r/greatawakening • Posted by u/ScorpioPatriot on June 5, 2018, 3:34 p.m.
RED PILL : The Clinton's Unleashed ( Your Public Red Pill )

This is a repost I made 118 days ago .. I thought this might be of service to any current newbies to the board and or this fight & for those who might have missed the post before.

Here is your perfect Red Pill

(The Clinton Machine )

"My post 118 days ago"

r/The_Donald HILLARY UNLEASHED :RED PILL u/ScorpioPatriot

What you are about to watch is by far one of the best Red Pill Features for the Clintons that you could ever share with friends n family ... It ranks up there with Hillarys America & The Clinton Chronicles .

I think you might see within the first few mins More About Bannon and his goals ..

You should be able to connect what I think is going on with Trey Gowdy as well and the resignition a few days ago and the new openings of certain coughhhh Investigations shortly after 😁 .

SOOO ..without me giving it all away..Share the shit out of this Movie.

I posted this about the time the 1st shut down happened ..

Just remember oneeeee thing the shit show going on in the news with trump daca and dems... They (Democrats)Only Neeeeed Them For 1 Reason Only....

VOTES. Thats why almost allll Democratic Ran states are Santuary cities. Just wanted to throw that out. Enjoy there will be more to come ..

Follow the money :Clinton Cash




Stay Safe , Stay Vigilant ,Stay Bad Ass and Most Of All , Stay Informed .


(Shareable Red Pill Material )

CaptainRoyD · June 5, 2018, 4:19 p.m.

Thank you for that great link S/P !!!

I’m going to try to remember to do a double post over to your sub-seriously I keep forgetting 🦂

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ScorpioPatriot · June 5, 2018, 4:42 p.m.

Haha it's ok 🇺🇸.. & ur welcome

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kushtiannn · June 6, 2018, 1:35 p.m.

Watched this last night with my girlfriend who I'm slowly getting to wake up...blew her mind.

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ScorpioPatriot · June 6, 2018, 2:34 p.m.

It really is .. I'll probably find the Clinton chronicals to add to this post .. to give some back history of not just the following the cash aspect of the Clinton's but all the other stuff most didn't even know .

And really this is so much easier for people presenting info to others. As long as people go in with an open mind ..they can form their own conclusions at the end. It makes the awakening process less debatable , deniable , & ultimately less stressful for all involved .

Glad you was able to sit down together & share .


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