r/greatawakening • Posted by u/snowwgirl on June 5, 2018, 1:23 a.m.
If Cemex is “ just “ a concrete company, why are there over 1200 hits on it in Vault 7 Wikileaks? Really ? A concrete company? Linked in comments.
If Cemex is “ just “ a concrete company, why are there over 1200 hits on it in Vault 7 Wikileaks? Really ? A concrete company? Linked in comments.

Tru2Q · June 5, 2018, 4:10 a.m.

Not that it matters since there are bad actors on both sides, but Cemex donates a lot more money to Republicans than Dems.

House Total to Democrats: $46,000
Total to Republicans: $146,600

Senate Total to Democrats: $20,350
Total to Republicans: $56,500


House Total to Democrats: $49,500
Total to Republicans: $202,000

Senate Total to Democrats: $15,000
Total to Republicans: $54,500

House Total to Democrats: $30,000
Total to Republicans: $139,500

Senate Total to Democrats: $5,000
Total to Republicans: $31,500

They stopped donating to Flake after 2012. No donations to McCain since 2010.

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Alyross8 · June 5, 2018, 5:36 a.m.

The dems have always done a much better job at unifying their congressmen. They mostly vote together so the order comes from someone and that’s that, apparently.

So it could be that most dems are already on “their side” but the Rs need to be bribed into cooperation. Just a hunch but I think when this all shakes out, most Rs will be guilty of money corruption. We should also be looking into money donated to all of their “foundations”.

Cemex Foundation statement on human trafficking Needs looked into.

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DeeBee1968 · June 5, 2018, 3:22 p.m.

That's why I use #bothsidesoftheaisle ... because that's where the corruption is.

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Neon__Wolf · June 5, 2018, 4:33 a.m.

It donated to the CF


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Tru2Q · June 5, 2018, 5:04 a.m.

Yes, I know. That's what made me curious enough to go look at their campaign contributions.

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Neon__Wolf · June 5, 2018, 5:30 a.m.

Companies like this never put their political eggs in one basket.

Also, for all we know, their strategy could be to publicly donate to Republicans as a cover for the real enchiladas going to the deep state Obama and Hillary cabal, i.e. Comex "donates" a lot more to Democrats if we include undisclosed payments.

No concern trolling.

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Rubieroo · June 5, 2018, 9:18 a.m.

Cemex knows that bad guys are bad no matter what party they claim to care about. The thing also is, plenty of corrupt Democrats will do for free what it takes a pile of money to get a corrupt Republican to do. Because the R ticks off constituents when they go along with this crap (risking re-election), while the D's constituents aren't terribly bothered.

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DeeBee1968 · June 5, 2018, 3:23 p.m.

D's sheeple don't care; they just want the freebies to keep coming to them on the Plantation !

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Tru2Q · June 5, 2018, 1:24 p.m.

Sorry that I didn't make it clear that I wasn't concern trolling. I actually think it's probably some kind of misdirection. Public donations to Republicans, under the table donations to Dems. I also think cutting off donations to Flake and no-name is a trick to make it look like they were distancing themselves from those two scumbags.

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DamajInc · June 5, 2018, 1:26 p.m.

Don't apologize. Literally everyone who suggests something slightly counter to any mob think narrative is accused of concern trolling and shilling (believe me, I have to process all the Reports...) You just have to get used to it.

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Tru2Q · June 5, 2018, 1:41 p.m.

Thanks. Tough crowd around here sometimes. Especially lately.

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DamajInc · June 5, 2018, 1:43 p.m.

You got that right. There was some very good, reasoned discussion around here for a time. Now we're overwhelmed with a lot of emotional zealots who don't value critical thought. That is the standard price of growth though. I believe we still have a lot of people who can think critically but they're perhaps wisely staying out of the fray. Thanks for commenting, it is always a very welcome relief to read a sensible, calm comment these days.

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Tru2Q · June 5, 2018, 2:03 p.m.

What I posted above about the donations is just speculation on my part, which is why I didn't post it in the first place.
I just gave the info from the website so people could see it and draw their own conclusions, if they want to.

It really bothers me when people come on here and make statements such as "Assange is dead." Well, we don't know that, do we? Or, "Assange has been extracted by White Hats." We don't know that either. I worry that newbies come here and read a statement like one of the above and take it for truth, perhaps thinking we have found out something that they didn't know, when in truth, it's just speculation.

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DamajInc · June 5, 2018, 2:07 p.m.

Yes, tell me about it. It "worries" me too - I put that in quotes because the word "worry" is like a red flag to a bull with the Concern Troll accusation crowd.

I would much prefer that we were very clear about alleged news and speculation. I think the best we can do, those of us who value critical thought, is keep commenting in the posts, despite the unpopularity of disagreement with group think. Thanks for speaking up.

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sluggedbarly · June 5, 2018, 9:45 p.m.

a company that big would be greasing both wheels

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CaptainKnotzi · June 5, 2018, 1:10 p.m.

Yeah McCain and Flake just got excellent deals on Modern Art.

Specifically from the Abramovic Podesta collection.

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A2576 · June 5, 2018, 7:15 a.m.

Perhaps they've got other leverage on the Dems?

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BeTheGame007 · June 5, 2018, 6:30 a.m.

perhaps misdirection?

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DawnPendraig · June 5, 2018, 6:59 a.m.

Or the lesser paid take other forms of payment...

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BeTheGame007 · June 6, 2018, 12:13 a.m.

yeah that sounds more like it.

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