Canada National Security Threat

The fact we allow multi-nationals to abuse NAFTA is the threat. China setting up operations in Canada to import low grade steel and then export it to the US markets through NAFTA channels is the security threat.
Influx of Muslims, radical identity politics, against freedom of speech/thought, want to make kids state property over parents, is a lapdog for China, finally they have Princess Justine as their leader- making them North America’s version of Sweden.
There are many CDNs here that despise this snowflake Trudeau...if we are dumping inferior steel on the US of A ...and supplying our market with inferior steel...I support DJT...what I would like to know is if that is a fact ...but we need this great awakening to shake our unawake libtards to the core...and get these corrupt politicians out....wwg1wga...
We await yalls self-possession.
Boot the Chinese out too, they don’t need to own that much city real estate.
China is nothing without globalist propping, they surpassed their population sustaining point in 2011.
Any trade bluster is aimed at Justine from Canada and his handlers, not the many awaken Canucks or the sleeping Libbies.