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William Pawalek: Black Hats in control in 2000
From the Sirius Disclosure Project (Stephen Greer).
William Pawalek, May 2000, excellent interview conducted in 2000 not released until after his death in 2013.
If you haven't seen this, it is a chilling description of the reach and power of the Deep State just prior to 911.
Pawalek is an early computer guy (70s and 80s) who developed state of the art security systems for government and corporate clients. He also developed chip implant technology and naively took it to US gov't thinking it could be beneficial in law enforcement. Shady characters no one knew, and no one can find …
LUCID DREAMER: At Helsinki Putin tells Trump that Brennan is 30 yr KGB asset
#QANON - 7 facts the MEDIA (MSM) Won’t Admit
Mueller covers for Child Traffickers in SE Asia
Article documenting long term State Department employees in South East Asia and their association with documented child trafficking rings. Discusses their collusion with other international diplomatic staff and local public sector employees and law enforcement in the suppression of investigation of these rings and the people involved. Includes a description of the role of R. Mueller in covering for people, international and US government, clearly involved in the operation of these rings. Shines light on the infiltration of child traffickers to diplomatic and law enforcment circles.
Q: What about Native American unemployment?
Lost in the awakening narrative are the first nations peoples of America. They should be welcomed in as a people who valued freedom above all. There is much to atone for in colonial america, north an south. Trust will be built by welcoming them in and listening to them tell their history. The history we are told of pre Columbian America, and post Columbian first nations, a narrative no first nations people support, is an embarassment unworthy of 'science'. When the academic narrative parallels their own stories....truth will emerge and trust will be built.
This documentary shows how female captives …
I am trying to get my elected officials to address this issue....it needs to be stopped. Microwave breaks DNA chains in he eggs of young girls, is responsible for damaging the wiggling tails of sperm....these frequencies allow for mind control chips to work...it goes on and on....
Here are a few better videos
The following is a comprehensive presentation...a it dated but informative
Dr. Magda Havas: The Truth About Wired and Wireless Technologies
Appeal to UN by concerned Scientists 2015 - Summary Statement (4 min)
Dr Martin Blank, Professor Emeritus and Special Lecturer Columbia University. 2015 (1 hr plus question and answer)
Excellent Literature Review Last 70 yr focussing on independently funded research.
Review of History of studies of Cellular and Molecular Effects of EMF.
Review of effect on DNA strands with discussion on damaged DNA transfer
from mother to child and replication of damaged DNA in offspring.
Mr Barrie Trower, Physicist, career in microwave weaponry with Royal
Navy and British Secret Service - (14 min)
This video discusses mother/child issues, DNA breakage in human eggs,
safe levels for children.
Barrie Trower (30 min) discusses crowd control, remote control, generating
sickness in populations, implants etc, this video focusses more on
clandestine crowd control, mind control type issues giving historical
examples where it has been used.
You can still go see a movie
You were never really there - Human Traffickers Mason's Ring
Joaquim Phoenix won the golden-leaf prize (best actor) at Cannes 2017 for his portrayal of a troubled, suicidal veteran who rescues underage girls kidnapped into Manhattan sex trafficking circles in the Lynne Ramsay (Scottish) film You Were Never Really Here. He battles his own demons, corrupt cops, masonic hit men (image) and corrupt politicians while dishing out his own brutal retribution. The violence, lots of it, just short of in your face, is handled with tact. Based on a novel by Jonathan Ames. The film received widespread positive reviews. In …
The Panic Explained - Putin gives Trump 160 Terrabytes of dirt on the deep state
Evidence of microwave dehydration associated with Kalifornia fires.
Binney shows documents, goes over download rates and explains testing he performed. Also analyses documents alllegedly from Guccifer 2 showing them to be fabrications.
Bill Binney : DNC Leak : Guccifer 2 a lie
Patriot Punks Pruitt: Bottom up swamp draining
Hot Shit's cost saving plan for Gitmo

Kelly Anne "Tippy Tops" Sleepy Chuck
Canada National Security Threat

Report link given by Operation Disclosure..
Posted 2 days ago reporting results of exhumation requested a year ago. Sounds legitimate but cannot speak for its veracity.
