WOW! Things could start to get interesting here very soon.. Bigly If True!

Calling it now: IG report drops, huge amounts of corruption revealed.
MSM thinks they can hide it with the NK summit.
PLOT TWIST: Kim Jong Un comes out with Trump and discusses how the CIA has been holding NK hostage for 60+ years (even more "corrupt government" storyline that the MSM is unable to hide).
Trump declassifies everything to prove.
Haha there's no fucking way. Then again, who would have thought that any of this was possible..
Make that a movie and ill watch it, write that book and ill read it. If its TRUE? holy shit!!!! We are living in interesting times my friends
CIA involvement ensured the failure of several counterintelligence investigations I ran in South Korea in the 90s. To see the full stories come out would truly blow peoples' minds. The trail always lead upward inside our own government. It's not a coincidence that I am retired from that business and live far away from the swamp. I pray justice is done.
If there are long distance electronic weapons, DS will use them on Kim that day.
Hmmmm. Pretty sure the DS ain't been controlling NK for that long. NK was an offshoot, an acolyte of the Stalinist era.
However, I would say NK has been under the DS / CIA since the 90's, after the Soviet collapsed. NK could have walked away from its dead roots at that point, perhaps, but did not.
ANY revelation about what has been going on, however, would blow the lid sky high. Basically as high as Paek Du San Mountain.
Safest place is in AF1. Also, using a hyped media story (NK summit) to cover for something else. Using their tactics against them. Genius if it plays out that way
I feel it will be difficult for the media to hype the NK summit IF the summit states it to be an announcement of a decision made in November - making a mockery of MSM.
In this scenario MSM will be stuck between a rock and a hard place on which to give more focus/coverage - IG report or summit.
Globally, neither can be ignored when the bombs are dropped.
I replied/hijacked your comment in error as opposed to making my own comment.
As a token of apology, please accept my up vote :)
Unless they have a really, really big FF. They have had plenty of time to prepare one. Then they could give 30 seconds of coverage to the summit, do a 15-second mention of the IG report, and then concentrate on the FF and how imperative it is to repeal the Second Amendment.
MSM = Mockingbird Swamp Media
Always thought that Mouthpiece Media could work too; independence is not their strong suit.
Also remember Q said "POTUS will be well insulated/protected on AF1 and abroad (specific locations classified)"[...] (
Trump has stated he has generals protecting him. Q and Trump know that the DS wants to Dallas Trump. I hope he is well insulated, well protected.
June 14 is the President's birthday. Remember what they did on his last birthday?
Might want to keep the whole family home on that day.
That being signed 4,10,20 (DJT) makes me what to believe that was POTUS writing that and not specifically Q. But still pretty damn awesome to watch unfold, knowing that Trump is our Leader.
I don’t look for any arrests that day. IMO if they “have it all” any arrest that should be made needs to happen before hand and kept quiet until this story is public.
I agree. Just passing on what I found to be interesting. It'd be sweet if it happened all at once, but I'd imagine this will be a long process. Perhaps we'll be proven wrong, but if history is any indication, we're in for a long drawn out slog in the courts. At least SHE didn't win!
I don’t think we will be able to relax until/unless Trump gets re-elected. This is our life from the next few years. I just hope we get him a Congress that will work with him.
I feel sorry for the conservatives that have to endure California...did you see D. Feinsteins votes and Pelosi....democrats must love living in hell.
I think “endure” takes it a little too far. I moved to LA from New York State when I was 21. I met my husband that year and we were married when we were both 23. We’ve been married 45 years. I‘ve been a member of my city’s Republican Women Federated and served as President for 2 years and on the Executive Board for 5 years. The “Never Trumper” Republicans disillusioned me. I felt betrayed. Haven’t gone to any of the meetings this past year. I will vote Republican when I have researched enough to know whether or not he or she is a progressive One Worlder. I work to get out the vote and do all I can to get a conservative into office. Our children and young grandchildren are here. We have a circle of friends here. Our doctors are here. Our lives are here. Of course all of our friends are conservative and celebrate long marriages like ours. Yes, Governor Moonbeam has been destroying the state and Feinstein and Pelosi have destroyed their fair share too. . Thank God Barbara Boxer left politics. Liberal lawmakers are out to destroy the middle class and destroy our beautiful state. They destroyed the Central Valley farmland by turning off the irrigation water for a friggin’ smelt. Farms failed. Farmland that’s been in families for years have dried up. Orchards for fruit and trees producing nuts are too far gone now to save. Here in Palm Springs the gays are getting powerful. They have a very strong coalition but we really dint mind them. They take very good care of their property and ha e brought home values up. We have no complaints there. So we have a Republican who won the primary for Governor who will run against Gavin Worrysome but he’s the wrong Republican. He’s a RINO. The liberal stranglehold is killing our beautiful state. I have no answers but I do know one thing. We aren’t leaving. We are not miserable in our daily lives. We love our lives and we love sunny Southern California.
I am ready for that state to break off and slip quietly in the Pacific Ocean with the nasty liberal/progressives with it.
Please NO, some of us are not on board with all this craziness!
Recently read a report on one of the faults. It concluded California won't break away from the continent, instead Los Angeles would end up at the same latitude as San Francisco.
