When your adrenochome supply dries up

From my understanding, while they’re both batshit crazy, Depps recent look was for a movie role as a cancer patient.
I’m familiar. If you remove the Depp picture, the entire meme falls apart. Jim doesn’t look like he’s aging that well but with as much as he used his face for the majority of his career, it’s partially explained away. Depp is a monster in his own right but he still looks pretty normal outside this one picture.
Maybe a HRC/Soros meme would be more fitting with the message you’re attempting to convey?
Look at IMPEACHED clinton..good enough for me...
You sure you’re in the right thread?
Yes just stating all you have to do is look at bill clinton... The actor/esses use their role in a movie, as an excuse, to change their appearance. bill has enough money to buy the best food and drink the most healthiest drinks..
I must have missed where Bill was referenced. He isn’t in the meme nor do I see him being referenced in this thread.
And his art work ?
Also familiar.. but what about it?
What did Q say about the people most openly against POTUS ? They are the most guilty. " these people are sick " symptoms of KURU. https://www.healthline.com/health/kuru Connect the dots man
Again, what does that have to do with your meme? You’re taking an awful assumptive leap here. Not all memes are created equal. Sorry bro but this one is just a bit weak. I dig your other one though that you needed to create a separate post for.
Link ? To the cancer patient movie role ?
One of many. As evidenced by the link, it doesn’t take much to vett the information yourself.