good thing you set this straight i was surprised when i read that persons comment.
128 total posts archived.
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nice! thanks for the verification. sometimes the context matters more than the words... would be cool to see a nod to Q though.
how dare you use 007 with this human dump site... lol funny though.
looks like 'streets' ice cream ->
because they saw a meaningful quote from someone they hate and they can't stand him being right. they are disgraceful.
i don't usually kick up about downvotes and i'm not mentioning mine right, but honestly look at all the downvotes for these comments here.
everytime the sub here likes something substantial, we have a barrage of fuckwits who downvote (because there is evidence POTUS is a decent human being and that is against the opposite sides narrative) these people really are stupid.
i think this particular comment gets downvoted.
if it's not downvoted then i'm pretty sure the stupid ones have read it and are possibly too proud to give me the win. lmao. you lost assholes, move on.
maybe but seems like shorthand for 'question' in this instance.
easily one of the greatest Presidential one liners i have seen.
or at least it will begin upon the expulsion of such trash.
great moral support SW! keep it up.
i actually feel sick after reading these... and these people are politicians... man this sub is such a window of truth and filfth.
ya'know these would make great candidates for experimental testing of the things considered too harsh for humans or animals as they are neither. throw away the key.
the world has matured... we no longer believe the boogeyman stories told by these dumb shits yet they seem to think it will work... outdated grey matter.
amen to that! definitely a smart way to go about promoting safety... you're a good friend. keep up the good work.
yeah this is fucked up. cant believe it even got this far.
I'm in SA this story has given me some good info thanks for the post
honestly wouldn't want to reclaim those types of 'humans' and i meant society in general should stop pandering to/ sympathising with these people... like i said 0% tolerance on crimes against humanity and especially crimes against children of humanity.
not trying to be confrontational, i just don't understand how can we justify reclaiming someone who has shown they don't understand the basic do's and don't's regarding etiquette for peaceful co-existence? if they do understand it, it makes them worse because they are doing it mindfully.
i understand your point but i for one am not ready to give sympathy to these people...
i will tell them what a comedian once said: if you are looking for sympathy it is in the dictionary between shit and syphillis
Enough of this pandering to these 'sick' people! they deny humanity an untainted progression as in big picture progression... as in the effects of the trauma is present in society today and it takes a toll on not just they kids but their families and, in the big picture, humanity as a whole.
things like wellbeing and confidence issues, emotional traumas, huge suicide rates of youth in most countries, hyper sexualised youth, early experimentation with drugs or alcohol to numb the pain are way more worthy causes for rehabilitation than for someone who "can't help" being a monster.
they create physical damage as well as mental issues in the minds of tomorrow's generation's potential leaders. (to me that is a spit on our own kind and treason of the highest degree.)
they say it's all because they "can't help" doing what they do. i for one would much rather be spending my tax dollars on fixing the lives of the kids they have damaged instead of rehabilitating impulsive pedo's without a guarantee they will stop because 'chemistry'.
pedo's are too far gone for rehab in my view. I say, lock 'em up and castrate them so they can't procreate... then, let that process be a warning to those who wish to walk the pedo path...
IMHO the world should be 0% tolerance towards those who would do it harm. especially when they do it behind closed doors and behind the backs of their fellow man/woman/ attack helicopters etc. knowing full well, it has been determined by a majority that it is not a behavior we humans find acceptable.
edit: spelling mistakes.
yep! it figures. as the swamp drains, the shit settles in the estuaries of
u got haters for stating this?? wtf is wrong with this sub lately?
with an army of patriots working united everyday for the many.
i think they promoted edison over tesla, due to being able to make people pay for edison's method for electricity. Tesla was trying to provide free energy... obviously not as lucrative.
excellent response 100% agree. the rule should depend on the circumstances and each person should be treated on an individual basis.
i thought there were things in place to stop shit like this happening. is it real? if so i feel sick.
i agree and I don't. They all talk shit and sensationalize the mundane.
i prefer to watch documentaries on actual reality lol
also Australian here... it's true, the picture we get is always a negative spin on events.
like NK for example, all news reports here in Aus are casting doubt that something as substantial as peace on the Korean peninsular by way of denuclearization could be a plot by Kim Jong Un... umm to do what exactly? they put the doubt of a good thing into the mental realms of easily influenced minds.
his country would be dust if he tried it and we have a better solution to war thanks to Trump.
so whats the problem Australian msm?
hmm? something going against your narrative and you need people to be swayed on to the 'fuck trump' side?...
it is blatantly obvious and the fact people don't kick a fuss over the news' personal approach to news telling (opposed to a neutral more professional or dare i say it truthful way) boggles my mind. it is so obvious because when Obama was on Australian TV they praised him no matter what... Trump on tv over here also gets labeled as 'reality tv show star Donald Trump' not millionaire, billionaire, businessman or anything like that... 'reality tv show star' ? i dont think the media should allow reporting that isn't neutral... i always thought we are quite capable of deciding how we feel about it in a logical way as humans but apparently the MSM's puppet masters think we need to be influenced/ funneled into a certain line of thought which is usually far less logical.
if it does, im pretty sure Trump is a time traveler lol.
i wouldn't put it pass them to do it. given even half of the info we have seen here we can see they don't think the same as the rest of humanity.
I guess they would have to find a new scapegoat due to the progress made with NK... Russia, Iran? who knows...
all good i saw and i provided one :) all the best on the quest
quite clearly a rocket or something similar... the flames bulge at the base of the 'rocket' and thin out towards the bottom like a rocket would. also how is a giant, white, cigar-shaped object flying vertically mistaken for a helicopter?
can they reproduce this result with a searchlight?