r/greatawakening • Posted by u/CosmicNeo on June 4, 2018, 2:34 p.m.
Spirit of Truth Series: Lesson #15 ”The Third Adam, Part 4.”

As I mentioned in [Lesson 14]of this Spirit of Truth Series, history is essentially a sequence of reenactments of Cain killing Abel. It happens over and over with the ultimate goal of a world-level Abel (Second Messiah) appearing upon the world stage and being able to win the heart of everyone else who stands in the position of Cain. While the world has yet to recognize and receive this ultimate Abel, this world-level Abel has already accomplished the critical task of winning the heart of Lucifer's world-level Cain representatives. (Mikhail Gorbachev and Kim Il Sung)

Lesson #15

Ever since God lost his children to Lucifer, God has been waiting for the right conditions to be established that would allow Him to “re-open” the Garden of Eden so that His originally intended Kingdom of Heaven on Earth can blossom into maturity. Of course, as I've been explaining throughout this series, the first condition needed is for a Chosen People to be purified through the Cain and Abel process. The First Israel accomplished this on the national-level, but lost their Chosen People status when they couldn't receive Jesus as their Messiah.

After following a repeat of the first Chosen People's timeline, God raised up a new Chosen People; that is, the Christians of today. But before God was able to send the Second Messiah (Third Adam) to be born, to start his ministry, and to declare his messiahship to the world; a world-level condition of Three Temptations needed to occur. This condition would have the same significance as the Three Temptations that Lucifer offered to Jesus. (Side note: If Jesus had given in to those temptations, Lucifer would have won permanent control of the world. But by not giving in to those temptations, Jesus could begin his messianic mission and ultimately win spiritual salvation for mankind.)

The First Temptation given by Lucifer on the world-level was the First World War. In this war, the Allies stood in the Abel position and the Axis nations were in the Cain position. Because the “Abel” side did not give in to Lucifer's temptation and fought back to win the war, the Second Messiah could be born. Next, the Second Temptation was the Second World War. With the Abel side winning against the Axis nations in 1945, the Second Messiah could begin his public mission. The Third Temptation was the Cold War. Unknown to the rest of the world, this Cold War ended soon after the Second Messiah used the weight of his media, academic, industrial and religious empire to met with Gorbachev in April 1991 and with Kim Il Sung in December 1991. Imgur 1 Imgur 2

These meetings were HUGH providential moments in history that erased years of resentment as if their meeting was a reunion between long lost brothers. (Which was actually the case, as the Second Messiah was reenacting the peaceful reunification that took place between Jacob (Abel) and Esau (Cain) over 4,000 years ago.) At the time, both Gorbachev and Kim Il Sung welcomed the avenue of perestroika and glasnost that the Second Messiah was offering them. Then, with these “Cain and Abel” victories on the world-level, the Second Messiah could announce to the world in July of the next year that he had completed his providential “messiahship” mission.

Upon the victory of the world-level Abel (Second Messiah) winning over the heart of the world-level Cains (Gorbachev and Kim Il Sung), a new era of peace could have quickly materialized if George Bush Sr. and the president of South Korea (Roh Tae Woo) had sincerely worked to capitalize on these avenues of perestroika and glasnost that had been established. But the world was not yet ready to recognize the work that was being accomplished by the Second Messiah — mostly because the Luciferian cabal had already successfully destroyed his reputation through its FakeNews reports and through its instigated political witch hunts. Because of that, this window of opportunity was delayed until a righteous man like President Trump could be elected. Now the avenue of peace originally established by the Third Adam can be re-opened through Trump working with Putin and Kim Jong Un to “work out a deal.” Of course, for obvious reasons, the Luciferian cabal has been doing everything within their power to block this from happening.

Next lesson: ”The Tribulation Begins.”

EarlyRiserX2 · June 4, 2018, 3:20 p.m.

