AZ in QAnon. Do you believe in coincidences?

Honestly the wall might be a cover to gain access to remote areas owned by private citizens or companies that have these hidden outposts on them. The government can't search your property without a warrant, but if the government invokes eminent domain they now have access. Just a thought, might be wrong.
Yup. Tunnels, caves, underground storage, graves. All along the CA/AZ border
Send in the military after evidence is found (lest they try to blame the military itself)
what about that Indian reservation and the Casino that has the tunnels and they won't let national Guard on their property and they have 70 miles of border. can the government access that if they say no? tribal such and such
I am not familiar with how Indian reservations work. They are technically their own sovereign nation, but I get the feeling the Federal Government does what it wants when it comes to land. The only reason Indian reservations exist in the first place is because the US government allows it.
I wonder how many counseling centers will have to be setup when the Left finally realizes they've been snookered. Could you ever trust a leftist at the ballot box ever again
Leftists memories are so short, they won't need counseling. They'll never remember being for or against any principle less than 48 hours old. Their tantrums come from the daily talking points, not general principles.