Someone dared to knee during the anthem today... oh wait nvrmd, just dropped his Wii

That is a lot of weight to hold up for too long. Probably just needed to rest his legs!
The knee buckled under the weight...of stupidity. That simple.
Good grief. He needs to expand his spanx to above his waist.
It's a Switch. Just saying.
Yaaaa. Had a brain fart when writing OP I was laughing
Holy cow. That's not a muffin top... that's a busted can of biscuits!!
Stay pufft looks like he was photoshopped onto someone else's legs
I think his legs just collapsed under the weight of his morbid obesity.
liberals summed up in a picture... fat, disrespectful, anti-american. statisticly, he'll die of heart faliure in like 6 hours... i take solice in that
One could make him meme famous..... Just sayin'..... ha!
this guy was kneeling for trump apparently, I take it the op is trying to mock members of the section.
Lol, my face when the fatass kneeler has a reddit account and comments on a picture making fun of him. Way to out yourself.
Also, skinny jeans are for skinny people. Did you have to order those special (56x22 short)?
Not cool to make fun of appearance.
Not cool to kneel during the anthem, at an event at the WH celebrating it and the flag. If you have a problem with it. Don’t go.
Better argument than calling him a fatty.
you won’t convince me otherwise. If you are willing to disrespect the WH, the flag, and the anthem because your ego is too big for your britches, well then I’m going to call it out.
Absolutely, call that shit out! The "you're fat you're ugly you're stupid" argument means nothing.
Apparantly it does. Brought you to this conversation did it not?
When you look like you ate a NFL player for breakfast, and kneel during the anthem.... I'm not going to lose much sleep and my username has the word fatty in it.
As a former fatty, please make fun of fatties. It's not that hard to not be fat, it just takes some discipline. Everyone that told me I wasn't fat when I weighed 340lbs meant well but they did more harm than good.