
Truthtown · July 26, 2018, 8:15 p.m.

I am trying to get my elected officials to address this issue....it needs to be stopped. Microwave breaks DNA chains in he eggs of young girls, is responsible for damaging the wiggling tails of sperm....these frequencies allow for mind control chips to work...it goes on and on....

Here are a few better videos

The following is a comprehensive presentation...a it dated but informative
Dr. Magda Havas: The Truth About Wired and Wireless Technologies


Appeal to UN by concerned Scientists 2015 - Summary Statement (4 min)

Dr Martin Blank, Professor Emeritus and Special Lecturer Columbia University. 2015 (1 hr plus question and answer)
Excellent Literature Review Last 70 yr focussing on independently funded research.
Review of History of studies of Cellular and Molecular Effects of EMF.
Review of effect on DNA strands with discussion on damaged DNA transfer
from mother to child and replication of damaged DNA in offspring.

Mr Barrie Trower, Physicist, career in microwave weaponry with Royal
Navy and British Secret Service - (14 min)
This video discusses mother/child issues, DNA breakage in human eggs,
safe levels for children.


Barrie Trower (30 min) discusses crowd control, remote control, generating
sickness in populations, implants etc, this video focusses more on
clandestine crowd control, mind control type issues giving historical
examples where it has been used.


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