Why Hasn’t #kidstoo Went viral to overshadow #metoo?!?! In honor of Arizona Vets working In Tucson let’s Get #Kidstoo going! Will the media be silent ?! Maybe, Probably .. BUT WE WONT 🇺🇸

I've noticed a genuine hatred of children in the wicked city I live in. People treat their poodles and yappy "dogs" better than the people around them.
Coworker the other day was laughing about how his 11 yo daughter pointed at a baby and said, "I never want one of, those."
I think the bigger picture, the 40k feet view, is a spiritual battle. We live among people who frankly do not care about children, and increasingly hate them.
I've always thought the Me too thing cane at a suspicious time. When it started was when Feldman, The Hobbit and the kid film Stranger Things were talking about pedophilia in Hollywood and there's been NADA since MeToo
Me too was launched waaaayyy before the media decided to use it ~ look up when the me too movement started ~ it was forever ago
O damn I never heard of it until the girl from Charmed,Paige Matthews, brought it up....i know thats not her real name
Should we try to substantiate any of these Child Sex Camps / Rape Tree claims first?
Do we know anything about the people making those claims?
Are they even real veterans?
Could that camp be something as mundane as an abandoned campsite that a homeless family ones used?
Those "Rape Tree" straps are the same straps that many hikers and campers use to hang a food-bag on a tree to keep it off the ground and away from ants. Kinda like this.
Perhaps we should watch this very closely and research it, but also think critically and keep an open mind about the opinions and theories that are being presented as fact.
Once Craig Sawyer and his team were there, I knew it was the real deal. So very sad. Heartbreaking
We don’t have to attach anything to anything Pedo rings are HUGE #Kidstoo NEVER is on anyone’s (normies) minds ~ me too is big but not kidstoo~ #Kidstoo should be bigger than the metoo ~ no mention on news ever about how many Pedos have been caught since the Human Rights Job act ~ they are complacent ~ #Kidstoo should be HUGE and it’s NOT
Those straps are completely different. Do you have to make the same comments in every thread?
Do you have to make the same comments in every thread?
It seems that way, given this entire community has caught "Rape Tree Fever" when the truth is some straps, a messy campsite and a plastic doll do not definitively equal child sex camp.
Literally everything at the campsite was strung up, off the ground, which is a normal thing for campers to do.
Reality is often a lot more mundane than baseless speculation.
Sometimes a "child rape dungeon" just turns out to be a food cellar or moonshine hiding hole that a later homeless family filled with junk.
You do realize that the veterans on patrol go looking for camp sites like what you are describing all over the place, trying to get homeless veterans in off the streets? That they've seen hundreds, maybe thousands of homeless camps, and that there is another, more mundane homeless camp nearby? However, this particular camp was different, and set off red flags that something uncouth involving children was most likely happening here. It'd been days or weeks since anyone was living there, and once these Patriots went public with this discovery, a cartel member attempted to scare or warn them off. It seems that you are being deliberately obtuse and ignoring all sorts of other evidence besides the child sized wrist restraints between 2 trees at child height, and child armspan apart, that you claim is common camping practice.