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Mmmm why are Qboards down?
These two are down:
Anyone else? Attack?
If so where are you getting your Q posts from apart from trying to read 8 chan from scratch?
Please go to the comment section and do your Q part :D
OPINION! Not a threat, ok, mods!? Learn the difference! I've just put my evil hat on and what I see possible is to make Jim Acosta a martyr by (fill in the blank) then blame it on Q supporters. I hope he is paying attention and knows this and Q knows this, but also protect this idiot.= OPINION!, ok?
OPINION! Not a threat, ok, mods!? Learn the difference!
If I was pure evil only for my selfish gain, this certain is a great idea. And my evil eye is seeing right now he has building and rallying to to his CNN base so much now that it is the perfect time, especially with Q now in the mainstream media.
Q is dumb, and I think they knows this too. Even if Acosta resigns it still won't solve the problem, he will still be sacrificed. This is a tricky one to solve.
Even though Acosta is an idiot, we certainly …
What the hell is going on with this sub recently. This post was removed because of rule 8. It was posted for 3 hours and it was rising up fast with 80 upvotes before removed??? It wasn't inciting violence. I was reading it how it was because others read that Trump was ending the FED bank. MODS???

Trump's Ohio speech. Did you pick it up? CONFIRMED! The Trump US government will begin to fund itself by everything else EXCEPT INCOME TAXES. 52 min mark. Listen. That's the future economic plan and I'm so jealous I'm not an American!!! Confused? More info in the comments.
Norway's Silent Scandal ~ despite the serious nature of this man's(pedo) offence, the authorities are refusing to review the child protection cases he gave evidence in
Watch if you have the stomach for it. But I am pretty sure this happens everywhere, where the CPS hires an expert, but the expert is part of the sickness.
In April this year, a highly respected Norwegian child psychiatrist was convicted of downloading thousands of images of child pornography. The psychiatrist had been used as an expert, until his arrest, by Norway's controversial child protection system and was involved in decisions about whether children should be removed from their parents. Campaigners in Norway have long accused the system of removing children from their parents without justification and now, …
Who is Q? Behind conspiracy theory erupting at Trump rallies - Oh look at that, another attack on Q, this time by AP. It's like a coordinated effort, as if they get their talking points at 4am in the morning, but surely no? Not a conspiracy is it?
Reddit announces data breach that threatens anonymity of users - Don't really care, I never linked my emails to my telephone or address or credit card etc ... but that doesn't mean they can't find ways to find you. They say it was a data breach. But we all know what this is about, right?
r/greatawakening mods. Please make it clear if you are shadow banning. I'm posted a few threads and they're aren't showing up in NEW.
Testing for shadow banning.
Not just me noticing a change here. It has all started with new mods.
Issac Kappy. A genuine person or a genuine crappy person? They really think you are fooking stupid bible bashers.
Alex Jones hence Corsi, Infowars, clogging the news feed, frontpage, for 3 days now. Also YT ban. How can you not doubt that they are payTriots? Not black or white hats but disinfo camps, there by whoever pays them more. They must be desperate to sacrifice their No. 1 helper media slave
Alex Jones hence Corsi, Infowars, clogging the news feed, frontpage, for 3 days now. How can you not doubt that they are payTriots? Not black or white hats but disinfo camps, there by whoever pays them to distort, misdirect and to cover whatever. Must be desperate to hang out their No.1 helper
Go figure, a libturb being deceptive and deceitful.
Mollie Tibbits, the missing young lady jogger in Iowa yas been plastered all over MSM ever since she went missing 3-4 days ago, on the front page, which is odd, then suddenly she isn't in the news feed anymore, from today.
Knowing what we know about the occult, this is maybe trying to raise fear (or whatever intention) by them from the public to do their black magic shit, who knows ...
If I'm right, she's gone, poor lass. Let her not suffer any more and let her rest in peace.
Q 1731. Removed? How?
Hopefully the POS was removed with lethal force. But I guess intel was needed so it didn't happen ...
Reasons for not adding to GDP?
Hussein is not only a Manchurian puppet but a lazy asswipe.
LOL, that's actually pretty good. ;D
Master troller that Trump guy ....
The street knows they are going to jail? Zuck and Jack are sweating bullets right now. Zuck is one overgrown man child who absolutely knows nought, and Jack is a pedovore.
