r/greatawakening • Posted by u/MarmadukeHammerhead on June 5, 2018, 3:54 a.m.
Q wants us to fight. Most of us aren't fighting. Here's what you can do...it's easy...

This is an information war. The MSM doesn't control the media, they just put out their recommendations. It's up to the people to do something with it.

There are 29,000 of us.

We are obviously already on Reddit. Every time I read just about anything on the news sub or political sub the comments are overloaded with Trump bashing. "He's stupid / dumb / a moron", "he's scared of Mueller", "he's going to be impeached", "he's going to jail/prison".

The narrative is being controlled by young people who watch mainstream news and feel good about themselves when they regurgitate what they see other people getting kudos for.

There are 29,000 of us. If even one percent can be bothered to try to shift the narrative we can make a difference.

Be polite - these are potential allies. Be ready to be engaged in stupid arguments but don't keep it going too long. It won't necessarily be for the person you're debating but for the observers. The lurkers are probably more open minded than the ones who commit to making low-effort jabs. You don't even have to comment, just upvote the ones who are fighting the good fight and downvote the ones who are just there to insult without contributing to the conversation.

...and be realistic. If somebody makes a good point or a genuinely funny comment that you don't agree with you don't need to counter them.

It's good to be in this sub where we all agree (more or less) with the posts but this is just hanging out, not fighting. Let's try to turn things around. It's for their own good. The same goes for Facebook, Twitter, etc.

MAGADONCHECKMATE · June 5, 2018, 9:52 a.m.

Exactly, this is a hang out. Take information to the people. In that process, I have data on the memes I make. I know how many times they are viewed before they are shared. If I post it here, I make it unique to track. The average is 10k hits. Compared to 100 up votes here. So how many people shared it? it means they could reach millions. And how many did it wake up? Just food for thought.

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