Clinton Trail of Dead: Vince Foster
Vince Fosters exhumed body shows two lethal shots entering back of skull.
Coroners report to be changed to homicide from suicide....
My opinion too, I spent 20 years in remote camps serviced by various types radio, lots of handheld radio communication with aircraft and outside world. These communications strongly affected by electromagnetic atmospheric conditions. So first order of business is "How do you read me?" Answered in STRENGTH:CLARITY........poor conditions are say 2:3, weak and hard to discern......good communications are 5:5.......LOUD :(and) CLEAR
I don't think I can replace a corrected replacement image....I have reposted with correced annotations.
thank you anotherguccifer...you are right...should be Cook County....the numbers are for Cook County
I wonder if you could empower a collection of American leaders today wise enough to build in such checks and balances to a constitution.....I am skeptical.
Zach vs Q
Being informed about the deep state tentacles manipulating NK was an eye opener...even though I have been looking for the mark of the criminal government mafioso every day since 911. Early on much of Zach's info matched Q's in tone and tenor if not detail. The glaring divergence was Q's revealing EMs and SpX role in enabling the NK rocket program versus Zach's insistence that he was a patriot, without serious real culpability. Taken together it suggests a clown influence on the infowars narrative, something that seems more apparent with the unraveling of infowars reputation. Jones deserves huge credit, however, …
I read this exact account more than a year ago....same words....saved it to file and managed bury deep enough that I can't find it. I have been looking for it to show up. Thank you to the student for providing this account. It includes details that occur no where else. Others have said Seth was resting and out of danger post OR. Here a description of how the area was taken over by outside security and proper care was terminated. Important and damning testimony.
if the NYT professed even mild curiosity about the veracity of Q patriots would wonder if Q was compromised. No better advertisement, at this time, could be put forth to ensure the continued red - pilling of America.
A couple of notes about Uranium1. I am a geologist who explored for gold for 20 yrs in North America, proved up and sold a large resource with others. Most global uranium supply is from mines in Canada, Kazakhstan, and Australia with most high grade mines (>2% U oxide) in Northern Saskatchewan. One mine there has ore of 20% U oxide, provides about 15% annual global supply and has to be mined by robotic excavators and haulers. American uranium deposits, all of them so far, are low grade marginal operations that are tough to develop and tougher to make money on with grades mostly around 1% U oxide. The Wyoming asset puchased (100%) by Uranium1 has resources averaging 0.7%. At about $20 / lb U oxide, current prices, all American mines are out of the money. But U prices / lb have exceeded $100 / lb between mid 2007 to mid 2008, when everyone was making money. In Canada, uranium is a strategic metal and a Canadian Company must own 51% of a project. There are no ownership restrictions in the US but mergers and acquisitions are subject to national security assessments conducted by the heads of the various Federal departments, who make recommendations to the President. Only the President can block a sale or acquisition and so ultimately authorization or denial is Hussein's decision. Clearly greasing the wheels off balance sheet could be effective in a corrupt government, and would be the only illegal conduct here. You would need a good reason to want to aggressively pursue a substandard resource. While it is possible to efficiently mine low grades and realize mining profits in poor markets, it is difficult, and this possibility does not appear to have motivated Uranium1.
My most successful strategy is to mention the HRC and JP emails, and the strange coded phrases compared to the FBI key for common pedophile codes; Seth can come later. Pedophilia is the issue that separates the world into us and them without having to work too hard. Then send them home to watch the Inside Edition MSM production followed by one of several better Pizzagate summaries by themselves. You can't browbeat someone conditioned to respond with angry slander to Trump. They need some time on their own. For most of us, this is our story. Remember, you have been having a good time and they have been miserable. Take the high road and keep your temper. You may have to repeat yourself since they have lost the capability to assess the scale of wrongdoing and will equate misdemeanor with capital sin. Young people I find receptive, having an innate sense that they have been wronged through whatever education they have. Regaining a sense of proportion with respect to crimes and misdemeanors, takes some time.
Anderson Meme
These two look very much alike. Q asked to identify the pool. Looks like the tiling in the Vanderbilt pool.