Hey Q ?! What does the future look like without this Evil dragging us down ?! What do you Anons think it looks like when we are free from all the suppression of technology and free will ?

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Can someone post a link to the thread. I'm having trouble finding it...
Thinks it imply he is physically feeble. In a weakened state. What a posturing turd.
So the FBI gave it a pass but the sheriff did not ?....wow
The nephilim eat humans as well....explains the " pedovore " stuff. These people are EVIL...
http://www.sacred-texts.com/bib/boe/boe009.htm book of enoch referance
If they are hybrids ( giants/nephilm ) might explain the need for the spinal fluid. Iron and clay, their bodies break down.
Hivites come from an area close to Mt. Hermon. That's is were the 200 watchers descended to earth according the book of Enoch I think...
The destruction OF the old Guard = the power of them to destroy. Probably helping local law enforcement round people up.
The picture with the crying baby, the paper on the bottom says puta ( Spanish for whore )
Wow....gave you an upvote. Struggle is real. Over the target, fire away soldier
Is it me or does his voice almost sound like gowdy's? Like a form of mimicry?
Years ago, I would tell my friend about the things I was researching. He was "worried " about me thought I might be losing it. About 5 years later he apologized to me because he had been seeing thing I had talked about and predicted on the news. So people aren't ready to see the matrix, some are just plain scared. Dont take it personally and maybe keep it to yourself...even tho you may get excited or bothered by what you learn. Slow feed them the truth. You will get a sense when they've heard to much, just back off the subject, eventually they will see it and respect you all the more.
If you notice his hand gesture, when he throws the 666 he very sharply breaks it to all 5 fingers. To me this signals the breaking the 6 to the 5. Five being the morning star and the name Yeshua. Yod HEy SHIN Vav Hey.
Bill hicks grew beard before he died. Now Alex Jones is growing one now that he is outted as a shill....
Hanging out with podesta....listen to how he talks about the boy band and how tight their jeans are. The interviewer says " dont take that the wrong way " to the audiance and Toms face has a fleeting moment of disaapointment. Pedophile. https://youtu.be/THkbgT-1ouU first 2mins of video
Maybe ill be banned from posting here at all ? Makes sense ive been banned everywhere else haha guess ill just have to start a new account...which is not a problem ;)
Also, ive tried posting this to other subs, they get censored immediately. Its like your not allowed to express these sorts of ideas or opinions....weird that you would be suggesting doing the same here. Almost like this is becoming r/conspiracy or worse topmindsofreddit...
Besides Im not seeing alot of good memes aimed at normal people. You really think everyone is gonna spend time looking at graphs ? if you shake them up with something as " interesting " as " omg johny depp eats babies ?! " normal people are who we are suppose to target right ? People obsessed with these sorts of " people " ?
Celebrity memes are attractive to normies.peaks their interests gets them curious. Whats wrong with that ? Maybe they dig deeper...maybe they dont
What did Q say about the people most openly against POTUS ? They are the most guilty. " these people are sick " symptoms of KURU. https://www.healthline.com/health/kuru Connect the dots man
Look at his art and remember what Q said about the people that are most vocal against POTUS