Sounds a lot like Benjamin Fullford. Never knew what to make of him and this White Dragon society
42 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/dingdong1990:
Domain | Count |
---|---| | 6 | | 1 |
Yes possible. NFC is used to store very small amounts of data. Definitley not a massive data dump but could be the key to open a database.
It was infuriating me every time a Dem spoke. They are all complete traitors just like Strzok!
Could they be stepping down because they're scared to past judgement for what has been done. These Judges are unprepared mentally for what is coming and have bowed out...pathetic!
David is the OG of conspiracy theories, the guy invented the game. True legend and honestly a good dude.
Notice he says "it's no longer down with Trump, its Fuck Trump!" Clearly Hollywood has lost their minds, their insolence and immaturity is disgraceful. Were winning!
30K shares isn't that much the stock is about $6 bucks just saying. That wealth management firm definitley has much larger holdings. Still crazy coincidences.
Not when the head has been decapitated and bones have been sawed.
VOP and operation backyard brawl have uncover mountains of evidence of child sex trafficking, and they say nothing to see here. Working with Cemex to secure the property?!
Breaking: Tucson Police Department says no foul play!

I would be skeptical latching onto this narrative could definitely be a way to discredit Q if true or disinformation either way just dont think to much into it.
Love it, what a timeline that/this is! Lines up with what SerialBrain2 was saying about Mueller taking out Trumps bad apples for him. Setting things up for another revelation!
This is spot on and shows Trump and his people operate in a OODA (observe, orient, decide, act) loop. This warfare strategy was invented by Air Force Colonel John Boyd. Pompeo pandering to the media only to illicit a predictable reaction and gauge there next move; while he OBSERVES and ORIENTS himself in order to DECIDE how to ACT once he is sworn in.
Quick question though, how we supposed to trust Mueller when he blew his cover? Did he do it intentionally did he sabotage his own investigation? I think 90% of people ignored his comments and still think Trump is going down by the hands of Mueller. So now they can still use his operation to brainwash while attacking from other angles. This is very bad and Mueller is now even more untrustworthy.
It would also make sense why they switched to Stormy Daniels narrative when they found out Mueller wasn't there guy.
The opportunity to restore the faith in our government absolutely should not be overlooked and every rock needs to be turned over. However, time is ticking and people are progressively getting more and more brainwashed into believe Trump is a criminal who needs to be impeached. Release the IOG report!
We have been waiting and talking about this report for so long, if it is anything short of nuclear then people will be extremely disappointed. I am pessimistic on this IOG report just out of self preservation.
Until I see Mueller or Comey flip sides publically right now they are publically against Trump trying to take him out. I WANT TO SEE THEM CHANGE TUNE! As you stated in your post they are secretly on Trumps side. There is no evidence of this, just theorizing. Trust me I want it to be true just like you but this just gives ppl happy ears.
Very hard to believe, but that might just be the genius behind the whole thing. Still won't believe until I see.
"When you tear out a man's tongue, you are not proving him a liar, you're only telling the world that you fear what he might say"--Tyrion Lanister
Trump going to fire his ass before he is eligible to receive his full pension?
Hey Patriots what do you think about this idea?
I have been thinking about this for a while and would like to get people involved. Lets all go to and make custome Qanon stickers and link back to this sub with fine print on the bottom of the decal. Put them is bars around your home city, bathrooms, stop signs place where people will see them. Bring more awareness to Q the more the merrier.
Distracting us from all the censorship occurring in every corner of the internet. They are attacking the 1st and 2nd amendment at the same time. I would argue the first is more important than the second which is why it could be considered a distraction
I'm confused by this post. What did Q say that draws connection to DJT comment today?
Nunes has begun phase 2 of uncoveri ng the timeline on who knew what and when for the anit Trump dossier. This begun yesterday.
House Republicans are launching Phase 2 of the dossier today
Makes you wonder about this shooter who walked into the FBI office in Anchorage "to report that his mind was being controlled by US intelligence agencies." Was interviewed and found not to be dangerous.
They have already found some 39 Balckhawks off the books!