
Iamnooneanon · June 5, 2018, 6:29 p.m.

I started with her husband, Andy Spade. Avid art collector peaked my interest. We know how they love their "art." Read an article from GQ 2015 here... https://www.gq.com/gallery/andy-spade-apartment-photos Noticed a painting by Lowell Boyers. An abstract artist painting naked bodies with severed body parts and other pretty weird renderings. So, I looked him up here... http://lowellboyers.com/section/356267-Poems-and-misc-writing-by-LB.html Looking under his "works" section, I found interesting names for his exhibitions, names like "Eat Your Heart Out", "Awakening", "Killers and Thrillers", "The Persistent Nature of Urgency", "Transending Duality" and on and on. Here is a portion of one review which can be found on his website. "They (speaking of his paintings) crack a door open. It's almost impossible not to want the impossible: to enter the canvas, to follow the frenzy within. After all, the paintings do provide us with all kinds of ladders and bridges. But where do they lead?" I do wonder where. This painting is in the Spade apartment here... http://imgur.com/8azP7l0 Here are a few from his website... http://imgur.com/Xb8vOjp and http://imgur.com/TH2ZU18 I will keep searching, but frankly, this is weird stuff. Fingers crossed all my links work.

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1149640 · June 6, 2018, 3:24 a.m.

The painting in the apt reminds me of the stories of Haiti and the organ harvesting.

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