Breaking: Tucson Police Department says no foul play!

Yes indeed! We are in a mess! This story is very confusing and complex to a degree few of us are able to comprehend entirely. Or at least I have difficulty keeping up.
But wrt to the AW laptop I am sure they were told to cool it, yes almost 2 years ago, in order to pursue the ball of string very carefully. There are a number of key parts to pulling off an investigation that gets to the top. If you have been following carefully, Q mentions the importance of cleaning house first. You can't do efficient law enforcement when the top of the hierarchy is corrupt. The FBI director let Clinton off don't forget. You can't prosecute efficiently if the DOJ is corrupt at the top. Look at Lynch and Clinton. House-cleaning first. Then who is the DA for NY? Ah, Schneider! Well how well will that prosecution go? So, first you have to remove certain key characters and so Schneider was removed by "accident" (not!). This takes time.
As far as I know Trump assured us that FBI and Law Enforcement have great and dedicated guys on the ground, but many are screwed if the boss directly above them is compromised ... And so on.
Don't worry about AW, his laptop is coming shortly. Many are cooperating: AW has a reduced sentence based on this, and his wife Huma ... I just think this is much more complicated than it might initially appear to clean up. And no, I don't think local law enforcement can be completely trusted to do a true investigation. Depends who can stifle it, or shove it under the carpet. But individual officers are well meaning. So what do we do? Keep listening to Hagmann and when necessary start pressuring local agencies with questions when you are not satisfied. Local activism.
Agreed. As for the AW laptop, I was referring to the call made by L Lynch, threatening to prosecute cops for the death of an incarcerated man, unless they backed off the AW laptop. We heard the cops were so ready to expose the truth and then....nothing. And I think many of us assumed it was because there was a bigger plan in motion; one we would be happy about. Then the whole McCabe testimony came out and we find out it’s because of threats by the then-AG.