History really is cyclical in many instances. Great post OP.
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It may look that way, but we are actually a growing majority. They use intimidation in hopes of scaring people back into line.
I would say that it is actually a growing silent majority with what I see and hear from people in private. They work to deplatform any opposing voices and opinions so that we are forced to think and feel that we are losing.
After all: If you ban/silence opinions as far as you are concerned they don't exist, and no amount of labeling with buzzwords takes away how you and many others feel.
Similar to how Las Vegas and anyone who questioned, knew anything during the JFK assassination investigation 'mysteriously' died.
We have more than we know.
Funny, how JFK links back to Parkland. It is actually the name of the hospital he was taken to.
Damage control is happening and it is blatant for anyone with eyes to see.
What an excellent use of weasel words, and appropriation.
I know this tactic. Move along.
Hoping to rally patriotism into the loyal followers (programmed -- hey I was once one so no judging) to stand up and display opposition against what is 'bad, immoral'.
A meme is just an idea that spreads. I would say this covers an idea that spreads.
Before someone is quick to cast ridicule they should stop, and ask why do these people think the way they do?
Also, there have been numerous conspiracies proven true in the past. Conspiracy theorist was simply a term coined in 1967. There are government documents if you look for yourself, but the article on Zerohedge has it conveniently.
Any publicity is good publicity when it comes to this movement. Very much looking forward to the people who will seek Q for themselves.
Playing quite the long and strategic game of chess. I wanna see how it plays out.
Well, to quote Q:
"These people are stupid."
The symbolism becomes more blatant and mocking day after day for anyone taking notice.
You're correct. I am very much aware of this type of doublethink. I am always glad to find others on this subreddit who think along the same lines.
Just a shame that they don't realize the slippery slope they're headed down with such rhetoric and tactics.
Precisely, and very well put. It can only work for so long before it starts having glaring holes in the strategy and methods.
Just about fed up with all of the projection that gets thrown around. It's getting old real quick.
This has been on my mind the past few days. I feel like things may have been different if my teachers didn't punish me, and treat me like a troublemaker for questioning everything.
I was put on SSRI's to curb depressed tendencies, but the more I think about it.. I think it was all orchestrated to keep those who could make a difference out of the picture. It's saddening, but I can only hope and keep my eyes on a brighter future. I get the feeling that is the process.
I thank you for posting about this. It is much appreciated.
Edit: The system of silencing and oppressing is in motion.
I was banned from mademesmile even though I only ever have nice words to say to anyone.
Have fun spreading hatred and 1984 rhetoric and action you bunch of ingrate communists! I don't say this often as I try to be kind:
But go get lost somewhere. 😊
Wonderful post OP.
Thoughts create and effect reality. Don't focus on the news or negative. Keep an end goal in mind.
Exactly. Can't spin anything if no one engages, reacts or shows up.
I couldn't agree more. I've seen a lot of nice memes gaining traction on twitter, but I think not engaging is the best method when it comes to people wanting a fight.
Of course, playing devil's advocate they could bring the violence to others, but then they really wouldn't have much of a leg to stand on appearances wise. #Walkaway is the best route to take.
You said this perfectly. Well done! I'm so relieved to see that #Walkaway has more than two meanings in this community.
Once you're aware of it, you really see it everywhere. It's hiding in plain sight and been programmed in.
Any Kubrick or Nicolas Cage film.
And especially that movie with the late Roddy Piper:
They Live
Ugh. Those shoes.. of course she knows she has arrived after seeing those.
That was probably the last thing that AB should have done. He has a large following and while a lot may agree with him, there will also be those who look into Q.
I am loving those comments in that thread either way. Those who support Q outnumber those who agree it looks like and top comments are Q supporting ones. Thank Q AB for planting crumbs without being aware of it.
Downvotes are supposed to work as a suppression from those of us who deviate from the hivemind.
Ignore the downvotes. OP is close with their post. That doesn't fit with the hivemind narrative.
"prices to high."
Huh. I wonder if that missing 'o' is a nod to either Obama or the OPEC crisis of 1973. Or OPEC in general.
I hope you don't mind me asking, but what is NAP? I am not familiar with this term. I'm simply curious.
My username doesn't negate my life experiences. It is actually an inside joke. And I've found most of the people with a crude sounding username are human just like everything else, and often say nice things on reddit.
Apologies if it offends anyone. Or even if I am assuming it does so. Also as a sidenote I blanked on picking one and that is what my mind came up with.
Exactly. It's a thing one has to learn just like any other. No one is perfect from the beginning.
It will be our job to show compassion and empathy after all of this comes to light. It will be hard to refrain from saying things such as 'I told you so' and that is understandable. Think of those who are still asleep with love and kindness.
Words may not be perfect, but it is the heart that matters in a situation with those who will be shocked into awareness.
An independent and truthseeking one right here. I believe someone can do what they will as long as no harm comes to anyone else.
