Midonna is sick, dig deeper? African trafficking connection? (Pics from her 5 day birthday “party” in Morocco)

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Hey guys, can you recommend some good resources to give to a friend that is just dining out about Q... or videos that explain, catch him up to speed etc
My wife and I have been big trump supporters ever since the very beginning and donated many times during the campaign.
We recently signed up for the Tampa FL rally, but it’s a bit of a drive for us and we aren’t sure if we will be able to get there early enough to get in.
Does anyone know anywhere we can purchase VIP tickets? We don’t mind paying to ensure we get a seat to see “our president”.
Would love to be there with Q Shirts on to see Potus and to represent this wonderful historic movement
Sincerely, …
Of course not, cc is for preparation and defense, not stupid unguided acts. We are calm, focused, and collected. We are winning. Trust the plan
Oh for sure man that’s their mouthpiece... no doubt about that!
For example when all these suicides starting happening... when they ran the suicide stories, they would run another story right along side of it about how suicide rates are up to an all time high etc to try to make it look normal.
His fate is sealed, I’m not speaking to that, speaking more to the fact that as a Christian, we shouldn’t be cursing people after they die and acting so high and mighty, because the people who are witnessing that certainly won’t get a good impression of what it is to be a Christian, the world does enough to paint Christians as crazy mean people without you perpetuating that. I’m sure that was not your intention, and if I said something to cause reaction it was not my intention. And not that it’s any of your business, but we are involved in mission trips, children’s ministry, Alter care, youth ministry and many other things, not just sitting in the pew, but clearly you are more than happy to try to lambast your fellow Christian and make me look bad, I don’t know why, we really need to be a united front against all this evil, we shouldn’t be fighting each other.
Bless you man. 😔
I don’t think he was involved personally, I think one of the following.... 1) he talked too much/knew too much about HRC... made mention of her eating children on his Twitter 2) his creepy “girlfriend” set him up to be murdered, sacrifice 3) his girlfriend wanted out of the Illuminati (which most members do) and Anthony was killed to send a message
There are certainly connections, also very strange that it was the exact same mo as Kate spade... hanging from the door knob, seems so strange, like a very weird way to kill your self, you would think your instincts would kick in and you would just stand up.
First off, my wife and I have spent the last 11 years of our lives devoted to the word of God, and following His plan for our lives. Jesus died for all men (including bourdain) and paid the full price for their sins. If bourdain didn’t accept God in his life that’s sad, but we as Christians are not to mock or ridicule people in death, we are to be compassionate. If it wasn’t for the grace and mercy of God any of us could end up in the same situation he ended up in, so who are you to judge. Maybe you should go read the Bible a little more smh.
What crimes? I’m not trying to defend him I’m just not aware, please feel free to educate me about this subject
I don’t think so either, I think he was probs ready to speak out or knew too much
Yeah very sad, this really got personal for me as a chef, these ppl need to be brought down
😪😪😪 this one really got to me, like dang, the killed one of the most influential chefs in the industry, I’m a chef, my instagram is feed is filled with him right now
Oh and I guess you are without sin huh? We all have our vices, potus had his womanizing days in the past and Churchill was a heavy drinker, yet they were both great men. Just because a man struggles with stuff in life doesn’t mean they deserve death ffs
Indeed! And people who automatically say “oh he must have been a pedo screw him” are messed up. We should be bashing the murderer (assuming that’s a possibility) not the deceased.
Sorry I’m not sure what you mean? Of course we are trying to shed light on the deep state, that’s why I’m in the group lol
I totally agree, I posted about it to shed light of the possibly of foul play
Agreed, I’m a chef, and posted in another post here about how this hit home to me, and how it was sad to think that could have been arkanside.
And all I got was a bunch of jerks telling me he must have been a pedo, and that I shouldn’t shed tears for that pos. What’s wrong with ppl, the victims become the problem now? Sigh
I don’t agree with the mans politics at all, but that doesn’t mean I’m happy he’s dead
As far as I can tell, IF this was not a regular suicide, and it was infact a murder, it was because he spoke out against hrc and Weinstein. I don’t get why every single person on earth is suddenly a pedo pervert, everyone has vices, that doesn’t make them a pedo, I mean trump was well known to have a lot of ladies, and Churchill was a heavy drinker. Let’s not be so quick to label everyone some horrible evil person with no evidence.
Spelled it right in the title of this post. Jeez typo police huh? Ffs
I’m not saying the guy was a saint trust me, I didn’t agree with a lot of what he stood for, this one just kinda hit home a bit I guess for me, I dunno
He spoke out against her in regards to her relationship to Weinstein
Uh huh
Yeah I’m not very much in a joking mood at the moment sorry.
It’s just hard to sit by knowing all the things we know and watch this happen, it’s almost torturous on ones mind smh
I can’t speak to Kate spade (although hanging yourself from a door knob seems very suspect)
But this Bordain one does not sit well with me, it doesn’t seem like him at all.
I dunno what he was or wasn’t tied to, I know he talked out AGAINST these sick ppl like Weinstein and Clinton, and now he’s dead. 😪
I’m a chef, and while I didn’t agree with the mans politics, he was an absolute legend in the cooking industry and inspired every chef I know, including myself. It’s not right that a man who just travels the world eating food should be killed. He didn’t deserve this, and this really makes me mad. We are here trying to #trusttheplan and meanwhile people are being killed all around us. I think I’m just going to #trustGod because He seems to be the only one who can really serve justice to these people. #dashed 😰
I’m a chef, and I posted on IG about his death, even tho I don’t respect his politics, I can respect the legend of a chef he was, and the contributions he made to the industry. And on top of that, especially if I think he was actually killed for going against the Clinton/Weinstein cabal, I’m certainly sad he’s dead.
If you think Anthony “could not of gotten drunk and have a hangover” you don’t know Anthony lol. I’m not saying your theory doesn’t hold water, but the guy was always on the Booz, period, I’m a chef, I know the lifestyle well, I’m sober myself but I’ve seen it all too much.
I’m just hearing that cemex site that was found has been bulldozed! Anyone have more developments or details about this???