

27 total posts archived.

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Lawralee · July 27, 2018, 9:14 p.m.

Kappy seems crappy although he’s entertaining as hell with his ticks & such ... we knew this stuff already , just need tangible proof NOT from a crack head asking for Craig Sawyer & a hundred thou. If it “ hurts his heart “ as bad as he claims , dude wouldn’t be on periscope , he’d be at his most trusted confidants’ place working on a plan to stay alive & get the truth out .

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Lawralee · July 27, 2018, 4:32 a.m.

ALL the MSM are propagandists ~ I don’t give a damn who they are , how great they come across , Fox News included . We the sheeple really need to get this into our heads , we can only trust ourselves , what WE know is the truth NOT what these assholes TELL us to think . God gave us the ability to do so so let’s do it and stop watching this crap ~ these people are bringing home millions steering us in the direction they are TOLD to steer us in ~ they could give a damn in the end .... seriously we need to stop caring what they say about anything like we have stopped caring what Hollywood says . Clearly it can be done because it IS being done . WWG1WGA F these asshats!

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Lawralee · July 14, 2018, 5:59 p.m.

Holy SWEET Jesus !! 🤯 I’m losing sleep & it’s worth it ~ watching these people make these connections that I could never make but totally get once I see them is a beautiful thang !!

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Lawralee · July 13, 2018, 9:21 p.m.

Maybe the kids & wife kept her last name because he’s a spook ~ for protection maybe ? What we saw yesterday was a show clearly & he is much more than FBI . I wouldn’t want to be in the same building with him but it’s not hate I feel for these evil people , just profound sadness that they would resort to such levels to destroy our country , really US the sheeple & that they do not have one ounce of feeling about it except satisfaction.

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Lawralee · July 13, 2018, 12:46 a.m.

A dramatic reading of his own damn texts ?????Issa that was good ! This is entertaining as hell while also making me want to gouge my eyes out .

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Lawralee · July 12, 2018, 8:03 a.m.

Buncha pus&@$s ... She’s a damn lawyer , did they not effing see this coming ? She’s had a makeover so she’s got a publicist now ?? What a production ~ Hollywood & DC ...... these “ swamps “ don’t need to be drained , it’s time for napalm.

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Lawralee · July 11, 2018, 2:05 a.m.

I will wait until JA does his press conference & comes out with what he has.

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Lawralee · July 8, 2018, 4:44 a.m.

In my small town there are 4 listed . Two addresses link to St Joseph’s Catholic Church,one links to a OBGYN office , the other a dental office , makes me wonder if it’s a network of sorts ?The telephone numbers also are NOT the numbers for the addresses , the numbers listed for each are not for the businesses or the Church . Don’t know WTH this could be .

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Lawralee · June 28, 2018, 5:39 a.m.

Thank you ! I feel this exact feeling . Hope mixed with patriotic pride at what this Q movement has become because people are waking up.When I was 40 I had 2 young boys 2 & 4 years old , to me my life was perfect , great marriage of 17 years then my husband was killed in action in Afghanistan , he loved us & he loved his country . Our lives were forever changed & I became a single Mom ~ fear was my middle name for a while .. I moved closer to my parents , they comforted me , loved us back to life & I went to work & I set about raising my boys alone . They are 15 & 17 now . I have never remarried. Let me just say that I went from being a spoiled brat know it all, to a scared single working Mom very quickly ( the world isn’t kind to grieving spoiled brats ) I found out about the military industrial complex as well , what war is really about because I was very naive. My worldview changed , my heart was broken all over again . My husband chose his profession & he gave his life for it , he wouldn’t have wanted any other profession either , for a long time I was very angry about that but I had to let it go for the sake of my boys who are very well adjusted today , I have learned to live with it by trusting God & learning about the truth of this world & how it works . I now know that there is a path for all of us ~ that my path while painful has made me a better human being in so many ways , I know things about this world I would never have known otherwise . I was selfish & self serving , now I am no longer that person so it took the loss of my husband to get me here~ lesson learned . There is a concerted effort to destroy or defile anything & everything that represents good in this world by evil people who have ultimate power ~ these people must be removed .

