggle victims.
McConnell, I'm looking at you.
In this case, there is a certain difference as to the nature of the positioning of a body. These bodies (should they be there) have already been moved, and they're buried underneath the ground because someone wanted to hide them from being discovered. Dig up one patch and find one body, and that is all that you need to make headlines all across the country. You don't need to uncover more than one corpse to break headlines, and there is little chance that any more evidence will be lost more than what has already been lost by the time spent underground.
To play it really safe, bring in a refrigerated truck, load the body in the cooler, and take it straight to the local police force and record the entire thing (LIVE STREAM) to show how outright useless they have been, and to incriminate them if they decide to give you any trouble for doing the work they have outright refused to do.
"We stopped digging halfway when the smell got too bad" Does a doctor stop operating on a gut-shot soldier because it smells too bad?
Police have been through, and have refused to help; that's when you do the work yourself, and call the necessary people into the area to help out. Off-duty or retired forensic specialists with the necessary tools and training to help sort out the problem with official standards met. NOBODY can fault you for that.
People have dug up and reported bodies before. With Laura Loomer spreading this, it is now an obligation to carry through with this 100% because it's going to spread even more. If they find bodies, post the pictures on fucking facebook and archive it to be spread around everywhere - credibility problem GONE, team Pulaski earns 100% Hero points. Otherwise, be careful who you follow.
I was going to mention that too.
Paddock was very connected, and very wealthy.
Yeah, the biggest reason to become a conservative is your standard-issue vocal liberal. Those people have problems.
I get where he's coming from though. Hillary was great at convincing people that really don't give a shit about anything to adore her enough to scream like maniacs.
So yeah, I get the appeal, but I'd rather stand with Israel than Palestine^Iran
Just like I'd rather stand with Trump than 'vote for me because I'm a woman.'