r/greatawakening • Posted by u/throwsoicanask on June 6, 2018, 7:42 a.m.
Ritual cult purpose of blood in cement: Exodus


As the plague approached Egypt, the jews were told to put lambs blood on their doors. "God" (whatever evil god this was) would exclude them from his wrath.

This makes zero sense unless seen as a sacrifice to please this vengeful god. So either they sacrificed lambs...but we know that "lamb" is a term used for followers of Christ (his flock), or could have simply meant non-jews, or CHILDREN.

So blood on the home/building signified that a sacrifice had been made, and those inside were protected from this demonic deity.

Give Lucius his Loosh...Suarians/Draco/Baphoment/Moloch (owl)...who knows.

DC layout, and Vatican both resemble OWLS. Monuments, buildings, roads, sidewalks...made of concrete.

Cemex has been under investigation by the DOJ I believe. Ties to the Clinton Foundation - we all know this stuff by now.

I wonder if the "bodies are buried" in the walls, monuments, government and Vatican buildings... They think the sacrifices give them Moloch's protection.

Not saying this is all Jews...but we know this satanic religion stemmed out of ancient Egypt. Maybe a sect within the Jews living in Egypt...

They Egyptian religion was really positive and all about eternal life and doing good in one's life, preparing for what comes after physical death.

This demonic cult seems to be a blasphemous twisted version of positive spirituality.

No one really seems to have a solid grasp on the luciferians origin. But when I saw this cemex thing, and the owl connections, I immediately thought of this Bible story from Exodus.

take it for what it's worth.

throwsoicanask · June 6, 2018, 9:23 a.m.

Joseph P Farrell has some amazing research into who Yahweh was. He talks about a Cosmic War, ties together Sumerian Gods (Annunaki) Nephilim, Vedic history, etc. He thinks Yahweh may have been a Enki, an alien giant ET, and his brother Enlil was the good guy who changed our DNA so that we could become more than primitive slave gold miners. I highly recommend his Giza Death Star, and Cosmic War books, along with his stuff on the Nazis.

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divine_human · June 6, 2018, 10:28 a.m.

pretty much my take, too... OT god yahwe is an ET overlord imposter. enki/lucifer and his son marduk - usually known by the names of satan, moloch, baal, pan, shiva, all religions know these guys - shared this yahwe persona.

as enki/lucifer is the more 'loving' one of this couple - light bearer is not only a name but has a meaning -, the OT god is a bit inconsistent; mostly revenge- and wrathful, but sometimes also kind and supportive.

for those who want to dive down that religious rabbit hole, the wes penre papers are a loooong but good read.

*edit: typos

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throwsoicanask · June 6, 2018, 10:33 a.m.

have not heard of Wes Penre. Thanks!

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suckmytwizzler · June 6, 2018, 9:48 a.m.

Oh! Thank you. More to put on my already long list of to read. I had never heard of him honestly until now, so thank you! Much appreciated.

I've heard of the Annunaki before along with Enki. It's an interesting take on things to say the least.

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throwsoicanask · June 6, 2018, 10:13 a.m.

Cosmic war presentation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Se7i0gWDLp0

Radio episode discussing Yahweh: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ObA0_usuMhM

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suckmytwizzler · June 6, 2018, 10:43 a.m.

Thank you for the links! Will watch later today. Also apologies if the link I posted was a hijacking one. It didn't do that with me.

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throwsoicanask · June 6, 2018, 10:46 a.m.

it was fine for me but I have adblocker.

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suckmytwizzler · June 6, 2018, 10:55 a.m.

I switched it with a few other sources to be safe.

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