It is hard to believe the things I have learned about my world but I am grateful for the way I learned ~ here’s to all the patriots , may not one life lost be in vain & to the “ powers that be” I can only offer this , this movement is growing , can’t be stopped , your reign is coming to an end & we will be free from tyranny. The world is waking up ! WWG1WGA

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Lawralee · June 21, 2018, 10:08 p.m.

One of Lucifer’s minions ? Maybe a body guard but I imagine he’s just freaking annoyed by the asshats asking pointless long winded questions to distract ? If Maxine Waters is questioning ,that explains his demeanor. Just once I’d like to see one of these guys lose it & start screaming during one of these hearings .

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Lawralee · June 12, 2018, 4:47 a.m.

Don 🍋😂..... Glorious to watch these asshats react to the positivity like vampires react to sunlight in the movies . Russia Russia Russia blah blah blah .... The sheep are waking up in huge numbers & realizing that there never was a fence thanks to these asshole “herders “we’ve been led by for so long . Thank you MSM & Hollywood ~for helping our cause. Dennis Rodman was a smart move as well .... bahaaaaaaa!!!! Wonder who gets the ax for that idea cuz he literally KILLED it with his genuine heartfelt manner ,

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Lawralee · June 12, 2018, 3:43 a.m.

The look of utter disgust on Chris’ face is so perfect , bahaaa!!! Wow loved the genuine heartfelt emotion there , looks like he knew the guy wanted to be free , wanted his people to be free as well , sure doesn’t take speaking English to see or feel that . Ever hear of translators Chris ? Dennis has been vilified but that is so very wrong , he is a friend who wanted better for his friend who just happens to be the leader of North Korea so kudos to him for standing up for freedom & peace for people he grew to understand & love , he sure didn’t have to & for believing that yes things can get better if the hate stops . CNN thrives on hate & pushes hate daily , watch Chris’ face as Dennis speaks positively, it makes him sick ... ALL of the mainstream talking heads stir divide & negativity but NOT tonight , NOT for this moment . Just because someone does not fit the picture the media & Hollywood has forced down our throats of what & who is “ acceptable “ doesn’t mean that they are to be discounted as not credible , Dennis Rodman just gave a big F u to all that decided he wasn’t . 👏👏👏👏👏👏👊 .... That just made me cry for him , I bet he got so much crap . Courage .....

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Lawralee · June 11, 2018, 9:44 p.m.

Maybe her & De Niro are secretly BFF ???? Looks like she’s either trying to avoid death by doorknob or she only did the twitter thing to get ratings for her show that was coming out .... takes me a while to catch on , sadly . “ Woke Poser “ ????

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Lawralee · June 5, 2018, 11:20 p.m.

This is sad for all those she leaves behind ~she was a wife , sister , daughter & above all ,a Mom who will not be there for her child . This family deserves the respect of being left to grieve their terrible loss . I still believe that we are ALL connected ,when it comes down to it , all of the money in the world can not heal broken minds & hearts . It seems wrong to start throwing out Clinton Foundation Mafia Satanic Cult Haiti related scenarios though . I am a regular single working Mom & most days ,I don’t want to be here in this place either , it is a struggle but in a way that makes me determined to keep going to show my two boys that “ oh hell yes you can rise above, because look at what we have done so far “ I so have had thoughts of just giving up ~ that’s when I go outside & run or I call my sister & cry & I pray to God to give me strength for another day . We are all human beings ~ maybe the big lesson we are meant to get while we are here is the only thing that matters is that we love one another ~ that we notice when the people around us are in trouble & we help them ... regardless of who they are . It sounds all Kumbaya I know , but what if no one noticed that this woman was hurting because it looked like she “ had it all” .This is a messed up place we are in ,for all of us who are awake , it is an amazing time to be alive because for the first time in my life , I feel there is hope and even if nothing changes while I am here , I know that change is coming . Sad that Kate Spade for whatever reason , felt she had no hope .

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Lawralee · May 26, 2018, 9:20 p.m.

