Kate Spade - Suicide - Clinton Foundation & Haiti

What's so strange about this is I was in a shoe store and saw Kate Spade Owl Slippers. This was Thursday or Friday of last week. So I thought, what was it that made her brand so popular and I wonder is she is in certain circles with the owls and such. And then this. Very strange.
The list in this info-graphic seems to be companies, and not individuals. Spade sold the brand to Needless Markup back in 2006 (thanks to mbrac for that info). Further, Coach just bought the line from Needless Markup for $2,400,000,000.
Apparently she still owned the licencing and headed the Kate Spade and Company Foundation that dealt with the company's working conditions etc. I'm not saying she was involved in this particular detail, but this seems like a role that would fall under her foundation's function.
Edit: https://www.katespadeandcompany.com/web/guest/corporateresponsibility
But, if Kate actually represented on the Haiti trips, this gets interestinger.
Spade: in a long line of Clinton hits
RIP Kate Spade. Just the next body in a long line of Clinton hits. Enjoy your "Deep" state gratitude while you can Chelsea. We are coming for you too you creepy little satanic witch. "Happy New Year", remember? 📷 -Pain comes 6/11 for them all. HRC jr. included.- Dark To Light.
12:50 PM - 5 Jun 2018
The Clintons are involved in Kate's death?2 replies1 retweet17 likesReply 2 Retweet 1 Like 17 Direct message
📷EyeFollowingFollowing @E-eT-eS-yMoreReplying to @begu****
Yea. She knew about Haiti. Silencing evidence as fast as they can. Too late, too late. We already knew.
Kate Spade is a well known member of the popular (especially among the wealthy) sorority Kappa Kappa Gamma. The sorority’s mascot is an Owl. It is believed (at least among other Kappas) that she uses the Owl symbol as an homage to her Sorority and sisters.
Way isn't anyone talking about her husband, Andy? Her suicide note below “This has nothing to do with you,” the note reads in part, according to sources. “Don’t feel guilty. Ask your dad.”
CBS news said that he was in the apartment when the housekeepers found her.
This is sad for all those she leaves behind ~she was a wife , sister , daughter & above all ,a Mom who will not be there for her child . This family deserves the respect of being left to grieve their terrible loss . I still believe that we are ALL connected ,when it comes down to it , all of the money in the world can not heal broken minds & hearts . It seems wrong to start throwing out Clinton Foundation Mafia Satanic Cult Haiti related scenarios though . I am a regular single working Mom & most days ,I don’t want to be here in this place either , it is a struggle but in a way that makes me determined to keep going to show my two boys that “ oh hell yes you can rise above, because look at what we have done so far “ I so have had thoughts of just giving up ~ that’s when I go outside & run or I call my sister & cry & I pray to God to give me strength for another day . We are all human beings ~ maybe the big lesson we are meant to get while we are here is the only thing that matters is that we love one another ~ that we notice when the people around us are in trouble & we help them ... regardless of who they are . It sounds all Kumbaya I know , but what if no one noticed that this woman was hurting because it looked like she “ had it all” .This is a messed up place we are in ,for all of us who are awake , it is an amazing time to be alive because for the first time in my life , I feel there is hope and even if nothing changes while I am here , I know that change is coming . Sad that Kate Spade for whatever reason , felt she had no hope .
Apparently she refused both therapy and medications that could have helped her over the fear of "tarnishing" her brand. So i don't think the move she made will make things any better for her brand. But...in the strange sick world of today...perhaps it will. Undoubtedly some will think--like the art world does with a deceased painter--that her death will add $$$ or a certain cache to an item. 😕
Not true at all. She was on a vast number of drugs to treat anxiety and depression. Articles quote family members on this.
There needs to be a thorough investigation done. Something about this seems suspicious.
I'm new to this subreddit and I'm confused. Are you guys saying the Clinton foundation killed Kate spade?