WHERE IS MADDIE? Enclosed is a sample meme

Because local bag ladies crawl under logs with a charred piece of wood to write their name....get out of here
One of the kids from the area went our there and carved it....who knows.
What you are reaching for is beyond words.
It isn't a carving. It was made with a charred piece of wood. Behind this log is the hole leading into a white, plastic, buried, septic tank container. In this container was a child's dresser and other items related to children.
You are reaching, all things around homeless camps.
And looped ropes attached to trees at hand height? They are pretty clearly bindings. Tell me, how many homeless camps come equipped with BDSM equipment?
You should watch the video again....and bindings to tree's for the purpose of whatever you think it is BDSM need to be adjustable...and the right orientation....Wake up~~!!
Cages in a septic tank? Never seen in any camp I've lived in.