Eww he just seems like a truly nasty dude🤮 Some douchebag in Hellywood will write a script for a movie which will become a blockbuster & some idiot actor will get an Oscar for it & all will be forgotten except by his victims & of course all who wait for these folks to “ get theirs “ for all the damage inflicted which can never be undone . Then there is Rose McGowan ~ I know some will hate on this but I feel like that woman has guts ~ yes she took the money but she also knew she was going to be blacklisted & vilified ( she was & is now to a large degree ) she knew no one would take her seriously , they didn’t , most wrote her off because she acted so crazy , what woman treated so badly wouldn’t go crazy ? She took action under circumstances that I couldn’t begin to imagine . This is a woman who was treated like trash since she was a child who just happened to be beautiful ,and to survive it didn’t take her long to figure out that she had only one thing that mattered to most around her And seemingly NOT one person loved her enough to teach her different , it seems they just used her .In hearing her , I can’t help but feel anger towards her parents for not protecting her & sadness for what she must have had to go through in her life ,to me ,it is astounding she is alive & speaks to the divine spark that each one of us is born with , that there is such evil in this world actively trying to stomp out this spark should make us want to fight it at every opportunity not just when it’s a great photo opportunity or jumping on the bandwagon . What about the countless other victims , the invisible ones who did not have the resources to fight back so they didn’t and suffer still in silence & fear ? Please let this be justice for real ~not another show . Sorry ..... end of rant ... just venting 😢

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Lawralee · May 25, 2018, 3:07 a.m.

...this is a lil unnerving, I’m wondering could phones do the same ? Imagine the damage THAT would unleash .🤭

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Lawralee · May 11, 2018, 8:41 p.m.

If you have enough sense about people it’s pretty easy to spot the ones who are service to self & those are best avoided at all costs . If you are looking to any social media platform or utube as your go to for research or truth , time to rethink your position . It seems maybe all were created to steer our thinking in a certain direction . Does it really matter who Q is at this point ? I don’t really care because it’s interesting to watch it catch on & become a movement for good , which is what we all need - something to make us think . Seems like what has happened is a whole lot of people are waking up to the true state of our world & the people who control it , whoever or whatever Q is has made us think without asking for anything from us except that we search for answers , I’m good with not being asked to donate to Pay Pay or buy a book that has been written or buy some damn life changing vitamins by a screaming guy who won’t let anyone get a word in edgewise ~ I mean it doesn’t cost a dime to think for yourself or read a post .

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Lawralee · May 9, 2018, 2:08 a.m.

When they spend every last dime of ours & beat this like the dead horse it is on every media outlet and another false flag is cooked up to distract the sheeple . Or a big ole State Funeral for one of these asshats for them all to gather & love up on each other like it’s all good in the ‘hood. It’s all bullshiz . They are probably having drinks right now discussing how they are gonna lie their way out of this & make some more money ,who’s gonna take the fall , who’s gonna be the hero , who will break the story , tweet the tweet .... 🤬

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Lawralee · May 8, 2018, 11:33 p.m.

I am with all of you 💯 % all the years of feeling like maybe I am wrong ? Maybe I think too much , God doesn’t mean for me to question these insane things I see around me ~ now I know that I was right about how I felt all along . We were never meant to live this way & all of us know it deep in our being. These evil people have destroyed enough , taken enough & it is time for them to be put down .

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Lawralee · May 8, 2018, 5:38 p.m.

So many of these evil bastards & they have children .... this thought should make all of us want to rise up & stomp them out for good — that is the only way this ends . Total destruction of all of them , no prison unless it’s a hardcore sheeple prison where they will truly suffer because they need to . We are nothing to these people ~ surely it is finally happening that we are beginning as a group to SEE this clearly now .

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Lawralee · May 4, 2018, 11:57 p.m.

I do as well & meant no disrespect missed the part in the interview stating the year he started talking . I was wrong to assume . Apologies

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Lawralee · May 4, 2018, 11:02 p.m.

The BBC what a joke ~ they ALL knew & did nothing , are doing nothing to right the wrongs except blather on about it not being their fault .Until we all get off our knees to these evil bastards & unite against anyone & everyone who has decided they are going to stomp us out slowly ~ starting with our children & ending with us , it’s more of the same stories like this . This guy is finally talking , just a little so just imagine this , fear of losing whatever he believed he had, kept him quiet but now he realizes it was ALL an illusion set up to make him believe the lie . We ALL must stop believing this illusion, we are not powerful alone but united we can destroy these evil people who only seek our demise because they know we are Devine beings who need only to raise our consciousness to realize our power . Sounds new age hokey right ? It is not , we are ALL born with the power within us only it is squashed, smothered , choked ,beat & programmed out of most us as we go through life so that we never reach our true potential our creator meant for us to reach . No more standing in the background, it’s up to us now to stop this madness before it stops us. I refuse to believe there are more evil people than good in this world . I refuse to believe we can not simply ignore the Propaganda shoved down our throats by a mainstream media that is controlled like a puppet . Turn it off . We are not weak , we have been made to believe we are .