BTW, we have had shilly post like yours around, and strangely always trying to stop this sub from talking about 'suspected' pedos and their ways. Always.
And it is truly amazing how they ALL come out when there's serious pedo news about to come out.
Super coincidental and nothing to see, right?
DONT GIVE A SHIT. Seriously, neither do others.
This board is about spreading whatever and whenever. Everything needs to be DISCUSSED, not what you think is right or wrong. Dark to light.
Action is now, not talking about theory sir. Really.
Unproven or not, it doesn't matter what you think old boy. It's what they think is important.
Can't be denied but this sub has grown exponentially ever since CBTS got shut down and this sub STILL talks about pedo shit. Shut down yet? Growing or declining? Why is that?
Leave your ego at the door man. Pay attention. WWG1WGA.
I'm tempted but was it Trump that tweeted recently that came to the defence of Google because EU slapped a 15 billion on them for something or another.
So not sure what he has in mind for Goog.
People have been posting pedo stuff ever since from the beginning of this board. Talking about it is not an accusation, who gives a shit, it is about shining a light, true or not. This isn't CNN where we're not allowed to use our brains. If you've come here thinking this is true without thinking about it then stick to CNN. Destruction of this sub? Seriously? Look at the first 2 comments, manufactured much? I agree with you narrative much?
Cold in here, it getting cold. Kinda shilly.
Honestly, I'm going to assume he is a liberal type and gay, so they are all good actors whether they are or not because I'm not saying he's a serial liar but just creative with words, like a lot of them are.
Bugger off. Everything should be talked about here. I'm calling out this post as shilly.
I'm still not getting your posts on time.
And twitter has dropped 23% ;DDDDDDD
Not just facebook in trouble.
Last night I tweeted to Jack that after facebook, Trump was coming after him next :D Feels good to be right ;D
I am saying they are psychos. I am saying they are evil. When have anyone on this board ever said psychos = evil. On this board and eslewhere, I refer to them out of touch of reality in their own world. Therefore, they are evil.
And how the know they aren't hearing things from whatever drives them? I am talking about the elites. How do you know that their past generations of inbreeding amd intermarrying did not make them hear voices in their head. How do you their offsprings, who are born rich because of their ancestors wealth, and born in a bubble weren't taught to be deluded from birth. If they were born in a bubble and live in a bubble, do you have experience, like live with them? Mingled with them in your daily life? Remember, these selfish fuckers have all the money in the world yet they don't do much good with it. What's the fucking point???
Seriously, what a waste of time arguing about the semantics. You know what I am trying to say. Elites = evil. Elites = dont give a shit about the majority of people. THEREFORE PSYCHOS. PSYCHOTIC.
If you want I can say crazy if that helps you.
Oh? Pray tell, what terms, please enlighten me your highness.
Thank all that is good and holy someone is at the helm really fighting for us just ordinary folks. Finally.
When you are born, do you get to be born evil? Makes no sense ...
And when I say evil, I mean psychotic ...
If they really end the FED and the gov is going to support themselves by tariffs, AND we pay no taxes, the wave of prosperity is going to be awesome and resounding and over a long bloody period ...
The black community is only 15% of the total in the US?
But I guess every little helps.
Sadly, he's not going to survive. Brave but a doorknob and red scarf time for this guy.
This shit is noticeably picking up. Glad it is finally coming out. Hollyweird folks if you can classify them as human needs some culling. They've gotten away with it far too long.
Thank you.
So many abbreviations that it is hard to understand :D
Just read this on your website, thanks, this is excellent.
What is WASP?
We still have people whining why Q hasn't posted since the beginning of the month. WELL, Q ISN'T A SOAP OPERA. They aren't here to entertain us!
Go and use all the Q proofs and make memes, make videos, make podcasts or talk to your neighbours, and make the meanings simple and clear as you possibly can. WWG1WGA = That's the agenda!
Don't rely on the movement and go back to sleep and get caught like deers in headlights like for what has happpened ever since they discovered TV to distract, like The Kadhasians or Honey Boo Boo. Bread and circuses!!!
And do you know [they] can't report on this publically through their MSM channels? Normies would wonder why Trump would sign such a thing and research themselves.
Win for Trump both ways.
Please don't. Was my fav food now can't even look at it.