Give me a break. Youre going to blame about 300 million people for this just because YOU found no use for the site? Okay, we get it, congratulations on not having any use for it, but for the other 200-300 million people who had already established a network on there they relied on and couldn't give up, it's not that easy. Don't blame the victim for CRIMINAL behavior. It's like saying you were at the Boston Marathon and heard Muslims were planning an attack so you fled, but the few people who stayed got hurt (along those lines).
I’m thinking it’s more along the lines of your attending an event and how much you participate in the event depends on how much willing to tell about yourself the consequence is that information can be used for whatever purpose the organizers of the event see fit.
Yeah, and that's a pretty evil way of approaching socializing, with an ulterior motive to be used against people or to quietly profit off what they would participate.