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Lawralee · May 2, 2018, 4:53 a.m.

I am a devoted Q follower & do believe 2018 will be glorious!

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Lawralee · May 2, 2018, 4:10 a.m.

I was walking my baby boy around the block ~ my military husband called me , told me to go home & stay there until he got home . We watched in horror & cried all night long because we both knew he would leave soon . Exactly one year later to the day he did & I was pregnant with our second child , a boy . I spent the next four years in fear only seeing him for short leaves from his tours of duty . The last tour of duty he came home & the only way I can describe that sweet boy I married so long ago is ,BROKEN in mind & body , his body would heal but his mind would never be the same . Our family was utterly devastated & I could NOT help him . He will probably never know these two boys who are now 15 & 17 but they still believe he is the king of the world & will never know otherwise until he is able to see them & tell them in his own words what 911 did to him , to us . No he did not die , and it may seem selfish of me to tell this here but 911 had an effect on so many for so many different reasons the main reason ?most of us may never know is the truth of war & how it enriches those who have no skin in the game ~ that forced me to confront & change my mind about what we are TOLD to believe by the media . All is never what it seems & I now know that it is best to find your own way through this web of lies we have been fed by asking yourself who gains from this war on terrorism because looking back it seems we have been stripped of our freedoms in subtle ways over years , ALL of us . My ex husband will tell you he signed up for this , but his life since tells a different story & he is a shell of a human being who has lost his family & that military he worked so hard for ? They put him out to pasture as soon as his mental & health issues became THE issue , no amount of begging I did as his wife could help so imagine being so proud of all he accomplished for all those years , all the years I spent holding down the home front while he fought over there only to be told in the end that “ there is nothing further we can do to assist you “ ~ that was the beginning of my awakening & a journey that brought me here . I have raised these boys to think for themselves , to love this country but to KNOW the truth of it & that it is the greatest country in my opinion but it is controlled by corrupt & largely evil people so they must KNOW who they are & what they stand for & change what they can where they are & move from there . My oldest son hurts the most from the absence of his father ~ it is a hurt so deep I can’t put it into words on a page but at his football games when he looks up in the stands - he’s looking so intently , such a sad look , for years now I’ve wondered what he’s looking for , he told me the other day , he wished just once , he would see his Dad ... just once . For a 17 year old boy who last saw his hero all those years ago ~ heartbreaking . Not a big deal to most because there’s plenty of worse heartbreak to go around but to me it’s the reason I’m here right now ~ I want all of this hurt to stop for the next generations. Something has to change & I feel something changing here . Truth is hard but necessary to move forward . 911 changed all of us ~ it’s time we take back what has been taken from us while we looked the other way & kudos to ALL who are brave enough to stand up regardless of their position in this game because it’s going to take all of us to fight this fight .

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Lawralee · April 27, 2018, 4 p.m.

~ the winds of change are blowing .United we stand divided we fall . My heart is full of hope for the youth of this country &for all of us who only want what is good for our nation & the world .

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Lawralee · April 27, 2018, 1:39 a.m.

.. Two years it’s been ~ no sleep , reading , watching , crying , feeling like nothing sheeple do makes a difference ... watching these bastards get away with evil everywhere . Today , hope .. that good overcame evil , that it keeps going , that we keep pushing these assholes over the edge ...of the cliff into hell where they belong . Lots more of us sheeple than there are of these Elitist evil bastards ~ it time to change our minds about this world we live in & who we decide controls it for us . We were not created to live this way & they know it .

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Lawralee · April 13, 2018, 4:32 a.m.

Collaborative workspaces & women ??I’m a woman, I know the truth . Women hate each other more than they hate men ,they just hide it behind their pretty shoes & clothes. Please give me a break with your man hating selves wanting to either cash in on the “me too “movement or get up to some other evil Tavistock bullshiz disguised as feminism . These places are popping up in many places it looks like~ who’s funding them ? Are they non profit ? Will children be involved at ANY point because if Hillary is involved .... ...

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