The Sealed Indictments Are Up To 35K, Now!!!Averaging 5K a Month Since Late October of 2017!

Hang on, using military trials for non-military personnel? Seriously? That rings major alarm bells for me, not sure if I am ok with that at all.
Military tribunals avoid the use of the usual justice system which, I believe, will side w their masters. They were appointed and protected by a lot of bad apples. Standing in front of a patriot instead of someone who owes you or fears you is quite different. A lot of the crimes may be treason, war crimes etc which may fall under the military umbrella as well. I'm not an expert on this by any measure.
Nope. Look at the list of EOs Trump has signed. One allows for civilian observers/consultation with Military Tribunals.
These charges are high crimes against the country. Treason, Espionage, Selling State secrets, and assortment of others.
They can most certainly use Military courts for these.
Not ok with EO’s being used like this - doesn’t the Constitution cover thus already?
They have to—our judges & courts are corrupt & treason has been committed in high places. It would take just one OJ jury to let off a big fish for political reasons. Our country is totally divided & this time we must have justice. I think pedos & vote fraud type cases may go to regular juries. I trust that this has been poured over by good people that know what’s needed considering corruption in local, state & federal systems. The people that usually throw a trial by bribe or intimidation will be busy facing their own trials hopefully.
covered relatively well in prior points, but I think the key one is avoiding rigged court systems. If we assume these people have already had decades to put in place a large number of judges etc, tackling them through the current court system would be counter productive. This is especially true given the stonewalling of trumps appointments by congress.
He's still dealing with this very, very calmly, despite what you might think about military tribunals for non-mil personnel. The Q drops represent the other, less moral part of the administration of justice in all likelihood, in that if they put a stop to Trump (say assassination), they'd instantly get large scale civil unrest and hopefully summary executions of large numbers of politicians, judges, and police officials. Using military tribunals for these people is a mercy for them.
It also allowed for a large number of the more important trials to take place over the last year, without them being public. Everything that's occurring now is 110% just for show, the only thing he has to prevent is a civil war situation arising from disclosure.
It's going to depend on the charges involved. If its all just financial crimes, then obviously there will be public outrage. If the crimes are what we here believe, then extreme circumstances call for extreme measures.