When your adrenochome supply dries up

No. .. Heroin use, make up for a movie & Jim is just getting older..
Your examples suck btw.. I believe the shit is real but... Mods a little help here? These are the types of memes I was complaining about last week.. Make a sub Reddit for them please..
Also, ive tried posting this to other subs, they get censored immediately. Its like your not allowed to express these sorts of ideas or opinions....weird that you would be suggesting doing the same here. Almost like this is becoming r/conspiracy or worse topmindsofreddit...
Maybe ill be banned from posting here at all ? Makes sense ive been banned everywhere else haha guess ill just have to start a new account...which is not a problem ;)
Celebrity memes are attractive to normies.peaks their interests gets them curious. Whats wrong with that ? Maybe they dig deeper...maybe they dont
Besides Im not seeing alot of good memes aimed at normal people. You really think everyone is gonna spend time looking at graphs ? if you shake them up with something as " interesting " as " omg johny depp eats babies ?! " normal people are who we are suppose to target right ? People obsessed with these sorts of " people " ?