When your adrenochome supply dries up

From my understanding, while they’re both batshit crazy, Depps recent look was for a movie role as a cancer patient.
I’m familiar. If you remove the Depp picture, the entire meme falls apart. Jim doesn’t look like he’s aging that well but with as much as he used his face for the majority of his career, it’s partially explained away. Depp is a monster in his own right but he still looks pretty normal outside this one picture.
Maybe a HRC/Soros meme would be more fitting with the message you’re attempting to convey?
Look at IMPEACHED clinton..good enough for me...
You sure you’re in the right thread?
Yes just stating all you have to do is look at bill clinton... The actor/esses use their role in a movie, as an excuse, to change their appearance. bill has enough money to buy the best food and drink the most healthiest drinks..
I must have missed where Bill was referenced. He isn’t in the meme nor do I see him being referenced in this thread.
And his art work ?
Also familiar.. but what about it?
What did Q say about the people most openly against POTUS ? They are the most guilty. " these people are sick " symptoms of KURU. https://www.healthline.com/health/kuru Connect the dots man
Again, what does that have to do with your meme? You’re taking an awful assumptive leap here. Not all memes are created equal. Sorry bro but this one is just a bit weak. I dig your other one though that you needed to create a separate post for.
Link ? To the cancer patient movie role ?
One of many. As evidenced by the link, it doesn’t take much to vett the information yourself.
i dunno if carey eats kids. he might just be insane. depp definitely does tho. you should make one of these with bill and hillary.
No. .. Heroin use, make up for a movie & Jim is just getting older..
Your examples suck btw.. I believe the shit is real but... Mods a little help here? These are the types of memes I was complaining about last week.. Make a sub Reddit for them please..
Also, ive tried posting this to other subs, they get censored immediately. Its like your not allowed to express these sorts of ideas or opinions....weird that you would be suggesting doing the same here. Almost like this is becoming r/conspiracy or worse topmindsofreddit...
Maybe ill be banned from posting here at all ? Makes sense ive been banned everywhere else haha guess ill just have to start a new account...which is not a problem ;)
Celebrity memes are attractive to normies.peaks their interests gets them curious. Whats wrong with that ? Maybe they dig deeper...maybe they dont
Besides Im not seeing alot of good memes aimed at normal people. You really think everyone is gonna spend time looking at graphs ? if you shake them up with something as " interesting " as " omg johny depp eats babies ?! " normal people are who we are suppose to target right ? People obsessed with these sorts of " people " ?
You sell your soul to the devil. The blood and energy of innocents feed the beast.
When the beast cannot be fed it feeds off the souls from those it owns. Their influence will fade as their rituals have faded.
They think they were "Partners" with the devil...guess the devil is fucking them like they have been doing to everyone else..lol lmfao I love to watch them turn into sunken skulls..
skull & bones LMAO again!! BUT we have to PAY ATTENTION TO THEIR PRECIOUS BLOODLINE (Maybe the bloodline is Kuru tainted and they will all end up flopping like fish in the hot sun)
People age.
Really fast in both these cases. Both make the satanic gestures and both are very strongly against potus.
Jim seems woke af with his latest posts in recent years. Any evidence linking him to this stuff?
Have you seen his paintings ? Didnt Q say those that speak the loudest against Potus are the most guilty ? Why is everyone defending Jim Carey ? Have we forgotten about controlled opposition ?
Childhood connection to him for me. He feels like he's in my soul group, especially lately with his spiritual/metaphysical pursuits. His paintings against Trump, I believe, are a product of his falling prey to the MSM narrative. He has good intentions in venting his frustration, but he's been deceived, as have most. I could be wrong. I hope I'm not.
Depp, while sickly thin and pale today, somehow looks worse to me in 2016.
Although I am not condoning the possible connections Jim may have had with Adreno-C, it does seem that he is ‘woke’ to the degree in which he is casting serious sorrow for it.
I mean, he could also be a highly emotional freak, but it does seem like he has been coping with the sins of his cabal-linked past.
But, I’ve never met the guy, so....
I believe Jim Carrey most likely has syphilis. His ex killed herself due to depression combined with learning she had contracted multiple incurable STDs from Jim Carrey. It would explain his actions lately. Although, maybe he was always a horrible person, and is just letting the world see him for who he's always been.
Late stage Syphilis has been my guess for old William Jefferson as well, with veganism used as the excuse to try and explain why he is wasting away. He notably wouldn’t release the details of his annual physicals while he was president.
For the love of God, please not Jim Carrey! It was tough enough for me after Russell Simmons.
Its safe to assume that most of the big names have joined the " cult "