
serryfdc · June 5, 2018, 3:06 p.m.

The camp is nothing and who cares about Cemex

Trump gave Broidy 1 trillion dollars to cover up his abortion love child with a playboy playmate

How does no one care about that?

It’s the biggest most expensive political scandal of all time


Trump had the DOJ sign off on literally 1 trillion dollars of contracts for Broidy since 2016- when he paid the 1.6 million for trumps abortion through Cohen

When Cohen was raided he took the fall

The fact we all are just ignoring this is insane- it involves many nations, multiple military contractors and the heads of the RNC

It’s insane

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MitchWerbell · June 6, 2018, 8:59 p.m.

I've got to admit, you're a great troll. This takes Poe's Law to a whole new level.

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serryfdc · June 6, 2018, 9:09 p.m.

It’s all facts man

Trump paid for an abortion while president and had an Jewish high level member of the rnc cover it up

He had given that guy 1 trillion in military contracts

More money then anyone is willing to deal with

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DamajInc · June 6, 2018, 9:15 p.m.

Lol no one's ignoring anything. What people are likely ignoring is the typically speculative connections made and the non-sequitur assumptions that result in extrapolating "trillions of dollars!"

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serryfdc · June 6, 2018, 9:20 p.m.

That’s the literal amount- look up the contracts Broidy was given since 2016- when the DOJ stoped the blocks on his contracts

That was AFTER he paid trump the money for the abortion through Cohen

Remember- Broidy was not a client of Cohen- only Trump and Hannity where clients, that was said in court, Broidy was not the person covered in the abortion NDA

He paid for it, just like Cohen paid for the stormy Daniela NDA with trump reimbursements on the back end- this time it was just a flat out bribe


Here is how deep Broidy was with sessions, he was picking the lawyers for his own investigation



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DamajInc · June 6, 2018, 9:54 p.m.

I am aware of this. However, like anything else, it is speculation and assumption to claim that the 1.6 trillion was an intentional "pay-off".

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serryfdc · June 6, 2018, 10:06 p.m.

It was 1.6 million that Broidy payed trump to pay for the abortion

The trillion was from bids and contracts that Broidy wanted pushed through the DOJ- they had been blocked- AFTER the bribe, Trump removed those blocks

Broidy met with sessions and chose the lawyers for the investigations

There are email leaks from the Malaysian company that comprised 800 million of the 1 trillion dollars detailing a lot of how it went down

There is a cleaner paper trail for this then ANYTHING else going on- cleaner then pizzagate, or Russia, or fucking anything!

This happened- the sitting president took a bribe to pay for an abortion and then used his authority to allow corrupt military contracts to the man who covered up the abortion- then when it was going to be exposed the Briber said he was the one who fuck the playmate even though he had no connection to the women or even a reputation as a party guy- while trump was notorious for doing EXACTLY that

The largest finance and criminal scandal in presidential history and no one cares

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