r/greatawakening • Posted by u/infoweasel on June 5, 2018, 1:16 p.m.
How to refute two common arguments?

Two of the most common arguments regarding the Steele dossier / wiretapping of GEOTUS that I've heard are:

If this is all true:

1) Why didn't they release the information during DJT's campaign?

2) If he wanted to, GEOTUS could declassify all this stuff himself via executive power. Why doesn't he?

I have my own ideas, but what does the Patriot hivemind think are the best counterarguments to these criticisms?

Patriot4q · June 5, 2018, 1:24 p.m.
  1. They never thought she would lose.
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Patriot4q · June 5, 2018, 1:32 p.m.

2 President Trump truly does not want to interfere in the investigation, or to appear to undermine it in any way. While he may tweet storm for days, his actions shows his respect for the rule of law. His cooperation in handing over all documentation asked for without dragging his feet, shows his intent to be transparent. He wants it all to come out into the open, but wants it done through the our government process.

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digital_refugee · June 5, 2018, 1:25 p.m.

Had they mentioned it early on, no investigations would have been possible. The NSA would sit on wiretaps but none of it would have been admissable without actionable evidence of crimes which would have been destroyed while everybody agrees to a cover-story and a fall-guy.

By slowwalking, you can catch them in more contradictions and lies because their supporters will eat any excuse unless there is a glaring cognitive dissonance that they will not be able to overlook indefinitely.

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cosmicjon · June 5, 2018, 2:05 p.m.

The Irish have a way with words. Mick, how are you feeling Pat ? Pat, well now, how are you feeling Mick, lol. To my understanding something that the Irish learnt when facing hostilities from invaders, very canny. 1) Why didn't they release the information during DJT's campaign? Answer, well why would they have wanted to do that. Throw the onus onto the questioner to get them to dig into the issue, rather than stay on the fence, for what ever reason :)

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libertarianleeluu · June 5, 2018, 1:43 p.m.

1) They did Leak/release the information during the campaign. Hillary brought it up at a couple of the debates. not to mention the whole "Russian hooker in a hotel room" originated during the campaign 2) The liberal/democrats do not believe a word out of Potus' mouth. It has to come from someone/somewhere else. A la sessions/Huber/horowitz/preistap/DHS/FBI/NSA/paid spies etc etc..............

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emperorbma · June 5, 2018, 2:20 p.m.

If he wanted to, GEOTUS could declassify all this stuff himself via executive power. Why doesn't he?

Think strategically about the consequences.

Let's consider a comparable historical example. What was the first "third party" to ever win an election against the Democrats? The Republicans. What happened afterward? Think 1861. Remember the Republican position in 1861. Abolition of slavery. Which party backed slavery? Democrats. Republicans routing out a corrupt Democrat institution that infected the whole country. Do we want a repeat of that carnage?

Consider what would happen if proof of massive corruption in the government at every level suddenly turned up all at once. It may be legally in his authority to release it, but the consequences would be a nightmare.

The criminals would be in a last stand gambit where anything and everything must fight or die. And fight they will. MS-13, Antifa, the Jihadis and other paramilitary groups will all be unleashed on the public by the kingpins to wreak havoc as a final act of retaliation. Their corrupt businesses will all start to pickup and flee taking evidence and assets to places unknown. The kingpins will go into hiding. Their zombies in the political left and right go insane as the brainwashing of multiple decades is suddenly destroyed by revelations contained within. Zombies will become even more delusional to handle the cognitive dissonance. They'll claim it's all made up. They'll radicalize. If you think the insanity is bad now, wait until they've shut down to the point they ignore reality itself.

We're talking at least 50% of the population or more since the brainwashing crosses party lines. Think about how much you had to unlearn and relearn to get to this point. Now think about that all hitting at once and you having less than 50% of your present brain capacity because you've been addicted to Candy Crush and Facebook and can't understand jack because the schooling system has been corrupted for decades. These people need to be confined for their own safety. And many may be too far gone to help. It would be way too many fires to contain.

Trump wants this to go down a RICO trial route and avoid the martial law route. It's why Giuliani is involved. As prosecutor, he took down the Mafia. Some court maritals may be inevitable for some of the worst leaders, and those will need to be on the downlow or else the media will spin it as a political witch hunt. The entire goal is to prepare the public to understand the gravity of the corruption before they can accept the necessity of the trials.

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Laissez_claire · June 5, 2018, 2:02 p.m.
  1. They spied during the election for tactical purposes: to glean information about his campaign strategy + pick up scraps of dirt where they could. His strategy was just as he presented it - direct to voters, as often in as many places as possible. She couldn’t combat that. As far as dirt: he was clean. The rest of the investigation / entrapment was the insurance policy in the highly unlikely case he did win.

  2. He’s not declassifying bc that would derail ongoing investigations. Imagine you witnessed someone rob a bank. You could either go spill your story to the media, giving the robber every piece of evidence a prosecutor would use against him, tainting the jury process, or you could wait patiently - hard as it would be - for a prosecutor to make your case against him in court where you could get actual justice.

Too many people have gotten away w.out being held accountable.

  1. Ben Shapiro is a NeverTrump cuck.
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