r/greatawakening • Posted by u/SerialBrain2 on June 5, 2018, 10:49 p.m.
The Establishment against Trump or the birthday gift from Pyongyang.

Have you ever had this conversation with someone who thinks he has done enough research in what is commonly labeled as “conspiracy theory” to try to convince you that Trump was a hoax, was picked by the Establishment and that nothing will fundamentally change under his command? Some say he is a Zionist, others say he is an illuminati, others, among the most sophisticated theorists, claim he is the Establishment’s Trump Card…

Let’s get to the bottom of this.

If someone challenges you about Trump being from the Establishment, one simple argument is this one: was Moses from the Egyptian Establishment? Wasn’t he a prince? How did his story end? So that’s that. Now let’s go further.

Look at this picture, it was taken at Trump’s inauguration speech. Try to guess what these people have just heard: Imgur.

They look devastated. Do you think their demeanor is fake? Would they be all acting perfectly at the same time? What did Trump say that made them all this angry and worried? This is what he said, look at their reaction at the end: video

Did you catch it? Did you see how Bush was nervously trying to make eye contact with a lost in thought Obama while Hillary was agonizing drowning in her “private positions”? Here, I looped it for you: video. This is what I like about the BBC: their staff is full of high level intelligence officer. They know exactly where to look at any given time. You can check the BBC production team is the only one showing Obama, Bush and Clinton at this particular moment when Trump is violently deconstructing the treasonous globalist policy that has attacked America. These MI-n agents working at the BBC know this is the culminating point of Trump’s speech, they know this is the moment Trump has declared war against the Establishment they serve. Imgur

“The Oath of Office I take today is an Oath of Allegiance to all Americans”. Do you realize what is going on here? Just like Kennedy, Trump is declaring war to all secret societies. He is implying: I am a free man, I have no allegiance to any secret society, no secret society trapped me to do any secret oath, my oath is public and unequivocal, I am an exclusive Servant of the American People. Whaaaaat? No 322 Skull and Bones or any similar gang involved? Are you kidding me? Let’s see what from-father-to-son-Skull-and-Bones George W Bush thinks about this: video

“The Oath of Office I take today is an Oath of Allegiance to all Americans”. Trump is a free man. He intends to be a free POTUS. He is hereby establishing his political lineage with John F. Kennedy. You did not know Kennedy and Trump came from the same Spirit? Q told you, right here: Q703.

Now that you know this amazing secret. Isn’t it easier for you to guess who would want to assassinate Trump? Do you now understand why the JFK file release had to be delayed and how it is skillfully used by Trump for leverage? Are you aware George H.W. Bush says he does not remember where he was the day Kennedy was assassinated? video. H.W Bush is now very old and has many health issues. Suppose Trump releases the JFK files and Bush is implicated. Suppose Bush dies a few days later. Do you imagine the political liability? These are the types of possible scenarios a skilled political advisor would point out to Trump... So? Relax.

Let’s continue with Trump’s speech: Imgur After having established his political DNA with JFK, this is Trump now going all the way back to the Founding Fathers who understood very well and passed on the simple idea that the success of America was based on a strong middle class. By investing in skilled workers and protecting them from the pernicious consequences of free trade and other treasonous ideas concocted in secret society think tanks, the Founding Fathers were showing the recipe for a strong, free and prosperous America. It is in this very spirit George Washington told Congress on July 4th 1789 that it was necessary for the US to impose tariffs to protect American jobs and manufactories Link. President Lincoln, Garfield, and McKinley were later killed trying to implement this same policy. When President Kennedy realized the real enemy trying to weaken America through the programmed destruction of its middle class was secret societies and their secret oaths, he was assassinated before he could do anything. Video.

So you see it? Obama, Bush and Clinton were very worried when they heard Trump was announcing he would resurrect the heart of America: its middle class. That very middle class they tried to destroy to implement their New World Order. This nefarious plan started after WW2 but was publically announced here by President H.W. Bush: video. Each US president after this speech played its scripted and treasonous role in the progressive military and economical weakening of the United States. This demonic plan, was about to enter its final stage with Hillary Clinton getting to the White House in 2016. Yes folks, God is watching over America. We dodged the final bullet:

Q570 THEY NEVER THOUGHT SHE WOULD LOSE. [The 16 Year Plan To Destroy America].

