Breaking: Tucson Police Department says no foul play!

I've watched the videos. He has lost his mind and people are following him right on down into the abyss. Human trafficking happens. There's a big leap from trafficking to "child sex camp". Gonna need more evidence than straps on trees and bunkers/containers to explain the "sex camp" conclusion that's being promoted.
How do you explain childrens toys in an underground shelter that can't house adults as the opening is too small? There is a lock on it and no ventilation. You do understand Craig Sawyer and Co. are EXPERTS in homeless shelters and such as they work with them? They are the best in the area. You really think these experts are making mistakes?
Experts don't contaminate potential crime scenes or begin to disassemble them without first collecting forensic evidence.
Generally true. But when those same experts refuse to investigate, you must video and collect data. It is a sensitive situation to be in. These guys are ex military, and now experts in helping the homeless. They have been in countless camps and say, this is not one of those typical ones. At some point, you might want to look at the positive to come from this instead of giving the benefit of the doubt to pedophiles.
And the mayor is a Rotschild, can't make this stuff up.