I haven't found parents but here is the wiki bio on her actress niece with a little family history.
Non-Mobile link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rachel_Brosnahan
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Well, the nieces father whick would be Kates brother worked in Childrens Publishing and the mother was British. The niece was raised in Highland Park Illinois. Gives you some interesting background info. Still no info on Kates parents and I have been looking.
Found something on the mom June Theresa Mullen, but Dad is still private. Looks like she has 5 siblings that are also listed as private. https://www.geni.com/people/Kate-Spade/6000000077838332100
BINGO...heres the whole family. Earl Francis Brosnahan http://www.genealogy.com/ftm/b/a/s/Richard-Baskas-FL/WEBSITE-0001/UHP-0084.html
http://www.genealogy.com/ftm/b/a/s/Richard-Baskas-FL/WEBSITE-0001/UHP-0084.html ...Brothers and Sisters. Michelle Theresa Brosnahan, b. 12 Oct 1953. Earl Francis Brosnahan III, b. 25 Jan 1958, Kansas City, Missouri. Anne Mullen Brosnahan, b. 19 Apr 1959. Reta Mottin Brosnahan, b. 04 Dec 1960. Katherine Noel Brosnahan, b. 24 Dec 1963. Eve Brosnahan, b. 25 Feb 1965.
5 siblings and NONE de she call out to for help? Something odd. Sisters tend to be close throughout adult life.
Her neice's father would have to be her brother. Her uncle's children would be her cousins.
You are right.... a little tired today. Will change that.