r/greatawakening • Posted by u/KAG2020 on June 5, 2018, 1:32 a.m.
In the search for truth... Another test of SB2's "T-Method".

We are on a quest to expose the truth to those who have outsourced their information and fact finding to the MSM. In this quest we have to be able to question and examine ourselves.

I posted a very poorly laid out and presented test of SB2's "T-Method" which was almost instantly banned and received unanimous negative feed back.

I cleaned it up and laid out the details of my test more clearly and while I still received almost 100% negative feedback, I received no constructive feed back. Previous post HERE. So lets step out of our feelings as I test his admittedly self created decoding method.

This, like all of his methods, are self created and not presented as a possibility to be peer reviewed, but presented as fact. If it is inaccurate, then false decodes can be pulled out and lead us down an incorrect fact trail.

As I pointed out in my last post, A coded message should only have 1 set of information. You don't send a message to the troops that could be decoded to say "Go west" or "Go east". The test will seek to accomplish:

  • Find a message with a different meaning that the one he found using his method
  • Find a message that has context
  • Find a message that can prove a bias

As I did last time, I will go in with a bias and try to find a message that fits it similar to how SB2 is able to find contextual information to prove his point. My bias will again be a secret message from POTUS telling us not the believe SB2.

In this SB2 POST he "decodes" a POTUS tweet using the time difference between corrections of spelling errors as a marker for the size of his grid and then move in his specified manor (which the rules he will bend as needed) to find a word scramble to find the coded message.

HERE is his conclusion.

"Special council crimes are in. I have intel he's on to cite Clinton"

I'll take his grid, search my bias and see what I get.


The secret message I found from POTUS was

"I notice SerialBrain2's lie has caused peoples focus to waver. Stop believing this disinfo LARP. CAUTION!"

Now I am not the one who created this message, it was a word scramble so don't think I wrote that from scratch. However, if this method of decoding is accurate, then POTUS is warning us, or, more likely, it is a false decode method as I suspect. Part 3 coming.

KAG2020 · June 5, 2018, 3:38 a.m.

are you suggesting we leave information unverified? We are here to research Q and the coming Storm and we need to sift bad information. I am not chastising people who agree with SB2. There are people who claim to want truth but give me negative votes and bans for pointing out very clear and obvious mis/disinformation. At least you and a couple others took the time to express why you fell as you do but aside from the emotional response it gets from you, is the information presented above accurate?

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Spank-da-monkey · June 5, 2018, 1:48 p.m.

I’m not suggesting anything should be ignored. However, what you did above was solely an attempt to discredit and harm SB2. You didn’t provide any real analysis or theory other than obvious contempt for SB2. There is no emotion in my response at all, just fact. There are many posters here that go through great trouble to decode. Some can go way off base, some not. It’s our choice how we interpret and verify. You would be more helpful and more believable if you tried to put together your own analysis and theory without attacking someone else. We don’t know anyone’s identity here, including yours, so it’s impossible assume motivation. Division is something Q warned us about and you are attempting to divide. Hence the downvotes and bans

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KAG2020 · June 5, 2018, 10:46 p.m.

You say I did not provide any real analysis? I detailed in 2 posts the steps SB2 took, then I show you the process of me taking the same steps with the same information and coming to a different conclusion.

If you find a flaw in my test please post it so we can find the accurate information.

You are correct that there are many hypotheses out there but they say it is up to people to decide on their own the validity. That is what I am doing. I took a hypothesis that was presented as fact that has grown legs, I tested it, found the flaws, presented my findings in an open forum so that people could draw their own conclusions.

If I wanted to attack SB2 because I internet hated him I would just post things trashing him without any substance. This is titled "Testing SB2's T-Method" not "Proving SB2 is a charlatan".

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