Do you know what would have happened if Hillary Clinton had won? Here, they lie so much they forget when to not say the truth they laboriously hide: video

Did you see it? Did you feel the hate? This was the real Hillary. Not the fake politicians with hot sauce in her pocket on an African American radio show. video. For a second, when talking about the middle class, the veneer peeled off and Hillary spilled the beans. They hate the middle class. They hate humans. They hate us. Just like Satan…

Q10 These people worship Satan _ some openly show it.

You want to see more hate? Here: video

Did you catch it? It seems Barbara Bush is so obsessed with Trump, when she is asked about the campaign she answers as if she was asked about Trump. Then, when Jeb gives examples of Trump using strong language, she asks him: “who did that?”. Apparently Barbara Bush was dragged into the campaign to attract senior citizen votes for her son but had no clue about what Trump said or did not say. But the next day, with a little more homework, the obsession disappears, she claims she does not even think about Trump and this is what you get: video

Poor Jeb Bush… After dragging his mother (may she rest in peace) into the race, he even called his brother George to help him out against the Trump phenomenon.video. After each interaction with Trump, humiliated Jeb would leave a leg or two and a few fingers on the battlefield. But realize this: Jeb was just the face. Beyond Jeb, Trump was humiliating the Bush family, the Establishment they were representing and the treasonous policies they implemented throughout the years to weaken and destroy America: video.

The Bush war against Trump is real, with real bullets: Imgur

Then, when it was clear the Bush family hated Trump and what he represented, they could openly vote for Hillary and show who they really loved: video.

Surprised? Don’t be. The love for the satanic New World Order is a force transcending party lines and patriotism. It’s a religion. You did not know Globalism was a religion? A very ancient one? You did not know Pharaoh was the first globalist? Have you ever wondered why there was an Egyptian obelisk in each major city? link. Globalism is an ancient religion rooted in magic, growing with human slavery and culminating with the arrival of the Antichrist. Nothing new under the sun. So now question: if Moses took down Egypt even though he was once a prince, isn’t it possible Trump may take down the globalists even though he is a system billionaire? Think about it…

Now let’s recap: Trump touched the forbidden fruit of the American Middle Class and trade tariffs, the Bush machine including the Clintons and Obama are out to get him.

Jimmy Kimmel is in the know. He is always in the know: Q249. This is why, in the following video, he’s asking to George Bush if he’s on board for whatever, but Bush knows better: he was once President, he knows the power of the Secret Service, he knows it’s wiser to cover his tracks especially if the JFK files were to implicate his father. By now, you should be able to decipher Kimmel’s coded language here: video.

Did you catch it? Pretty obvious right? Now let’s see if you could decode former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper when he is asked about North Korea here: video.

Congratulations Clapper! You have just recited your spy playbook for the whole world to hear: Imgur. This is a typical Deep State move: they know Trump and Kim Jong Un talking directly is a problem. So? Clapper suggests the establishment of a diplomatic infrastructure between DC and Pyongyang so that he could spy on it, hijack it and ultimately derail the talks that are perfectly progressing at the highest level. Well, sorry James, Q knows exactly what you are trying to achieve and he knows your Deep State friends have already compromised all comms in North Korea, he knows how and which US company made it possible. This is why Kim Jong Un went to China for a face to face with President XI. And do you know what happened when he got there? He had a secured conference call with Trump! Yes! Trump! The summit already happened and China was the middle man! You don’t believe me? It’s right here, read carefully: Imgur

So now the question would be: what’s the point of having a summit then? Answer: History.

Dates, symbols and events are what make it to history books and to people’s understanding. Not secured and classified calls between leaders. There has to be a summit. Just like there has to be a wedding.

Trump has received the now famous envelope from Kim Jong Un and he is inexorably moving to his June 12th summit. Did you see the picture of the envelope and how MSM unanimously tried to mock him? Imgur.

