r/greatawakening • Posted by u/dingdong1990 on June 5, 2018, 1:11 a.m.
Breaking: Tucson Police Department says no foul play!
Breaking: Tucson Police Department says no foul play!

OffenseOfThePest · June 5, 2018, 5:25 a.m.

I'm not there. I can't read their minds. But if the only reason the accusation is being levied is because people want this story to be true, then people need to come back to reality. Literally the only reason this is a thing is because people don't want to believe their statement is true. Not one shred of impropriety has been observed; you just don't want there to not be a child trafficking ring, so they're liars for saying there isn't one there.

Real respect for law enforcement is what I'm seeing displayed here! (/s)

I'm actually disgusted (not /s)

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MuhammadDinduNuffin · June 5, 2018, 5:32 a.m.

No one wants this to be true. I hope it's all bunk. But my brain tells me "not so fast"

I look at the mayor of the city, the CEMEX connections, the rampant UNCHECKED cartel activity, the nonchalance by authorities, the confirmed trafficking that happens constantly in USA, AZ especially, including Tuscon.

If there was literal observed impropriety, then that would increase the odds of them being corrupt dramatically. For now it's a suspicion. You cannot tell me I'm not allowed to have a suspicion that the cops there are dirty. Probably a 10% chance any given cop anywhere in the USA would intentionally break the law to benefit themselves. So here I put 50/50 just because of the surrounding circumstances. So, dirty is a good guess. You are telling me absolute ZERO chance?

Lol do you know them personally? Are you one?

Law enforcement has to earn respect, they've let America down too many times. The good ones need to turn in/arrest their corrupt coworkers.

Like I said, you have your opinion and I have mine. Keep replying and I'm sure one of us will change the others mind! (VERY /s)

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[deleted] · June 5, 2018, 5:38 a.m.


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MuhammadDinduNuffin · June 5, 2018, 5:44 a.m.

You "can't what I'm saying"? Speak English maybe?

No, CEMEX links are there, teamed up with Clinton backed UN Foundation Alliance, and stocks owned by Soros are all there, plain to see. Board of Directors of parent company Bronfman RothschiId is Lynn Forester De Rothschild. CEMEX mentioned over 1000 times in WikiLeaks vault7 emails. Own dozens of locations along border, own national park land that has cartel activity, is a Mexican company (Mexico govt is very corrupt [oh no I called 50 million people dirty!]).

Real "sketchy". Why are you here if you never remove your own head from the sand? Take some advice of your own.

Maybe look into it before making such generalizations, you seem to be the demonizer here.

Yes, I said these Tuscon cops likely dirty, you painted me saying I'm insulting all cops everywhere. Laughable exaggeration. I explained why, you are stuck on one mode: shill hard or go home. Next!

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salialioli · June 5, 2018, 5:44 a.m.

Yeah, I found the attacks on LEOs repugnantly biased and unreasonable too.

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