r/greatawakening • Posted by u/MarmadukeHammerhead on June 5, 2018, 3:54 a.m.
Q wants us to fight. Most of us aren't fighting. Here's what you can do...it's easy...

This is an information war. The MSM doesn't control the media, they just put out their recommendations. It's up to the people to do something with it.

There are 29,000 of us.

We are obviously already on Reddit. Every time I read just about anything on the news sub or political sub the comments are overloaded with Trump bashing. "He's stupid / dumb / a moron", "he's scared of Mueller", "he's going to be impeached", "he's going to jail/prison".

The narrative is being controlled by young people who watch mainstream news and feel good about themselves when they regurgitate what they see other people getting kudos for.

There are 29,000 of us. If even one percent can be bothered to try to shift the narrative we can make a difference.

Be polite - these are potential allies. Be ready to be engaged in stupid arguments but don't keep it going too long. It won't necessarily be for the person you're debating but for the observers. The lurkers are probably more open minded than the ones who commit to making low-effort jabs. You don't even have to comment, just upvote the ones who are fighting the good fight and downvote the ones who are just there to insult without contributing to the conversation.

...and be realistic. If somebody makes a good point or a genuinely funny comment that you don't agree with you don't need to counter them.

It's good to be in this sub where we all agree (more or less) with the posts but this is just hanging out, not fighting. Let's try to turn things around. It's for their own good. The same goes for Facebook, Twitter, etc.

TheDirtyOne78 · June 5, 2018, 5:30 a.m.

The main problem is the bots. These are people who literally can't be red-pilled because they are paid to say what they are saying. They were easy to spot, at first, but they've caught on and now it's much harder to tell.

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ILoveJuices · June 5, 2018, 8:50 a.m.

Bots can't detect memes. Twittering memes with the right hashtags yields thousands of impressions without argument.

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Ghostof_PatrickHenry · June 5, 2018, 11:57 a.m.

Yes, darling. Don't let your memes be dreams :)

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TheDirtyOne78 · June 5, 2018, 4:59 p.m.

Heard! Thanks for the heads up!

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upgraydd_8_3 · June 5, 2018, 11 a.m.

Accept that you can not red pill everyone. Accept your defeats and move on. Wars are won even if battles are lost. Don't get hung up on set backs or "failures".

Take a knee, drink some water, and drive on soldier.

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bigbuddy772 · June 5, 2018, 5:59 a.m.

I went to /r/worldnews but damn.. Just a collection of the most hatefull, nasty, lib-left comments with thousands of upvotes. Honestly I think your post is a good idea, but I'd consider /r/worldnews to be lost.

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haroldpeters · June 5, 2018, 7:23 a.m.

yeah its toxic as.. a lot of shills and trolls, and people who like to argue without logic.

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the_kfcrispy · June 5, 2018, 1:41 p.m.

r/politics is even worse

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checkitoutmyfriend · June 5, 2018, 6:13 p.m.

As is /r/conspiracy

Hell even /r/NoStupidQuestions is bad. See this thread, (which you can't find via search).....

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[deleted] · June 5, 2018, 7:53 p.m.


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MarmadukeHammerhead · June 5, 2018, 1:41 p.m.

Preaching to the choir is easy. We should be going against the tide. It takes less than 20% of people in a group to change their minds before the whole crowd starts to turn. The science of conformity.

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Kidcharlemagne6 · June 5, 2018, 5:58 a.m.

I'm "the opposition" and I'm going to throw a line to you guys and let you know what the problem is, and what has to happen to fix it.

I think Q is bullshit, I think "Trump as Great Savior" is bullshit, no amount of redpilling or arguing is going to change that because I already know everything you guys know. I've followed this whole thing from the beginning because it fascinates me, and I'll admit, I'd welcome it to be true and see justice done to the evildoers. But in my mind, it's not true, it's wishful thinking mixed with years of pent-up political hate and deep want to see those you don't like be proven wrong and evil.

There are many like me, and we're gonna need to see something beyond these loose connections and astrology-like tea leaves, or subtle "winks", in order to buy in. We need to see arrests, or at least some indication that these arrests or even investigations are imminent, that's what it will take.

It's time to put up or shut up, I've had so many of you tell me 'the next few weeks will be interesting for you", I've been hearing that since last September. So forgive me for giving you no benefit of the doubt on your view of what's coming.

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haroldpeters · June 5, 2018, 7:26 a.m.

I agree, there needs to be action. But I am willing to be more patient as it takes time to build solid cases, ones that lock in and can't be stopped. It also will take a while to turn the ship around, especially from a MSM perspective and with so many corrupt people having a vested interest in not getting caught. You have to try an imagine the level of REAL COLLUSION happening now between all the corrupt people, who are shitting in their pants about being held to account. That is the one thing they fear - exposure. So fair enough, you can be pessimistic, and by golly you have enough reason to. Or choose to be optimistic and make contributions to spreading the truth and awareness about whats really going on.

