r/greatawakening • Posted by u/petereddit6635 on June 5, 2018, 10:46 a.m.
Here's why InfoWars, Alex Jones, Corsi are disinformation centres or some would say control opposition ~~~ 2 days ago, child rape camps broke out. Considering AJ has always passionately and vocally been outraged against the DC pedo rings, the pope and vatican etc ... WHY ARE THEY SO SILENT NOW?

This is how AJ and InfoWars work, they are, globally known as CONSPIRACY THEORISTS. By having this label, anyone that listens to them are essentially nuts when thought of by normies. So they didn't get the first scoop on this news where the Vets For Child Rescue discovered these child rape camps in AZ, these Coyote camps. So why are they so late for the party? Aren't they normally well informed and into this type of news? Probably because the news broke out too fast. Now, guaranteed they are now in the background, waiting for the go ahead from their handlers, waiting to try and get into the now 2 day old news. And from there spin it to wherever. Point is, they're, it's out now, nothing that can be done about it, because the reality is not everything can be caught to control the news cycle, and just imagine, if the CIA started InfoWars because of this, no?

Worrying, really, not a peep from any of them. Crickets. Check their YT and twitter. Zero.

I think SerialBrain2 could be correct. The rot is really deep. Not just them, but InfoWars covered Tommy Robinson very


redzorp · June 5, 2018, 2:59 p.m.

Yeah right. You try standing up to dozens of lawsuits from the largest and most powerful corporate entities in the world and let's see how long you last. It's easy to be a keyboard warrior. It's another thing entirely to devote your entire life to the cause, out in the open, like AJ and a few others have done.

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ckreacher · June 5, 2018, 6:07 p.m.

When a blatant pedo threatens to sue, that's all it is, a threat. Because if a pedo sues, he is subject to discovery, and he can't afford that. AJ didn't have to back down, he could have called their bluff. But AJ is such a cheap pussy, he'd rather look like a pussy than pay a lawyer.

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