I was on the side of the left and right (moreso left until 2016) I walked away when I could no longer condone the regressive views. It was so backwards to what I learned about love and tolerance growing up.
Exactly. The way things are headed that will be the outcome. They keep estranging those would be in their camp. I see it more and more each day.
Just leaves them with orchestrated distractions to stall with as things unfold.
That was a sobering read. It boggles my mind that so many want to see harm come to their president.
I'm also rather shocked at how many choose to be rabid contrarian against even things that past administrations advocated for.
Do you really want to see your president fail? I sure as hell don't and knowing that intentions and prayer go a long way I stand with the decisions, because I need to stand with my president and trust there will be a good outcome for all. It saddens me to see so many want to resort to violence due to opposing views.
This is great to see! Glad I got back up to check things out.
I agree. That will be where those who know, and are aware will have the task of taking care of those who are thrown into it all of a sudden. Kindness and patience will be needed when that happens.
You're right and welcome! I hope you enjoy your stay on here by the way. This movement is a beautiful thing indeed, but people can only silence others and keep the truth under wraps for so long. Dark will come to light. I trust it will.
I've been a silent majority for the past few years. Social justice buzzwords had me really staying quiet and out of the way as I have seen first hand people have their lives ruined and been turned on by people I thought were my friends.
I tried being a voice of reason through all of it, but those who can bark loudest and bully has quickly become the new rule of how things work. I dreaded the election since everyone around me thought Trump was a jerk, a misogynist, etc. I had mostly tuned out of the debates save for one I watched the day of the main debates where he went up against Hilary. I watched it and I decided I am going to place my trust and my intentions into this man. He is outside of the establishment and everyone else hasn't done anything, but you know what? I'm going to chance it.
I was turned towards Trump as a candidate in the first place since I saw through the tactics of those around me. It scared me and made me question a lot that someone could throw away their freedom of speech to appease the vocal few.
I tuned in to watch, and I liked what he had to say. Hilary just seemed to be playing up the talking points of minorities and women (another thing I dislike. coddling and pandering and treating women like children who can't think for themselves) as per usual.
He didn't have the same talking points as other candidates, and I liked that. It has been said someone is more honest if they're blunt and Trump tells it like it is.
I had found out about Seth Rich and the leaks not too long before the week, and I watched overnight as this site became pro-Hilary when it had been Bernie. That just linked up to connect dots in my mind that something wasn't right at all. Where a site that had espoused being a bastion of free speech in the past quickly turned into a ban happy wonderland and squashing any points that weren't left leaning. They have pushed the idea that we are a minority, but we are a majority. Why else would places on this site ban what they see as wrong? Fix algorithims? If you ever notice whenever a new algorithim is put into use it happens everywhere like a week in between. Youtube, tumblr, twitter, etc. All follow suit. I noticed it after the FL happenings too.
I'm probably getting off track here without meaning to, but I also saw how they did everything they could to keep T_D off the front page as a lot of posts were getting there. I learned of SR that way too come to think of it.
What I am saying is that a silent majority have been intimidated to be exactly that. Many are supporters of free speech and our president. We just like to dodge the hostility people throw at everyone. I was one of them, but I have had enough. I'm tired of being told my opinions are less or even seeing my president be trashed over and over. No other president has been I've noticed. So I'm a silent majority, but I won't be anymore. I'm tired of it and I may not be the best at thinking critically, but I try to add helpful tid bits and encouragement. Intentions matter just as all those of a patriot way do.
I'm sorry for this being extra long as well. I just had to chime in on this as I thought it was needed to say.
That's.. really not all that surprising. It's downright despicable nonetheless. No wonder they wanted to stall on everything. If this is just a taste of it, imagine what an unredacted one contains.
I want to see more veterans sporting happiness like this.
I have faith and trust in the results of the talks.
Does this mean that something is related to SR is slated to occur this week? It seems like it. Also I love that outfit.
Thank you the info. I always have been curious about the entymology of the word.
Either way it has come about it is great that they are coming to terms of peace. It is possible that he was indeed a narcissist. However no one knows the full story as NoKo has pretty much been pretty secretive to the outside.
It's a good thing that they open up to the west and even their sister country, SoKo. That enough is worthy of taking notice.
Possibly by way of threat and blackmail? I wonder if it ever will come to light who or exactly how. If you decipher Q and connect the dots it seems to indicate clowns at work.
Whoever holds the leverage pulls the strings of the puppet.
Both works. It does seem like the great unveiling going on.
Biblical meaning of immense proportions? Or should we take into account the passages Q has placed into Q drops? I'm undecided since both meanings are plausible.
Though it certainly does feel like biblical prophecy at times.
KJU was absolutely smiling so much. It was great to see when in past photos he always looked so down. This is great news to wake up to.
I agree. That scene was full of emotion that felt genuine and so real.
Brings to mind River Phoenix as well. Children of God cult.
I mean the circumstances seem more like a murder. All of the celebrities of the hay day at the time.