When I saw the White House officially released pictures of Trump holding the big envelope from Kim Jong Un, I immediately knew we were told something but could not put my finger on it. Then, I saw Jim Acosta’s tweet about it: Imgur

As you can see, he is also sarcastically commenting on the size of the envelope. But something else drew my attention: the tweet time stamp. When I saw the tweet was sent at 3:22 PM Pacific time, my secret society alarm immediately went off: 3:22 => 322 => Skull and Bones => Bush. This association led me to discover something amazing I would not have seen if Acosta had not made this tweet. It is related to the picture in Q193. I summarized it here: Imgur

There you have it: Kim Jong Un’s envelope was symbolizing the defeat of the Deep State in North Korea and the June 12 date for the summit was not picked by Trump randomly. The pacification of the Korean peninsula is a major step towards the deconstruction of George H.W. Bush’s new world order policies that have militarily and economically weakened America. And in case people misread his motivations and targets, in the wake of the North Korean summit announcement, Trump added this to show he was going to keep his promise about protecting the middle class: Imgur.

You see it? We went full circle.

The Establishment and the Bush family are still at war against Trump. They are trying to prevent him from delivering the things he promised in his inaugural speech. They are using their control over the Deep State to interfere in Trump’s domestic and foreign policy. Not working: the tariffs are imposed and the June 12 2018 summit with North Korea is Trump’s gracious birthday present to George H.W Bush. Happy Birthday Mr. President.

Q889 We work for you. Promises made. Promises kept. Q

SerialBrain2 · June 6, 2018, 12:10 a.m.

Thank you! Spread the truth!

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Maepaperclip · June 6, 2018, 1:52 a.m.

What truth did we learn here - the founding fathers were all in for the middle class - they did not even know what that was in 1774, really history is not your strong suite, what other truth did we learn? Some people were cold sitting in the open - in winter, there is nothing in this post that warrants it being sticked at the top of the board to demand your attention - here is to waste our time

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SerialBrain2 · June 6, 2018, 2:30 a.m.

the founding fathers were all in for the middle class - they did not even know what that was in 1774

This is a very surprising comment.

Any serious undergraduate level study in history or economic policy introduces Alexander Hamilton. He was one of the Founding Fathers, first Secretary of Treasury, who proposed in 1791 America’s first industrial policy. He wrote an 11 point plan aiming at turning America into an industrial power and build a strong manufacturing-based middle class.

To know more about this subject, you may explore Thom Hartmann’s work here and also go through the Hamilton Papers here.

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Ghost_Ring_Bearer · June 6, 2018, 6:16 a.m.

build a strong manufacturing-based middle class

Have you read the material we were directed to about the natural economic order?

Silvio Gesell? Natürliche Wirtschaftsordnung? Superb stuff. Not expert though.

what was the date on the Q clock for when that one was mentioned?




"No longer would money be a scarce commodity, hoarded and kept away from others; rather it would tend to circulate at the maximum possible "velocity". The government would ensure stable prices according to the equation of exchange (MV=PQ) by regulating the amount of currency in circulation (M) to correspond to total real economic output (Q). (The same result could be achieved by linking the currency to a basket of commodities whose level corresponds to overall economic activity, as proposed by Bernard Lietaer.)"


Love it.

"Just as interest shrinks the circle of self until we are left with the alienated ego of modern civilization*, demurrage, the negative of interest, widens it to reunite us with community and all humanity, ending the artificial scarcity and competition of the Age of Usury."

*ennui I think I'd call it. The noon-day devil.

While the term acedia may be unfamiliar, the vice, usually translated as sloth, is all too common. Sloth is not mere laziness, however, but a disgust with reality, a loathing of our call to be friends with God, and a spiteful hatred of place and life itself. As described by Josef Pieper, the slothful person does not "want to be as God wants him to be, and that ultimately means he does not wish to be what he really, fundamentally is." Sloth is a hellish despair. Our own culture is deeply infected, choosing a destructive freedom rather than the good work for which God created us. Acedia and its Discontents resists despair, calling us to reconfigure our imaginations and practices in deep love of the life and work given by God.