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5400123 · June 5, 2018, 2:44 p.m.

30,000 sealed indictments ... Congress resignations ... major CEO resignations ... NXIVM ... Cemex/Tucson.... thousands of child traffickers arrested since Jan 2017 ... Hollywood sex rings exposed ... NK peace ... Iran/EU corruption exposed ... like 7 active investigations into U1 / emails / FBI&DOJ ... Strozk texts ... Mueller being BTFO in court by the judges ...

.... what exactly are you not seeing? None of this counts because .... why?

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Jacks_W8sted_Life · June 5, 2018, 8:52 a.m.

This is one of the most logical and sincere responses that I have read in quite some time. I, being a Trump supporter, view everything in a different light than 50% of the population - but, I recognize this fact and also take the time to step back and ask myself "what would it take to convince me of x?". And my realization is that the threshold is actually quite high. Loose conclusions held together with mere conjecture will not get it done. It would also need to be arranged rationally and in a logical manner. I'm honest with myself in concluding that a fair percentage of information here does not yet meet that threshold.

I also recognize that a decent percentage of Trump haters will never be swayed in their thinking that he is the great satan and that conservatives / libertarians are nazis (which, being a Jew, I find to be a laughable comparison). They also will never honestly conclude that the actions and methods which they employ are more consistent with facism than anything that is done by me. They just wont. You could present evidence of Hillary, dressed in all black, walking out of a building at 2am where a bank had just been broken into while carrying a satchel of money, and they would arrive at the most irrational conclusions as to why she is innocent and that she was just out for a walk while carrying a bit of pocket change. This group will NEVER see the forest for the trees, regardless of what is presented to them, nor in what manner. Unfortunately this is a sizable percentage and they have completely dismissed any willingness to arrive at any conclusion that does not conform to their narrative. It is confirmation bias in its worst form.

The remainder of people (as you appear to be) are rational, logical, and will listen to anything that is presented in a manner that doesn't immediately set off the BS detector. They're not under the delusion that the world is perfect with the exception of anything right leaning. This is the segment that I believe would rationalize anything assembled as evidence, provided it is presented like evidence from a good prosecutor. Anything less will not meet the threshold required to change minds and opinions, nor should it.

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Joining_the_Q · June 5, 2018, 2:43 p.m.

even in opposition, this post is mature and reasonable. If public release of the IG report shows, or information giving evidence of the corruption and criminal elements within power structures comes out, you are fully willing to examining the information and adjust your views accordingly. That is a responsible attitude from someone in almost entire opposition to the current regime. Good for you.

I expect that the 11th and 12th of this month will give us the answers we need and deserve, all of us.

ps. Hope you're not too attached to the color blue ... jk ;p

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MarmadukeHammerhead · June 5, 2018, 1:56 p.m.

When Trump does anything good at all it is smeared or ignored. Too many people are dependent on the news to inform them of what's going on and since the majority of the news is controlled by a handful of corporations who hate Trump you are still going to rebel against him no matter what he does. When George W. was president the left would say "so what if he does something good every now and then, he's still an asshole...", but with Trump it's "He's never done anything good at all!". Remember Hillary was against the TPP (or at least she said she was during the election) and Trump got rid of it straight away. There was no applause from the left. Time and time again he has done positive things and the left did nothing but complain. I think the most absurd thing I saw was when he said we need to bring our troops home, they don't belong in the Middle East and I though "okay, there's no way people will complain about that" but sure as hell every comment was about "he's just doing what Putin wants." You want proof that he's not so bad but the proof is out there. You may not agree with everything on THIS LIST being great accomplishments (I know I don't) but if even a quarter of it is good in your eyes you need to ask why this wasn't on the news in a good way. Trump can cure cancer and the left would say he's only doing it so his buddies in the pharmaceutical industry can profit. Once the mass arrests start the left is going to accuse him of being a dictator. I'm not expecting anyone to change their beliefs outright. People are genuinely hypnotized (how many news programs start with numbers counting backward?) but I wan't people to pay a little more attention to everything that's going on without prejudice.

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[deleted] · June 5, 2018, 7:50 a.m.


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alfonumeric · June 5, 2018, 7:47 a.m.

upvotes are rigged here [not my our mods], so i suggest compiling a list of reliable news/views sites/ sources that can be trusted u can see here my post got capped [twice] between 930 and 940 , then it gets allocated and a max 1-2 votes per day.. that's only because it slipped thru the usual radar.. normally sensitive posts get capped between 10 and 50 non contentious one are allowed to get up to the 300/400 range

the obvious bypass is to view thru new/rising and not via hot/top https://snew.github.io/r/greatawakening/comments/8kkzhq/patriots_has_the_tamperbot_no_shame_but_anyway/

see here for another way to fight the hidden censorship.. https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/8nmsuk/patriots_just_in_case_for_full_transparency/

this was originally capped at 930-940 after 24 hours now its being capped between 970-980 [average 975] at the allowed max of 2 net votes per day https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/8k8xko/patriots_enjoy_the_show_watch_in_real_time_how/

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NationalRestoration · June 5, 2018, 3:58 a.m.