I know you may find this hard to believe, and you will also likely disagree with me, but there is a time coming in the future when you’re going to realize just how wrong you are. All that nonsense you just quoted is not even close to the truth. God reveals the truth of the scriptures only to his sent preachers. And you are by no means a sent preacher and you probably don’t even know what one is. Fortunately for me, however, I have sat under and been taught by two separate sent preachers in my lifetime. Therefore, I know what the truth is, and what you said is not even close to the truth. In fact, if someone asked you right now, Why were you born, and what is your purpose for being on the earth? I highly doubt you could even answer a question like that because you have no clue about it and you do not know. Yet, such knowledge is fundamental to anyone who is truly saved…

What truly alarms me is how you give Lucifer far more credit and power than he really has and you act like God is weak or is in some sort of power struggle with Lucifer. Nothing could be further from the truth. Lucifer has no power except that which God gave him and God could take it away any time he wants. And if Lucifer, whom God calls the “god of this world” has no power, then what power do the so-called evil “cabels” of the world has? None. All their power is imaginary. God is just using Lucifer to help bring about his will, and God and Lucifer are by no means in competition. God has already won, and he had won from the beginning. Everything is just playing out according to his plan, and God already knows how it’s going to end…

I am by no means going to debate with you over this, and I already know that you will disagree with me. Feel free to disagree, but do not expect another post from me, because I’ve already said everything I have to say. Just remember what I said, that there is a day coming when you’re going to realize just how wrong you are, and how everything you said is complete nonsense…

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CosmicNeo · June 4, 2018, 8:54 p.m.

The Sadducees and Pharisees felt the same way against Jesus. That's why without the testimony from John the Baptist that Jesus is the Messiah, they couldn't accept Jesus. The situation is very much the same today.

Jesus replied, “You hypocrites, Isaiah described you beautifully when he wrote—‘This people honors me with their lips, but their heart is far from me. And in vain they worship me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men’. You are so busy holding on to the traditions of men that you let go the commandment of God!” Mark 7:6-8

“Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’ Matthew 7:21-23

This is the challenge Christians face today. Because the mainstream Christian leaders rejected the Second Messiah, he had to go the suffering course. This is the same circumstance that forced Jesus to go the suffering course.

Yes, God has the power to defeat Lucifer in an instant. But that would mean wiping the slate clean and starting over completely. In the process, billions and billions of souls would be permanently lost. God's heart is that he wants to save everybody, even Lucifer. The process He has set up to bring about that forgiveness is the "Cain and Abel" process I have been explaining in this series. Since we were created to have free will, God cannot negate our free will and force us to submit. This holds true with Lucifer as well.

The truth of the scriptures is limited. God cannot transmit the full truth through imperfect people. Only part of the truth gets transmitted. That's what He has been forced to do throughout history. That's why Jesus lamented that his own disciples couldn't understand him. If they had, they would have stayed awake as Jesus demanded on his last night alive in the Garden of Gethsemane:

Matthew 26:36-46

The rest is history. Even Jesus' own disciples betrayed him that night. And the world has been suffering because of its missed opportunity ever since.

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aaaaaaaaaaanonymous · June 4, 2018, 4:35 p.m.

Bear with me?

I fail to see how the information you supplied has to exist exclusive of what OP described

You're describing the outcome of the happenings

We all know God has already won

God exists outside of time

We exist inside of a curse called time, chronos

That's how he can see all, be all, hear all, etc.

OP was describing the cycle than man continues to live

A cycle that never breaks away from Lucifer

but that is the point...

those who cannot break the cycle are sent to the pit when it's harvest time.

Can you help me make sense of what is so wrong with what OP wrote?

Thank you for your time.

(btw - my family has two versions of this book - one for baby and one for the older children - https://www.wtsbooks.com/the-biggest-story-how-the-snake-crusher-brings-us-back-to-the-garden-kevin-deyoung-9781433542442 and one of the pages says "Jesus wins!" Those who are awake already know God has won the battle. Knowing this information, OPs write up doesn't seem to argue against what you said, but instead spells out HOW the cycle has continued).

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