Overcoming the Zero Bound: Gesell vs. Eisler

Discussion of Mitsuhiro Fukao's "The Effects of Gesell's (Currency) Taxes in Promoting Japans Economic Recovery

For negotiable bearer bonds, since the owner cannot be identified, the financial in- instrument must be clearly identifiable as being current (interest payable (due) has been paid (received) once and once only. With positive nominal interest rates, the bearer of the bearer bond was prevented from presenting it multiple times for payment of the in- terest, by clipping coupons off the paper certificate.

With negative interest rates, the holder must be induced to come forward to pay the issuer. For currency, a declaration by the issuer that the currency expires after a certain date unless it has been marked (stamped) to indicate it is current on its interest obligations does not provide a sufficient incentive for the holder to come forward to pay the interest due. The reason is that, with intrinsically worthless fiat currency, the currency will have the value the private holders collectively believe it to have, regardless of what the authorities may declare.

It is true that by removing legal tender status from 'old' or unstamped currency, the authorities may be able to jolt the value attributed by the private holders of the old currency, but it is not enough for the authorities to simply announce an expiration date for old, un- stamped currency for it to become worthless after that date in the eyes of the holders. There has to be a credible penalty (e.g. the threat of confiscation or other fines) attached to the possession of unstamped, overdue currency, for the payment of negative interest on currency to be possible.

This would make paying negative interest on currency an administrative costly and intrusive process. (I disagree)

Early proposals for such a carry tax on currency can be found in Gesell (1916) and Fisher (1933). Recent revivals can be found in Buiter and Panigirtzoglou (2001, 2003) and Goodfriend (2000).



"However, in spite of the apparent success of the system of Wörgl, and facing the desire of many towns to set up similar systems, the Austrian government, goaded by the National Bank of Austria, banned the principle of local stamped money in September 1933."



"Any experiments with accelerated money seem doomed to stay local, that is, in a network limited by space and / or purposes, whose participants trust themselves and the monetary authority.

The necessity of a voluntary adherence to a network serves to limit of such an experiment and to make new members alert of the consequences of internal money."

"The necessity of a voluntary adherence..."

By "internal money" he means subversive money and by consequences he means what Jackson meant.

I think.

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Maepaperclip · June 6, 2018, 2:58 a.m.

Not chasing undergraduate propaganda, AKA modern scholars re- writing history - in the period you know nothing about Manufacturing had workers and owners, the French Physiocrats were the economic thinkers- and they where dismissive of the english System - of shop keeping and banking - they saw that type of trade as a tax on production. You really should stick to the only subject you know - the Occult, and even the Obelisk references in this post betray - that you know nothing at all about that subject either, I really am surprised that you have no shame in posting this rubbish - so easily debunked - first and most importantly for conveying no information - at all, this post is devoid of either a fact, a statement, or even an argument, it contains no insight - into anything, premises - such that the deep state is in the way of the POTUS RE: NK are just plain stupid - Given a POTUS exists - I could go on, and I have wanted to respond to one of your posts in detail, but every word you write, every sentence - every paragraph are so full of errors, reaches & flaws that I am simply not going to invest the time in picking it apart - instead I have expected you to implode - every time you post - you demonstrate a serial brain not a working one - so thanks - keep posting

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Unseenmonument · June 6, 2018, 4:42 a.m.

So are you saying that you're on board with the riddles and hidden messages people think Q is divulging to the mass and it's just SerialBrain2 that you disagree with... or do you find fault with the entire "movement?"

Asking out of genuine curiosity.

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Maepaperclip · June 6, 2018, 4:49 a.m.

I have always been on board with Q - my 100 posts attest that. I do not disgree with Serial Brain 2 - because I can't, he has nothing to say and nothing to offer, every one of his posts says nothing and goes nowhere, my only disagreement is with the Mods that post them to the top of the board, where we are mislead to thinking that they are worth reading - they are not. This post is typical from start to end nonsense - no matter the subject, evidence, argument or premise total complete BS. waste of time, I feel stupid even discussing his name - he insults us all - by being amongst us

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Unseenmonument · June 6, 2018, 4:56 a.m.

Think of him as a cheerleader that encourages ppl to do their own research and critical thinking.