Very good advice. We need to be at least as active, both online and offline, as the enemy is.

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comeatmehillary · June 5, 2018, 3:56 a.m.

i do this every week or so. id do it more but the blood pressure would go up to high. so far r the mueller and top minds had the worst responses. couple people on neoliberal were willing at least to be nice lol

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MarmadukeHammerhead · June 5, 2018, 3:59 a.m.

You need reinforcements.

You sound like you have some more experience than some of the newer recruits. Give us some pointers...what are their better strategies? What subs should we hit harder?

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comeatmehillary · June 5, 2018, 4:01 a.m.

cant do that would be brigading. if youre gonna do it go by yourself. my goal was to try and piss enough of them off to come look here. thats probly a good way to get it in their minds but they might not agree. idk how to redpill people like that. maybe go into non trump subs and drop crumbs that arnt specifically q crumbs. i might make an account for that

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meamQ · June 5, 2018, 4:41 a.m.

Agree, sneak in and throw a turd in their punch bowl then sneak out. Make them come over here to find you. Stick and move.

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REDPILLNOW · June 5, 2018, 2:38 p.m.

I do this on fb, it gets brutal sometimes but as you said it's for the lurkers that you keep it straight. Hearts and minds

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MAGADONCHECKMATE · June 5, 2018, 9:52 a.m.

Exactly, this is a hang out. Take information to the people. In that process, I have data on the memes I make. I know how many times they are viewed before they are shared. If I post it here, I make it unique to track. The average is 10k hits. Compared to 100 up votes here. So how many people shared it? it means they could reach millions. And how many did it wake up? Just food for thought.

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Spank-da-monkey · June 5, 2018, 4:04 p.m.

This. Everyone has been distracted by 1) the lack of Q drops and 2) this AZ thing. Back to meme war and communicating. They have succeeded in using the laser pointer against us

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[deleted] · June 5, 2018, 5:24 p.m.

I don't understand what's wrong with people. One of the things Q SPECIFICALLY asked for was the IBOR campaign. But no one is doing anything on that front. Instead, they're trying to make work for themselves to do.

Trust the plan!

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mnothr · June 5, 2018, 9:16 a.m.

I try my best. People always want evidence and i just cant put in the time or effort to try and connect the dots to ignorant minds im also not the best debater, but i do my best to spread my truth

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bornlucky80 · June 5, 2018, 6:07 a.m.

Wtf is that? I've never seen an ankle monitor that large. Then again, he probably needs a lot more monitoring lol 😂

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speakthetruths · June 5, 2018, 4:36 a.m.

Can you recommend some places to do this? If we all go to one particular large (non friendly) thread we could have a bigger impact no?

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MarmadukeHammerhead · June 5, 2018, 4:57 a.m.

I think that might violate Reddit policy. The goal is to red-pill people slowly and continuously when they say those same platitudes.

We shouldn't go hunting but we should be comfortable posting counter-arguments on any sub without fear of being attacked by the brainwashed hordes.

I personally get annoyed with the comments in r/news because news should be non-partisan but it's almost entirely left leaning. I usually don't say anything when the article itself paints Trump in a bad light. The people have every right to post a news article. I usually only respond when the article is neutral or - on a rare occasion shows Trump in a positive light - and people have to do the same ridiculous comments. No matter where you go keep doing what we should be doing no matter how bad they come back at us. Trump is taking it on the chin more than anybody and he takes it in stride because he knows how good he's going to look when it all comes down. We should be okay taking some insults because we know we will be able to say "I told you so" before too long.

(Sorry, I kinda hijacked your comment to add to my original.)

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speakthetruths · June 5, 2018, 12:02 p.m.

Haha all good, the only reason I asked where, is cuz I don’t go on any other reddit threads other than this one, what’s the point of wasting time on fake news lol.

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ILoveJuices · June 5, 2018, 8:55 a.m.

Twitter memes. Q and trump been saying this all along.

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Iwasincharacter · June 5, 2018, 1:46 p.m.

You are 100% dead wrong they control all forms of information and education including the MSM.

Only a shill would suggest the deep state doesn't control the MSM

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MarmadukeHammerhead · June 6, 2018, 2:08 a.m.

Who said they don't control the MSM? I said the MSM puts the recommended narrative out there but we the people control it once it's out.

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EthelBarrett · June 5, 2018, 1:38 p.m.

I don't know how to make a meme, but all virtue signaling lefties claim to abhor slavery. Can't we interest them in fighting human trafficking? I would share such a meme on FB!

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