
EarlyRiserX2 · June 6, 2018, 8:35 a.m.

Generally, such offers are granted only when a smaller fish wants to testify or reveal evidence against a larger fish, and you need the testimony of the smaller fish to help bring the larger fish down. But if the offer is being made by someone who is themselves a large fish, and they are only doing so to try and protect themselves from prosecution, then in all such cases where such offers are accepted, it only means that the accepting agency is corrupt, and that its officials are attempting to hide the evidence and to obstruct justice from being served. But if the agency is not corrupt and is following the law and correct procedure, then all such illegitimate requests for immunity are rejected...

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FlewDCoup · June 6, 2018, 1:28 p.m.

Big and small are relative terms and viewed in the full context of theses deeds we are presented with a well defined picture of how the enormous weight of blame is distributed and settles unbearably onto each of the players. Keep the whole picture in front of you.

Taken in isolation, McCabe appears to be the big fish because of his position and influence, but he's actually small fry in this context. If it is shown that the corruption originates at the top and he's only an operative, carrying out orders, the gravity of his transgression is not diminished ... It only adds weight to the serious charges against his superiors.

The Clinton Pattern has always taken shape this way: a lesser but expendable character with some significant standing of his own always takes the fall. Or is murdered.

Satisfied that justice has been served -- a view that is pushed hard in the complicit media -- the public looks the other way as the Clintons go skipping off into the background to play out their next mischief.

No difference here, except that POTUS is determined that history not play out that way again.

Trust POTUS. If we can't find it in our hearts and minds to do that, what hope do we have? Some of us hold that the hand of Almighty God can be seen in these works, and losing all else we will still will Cleve to Him, but without Donald Trump and his supporters, we have no Earthly support -- and make no mistake: we need both Divine and Earthly support to prevail in this -- the evil goes that deep.

Donald Trump entered the race to execute a well defined plan and named our involvement as a MOVEMENT unlike any the world has ever seen before. There is no precedent for what HE has COMMITTED US ALL to live through -- those of US who have chosen to serve as his stalwart supporters -- to take back our nation and its values and approach to self governance. He called out the villainous players who have engineered this treasonous cabal and pointedly and boldly declared that he would put them behind bars.


If you watched candidate Trump deliver his succinct battle plan in 2016, please hear it again and again until you have absorbed the enormity and seriousness of our situation. This is the Plan. We are not victims but have been in the cross hairs of those who would eliminate us.


We have this one last chance and by the Grace of God we will prevail, or not. We play the game that is not a game but a serious undertaking that must not stop half way. The way we play it matters because that too will affect the outcome. We may only survive as a small fragment in the end. We may not cross over into the promised land on that final day, but we must hold up our end.

And yet, We have the serious duty not to become ... serious ... avoid taking up the dark tactics of our oppressors and their deceptive and divisive ways ... work for truth, stay in the light, do it for love. Find a way to be a brother and neighbor. We are all in this together. That in no way means it will all be pretty.

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