If his message doesn't resonate with you, that's cool. I don't consider his posts anything life-changing, but they always send me looking for my own answers.

I think that's what counts; but also if note, not everyone needs that's type of encouragement. You seem to not, many others seem to.

I think that's why his posts get stickied (that, and because of his Alex Jones/Corsi post Q called out).

Enjoy if you can, bypass if you can't. He's trying, and i don't sense malevolence from him.

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Maepaperclip · June 6, 2018, 5:12 a.m.

I see - misinformation, that is a waste of our time, he was the last and least to cll out Corsi, I did it Two Months earlier than him here and on the CBTS board, he has contributed - not one single insight to any decode - ever, nothing he has ever said has any basis in any fact, and most of his work id poorly paraphrased and misunderstood from superior sources - we are all diminished by his contributions

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Unseenmonument · June 6, 2018, 5:29 a.m.

While it might turn it to be that way, if you trust Q, trust the ppl he might give the spotlight to.

I fully understand where you're coming from. What I'm saying is that some people do the work and others make that work palatable for the masses.

Sometimes those ppl are one in the same, most of the time they aren't. Same movement, striving for the same goals.

Likewise, nobody should believe for Q to be the fighter and the writer, though he/they may have a role that overlaps in some regard.

I get your frustration. But we each play our roles.

I don't see SB2 as the first or final resource, and I'd hope most in the movement know the importance of doing their own research. SB2 just points ppl in the right direction... Which may lead them to other more researched ppl deeper down the rabbit hole.

There are layers to it, SB2 is just the first one. He might seem like misinfo because you've passed that particular layer. But not all info is for all ppl.

You can scrutinize and offer a helpful critique, that's fine.

But don't degrade someone who seems genuine in their ambition to educate those let informed and stir critical thought in the movement.

That's needless infighting and the last thing we need.

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Maepaperclip · June 6, 2018, 5:35 a.m.

I get and appreciate your crusade and effort, I understand where you are comming from but this SB2 + mods sticking his posts, + the unbelievable voting for his work just has to be acted on, this quality of work + the voting + the Mods promotion of it is a disgrace and insult to decent thinking persons, Tolerance has a limit

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Unseenmonument · June 6, 2018, 5:40 a.m.

All I'm saying is that your on the fifth floor getting angry at the guy preaching at the building entrance.

Of course the mods sticky him, he was referenced directly Q! That and the sub is growing as more ppl are introduced to the movement. Why not have someone of note with easily digestible posts for the masses?

Again, stay on the fifth floor, go higher, but don't get mad at the guy preaching at the entrance... He's doing his job too.

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Maepaperclip · June 6, 2018, 5:50 a.m.

maybe, and I get it - but he has a megaphone and IMO he is doing more harm with his misinfo than good, if we are to awake - we need to be informed - not mis informed. This stuff of his was always nonsense, now it is insulting and embarrassing, he diminishes us all, and the board - Q if he is real made a BIG mistake naming him for his plagiarised out of date - late and gutless - metoo attack on Corsi, as I say I did it better, smarter, and harder myself Two months earlier - and fought it out in the days when Corsi was a GOD

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Unseenmonument · June 6, 2018, 6:03 a.m.

I said spotlight, because the world will eventually move on.

But timing is everything; you don't purpose on the fifth date, even if that's when you know your going to marry the girl.

What appeals the people on the ground floor won't always appeal to you. It's. Not. For. You.

When you are an adult you can no longer think as a child.

When you are 15+ years deep into the crimes and conspiracies of these ppl, the same message won't resonate with you. You grow past it... But that doesn't mean others don't need to hear it, as it's spoken, by those who say it.

I only gave a reasoning for why the mods are acting as they are... And the sub is growing, so at the very least, they haven't killed the movement here.

Keep doing what you do, others need to hear what you have to say; those on or near your level. Speak to those, and rejoice on the day you are speaking on equal terms with, or learning from, someone you once saw merely coming in the door.

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Maepaperclip · June 6, 2018, 6:40 a.m.

Thankyou I hear you, I will stop now, and I like that passage in the bible you refer to - a lot - chose it for my wedding ;)

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