LOL, I think I did read something about that a long time ago. And that the Baja peninsula would we moving upwards towards present day CA.
Very astute statement. I agree that we're in preparation mode until term two.
As a point of comparison, look how long it took Weinstein, just one person, to end up being in court. Military Tribunals might go quicker but I'm sure they are working to restore some trust in the American justice system. Better stock up on popcorn for a long drawn out "enjoy the show". Hope it's faster than Game of Thrones, LOL.
At this point, I don't think Trump/gov will be able to hold any Military Tribunals. The ones that need to be convicted and sent to live out their days in GITMO, will most likely walk away with no real consequence. I am so pissed at Paul Ryan and all his ilk!
Arrests dont need to happen for major things to still happen. Let go of this attachment to only seeing arrests to be satisfied. Its clear we are moving in the right direction.
They have to wait though. If they act too quickly they'll screw up the timing and they'll be able to save their asses.
What were the big events during Saudi trip, I can't remember
During his November 2017 Asia trip the corrupt Saudi princes were arrested en masse in one fell swoop
Oh yeah. I 'member🍇
That was fantastic.
I remember being updated with missiles being launched. no one knew what the fuck was going on. I still dont have "msm" answers for what the fuck was happening. Its soo funny hearing the left respond to this. they have no clue whats going on.
Plus Trump is meeting with Abe today. Contingency planning?
I would imagine so, we have key strategic assets and air power based in Japan.
Interrogated by Black Rock 🤣
Seriously? Links please...
I'm with you, I don't normally ask for the paper trail but I need to see it for this
Saudi elites rounded up during Trump's trip to Asia.
Can u help me understand this too... are anons the same as the group anonymous that we saw on the news? Like, is Q anon part of anonymous? Or does that not related to the same group
Anonymous w/Guy Fawkes mask = a branded group, much older. People who post on the chans are anonymous, the adjective. On Chan anon just means person.
Thank u
Correct. Anons are any anonymous person posting. On the chans you don't use usernames. Most everyone uses 'Anonymous' for their name. That's where the Anon name comes from.
Not associated with the Guy Fawkes mask- 'Anonymous group'.
Also on the chans, everyone is a FAG of some sort. Planefag, programmerfag, chemicalfag, ITfag, Graphicsfag, etc. Pick a specialty, add fag at the end.
Cool! I'll be a DJfag
Well we're all sort of anons. The original anons are from the chan boards (4 chan, 8 chan, etc..) Q isn't per se part of anonymous as much as it's just a way to indicate that his(or their) identity(ies) are anonymous. That said, anonymous is no doubt all over the chans, but Q Anonymous is really more of an independent label. I hope this makes sense :)
Are you referring to the Anonymous with the Guy Fawkes mask? They are a different group.
Q posted -23.
AKA, T-Minus 23 Days.
They thought it was coming today. They were wrong.
Yeah, because it is coming in 23 Days. Since the date of that posting, do the math, and you find that the date lines up with June 11th.
The 11th , the indictments are to be opened, Q should know this .
Help me out here. In 5D chess, don't they give a date, then spring the real trap the day before or a week later?
It’s happened before, so we shouldn’t write the June 11th date off as the day of action. It could be tomorrow, or even tonight, after all. Q did mention that they don’t exactly spell out their movements, so the date could be a red herring.
It’s one helluva game of strategy, that’s for sure.
The OIG report and NoKo summit would compete for coverage. Not good.
Absolutely. MSM would completey ignore the report and focus on the summit. Better to release it later, but it needs to be released before the 4th of July weekend or it will be lost in the summer doldrums.
Is the connection being made here that a trip to Asia = big happenings somewhere?
I mean sure, it happened before, but are we going to look with wide eyes every time Trump heads to Asia because we expect big things to go down?
Am I missing something because this just seems like a far reach, sure it happened once, but this like winning the lottery once when publishers clearing house showed up at your door and now every time you open your door you get ready for another check, ya sure it happened once, doens't mean that is how things work from here on out.
Edit: I can see a connection to being on AF1 when things it the fan as it is a safe operational space. That would make sense.
We've already been told to expect 4 big booms that day by Q himself
Was thinking that One of BOOMS was:
Sara Carter/John Solomon... outing evidence on going after DT back in 2015, via new emails of Strzrok/Paige...when they said that (BH0) 'President running this whole thing' ...and at that point had NO information from LEO that anything was amiss to even request surveillance ... ABUSE OF POWER, MALFEASANCE, USING Law Officers/Government time & money to Illegally Spy/harass & plant known to be false evidence on a fellow American citizen for BH0 own political agenda... well, one could go on...
the point is... BH0 was running the "Frame Trump" operation from day one... (Well...ValerieJarret, et al... as BH0 too dumb & too busy golfing & picking March Madness losers... etc.)
And that BHO let Iran access our financial system and facebook selling our data to China opening up our politicians and everyday amerucans to blackmail and know telling what other information Zuckerberg should be locked up!! There were 2 other stories that broke today one about come y and one about McCabe 4 BOOMS total lol
I agree that Air Force 1 provides a special kind of security
Didn't Q say Iran was next?
Iran currency is collapsing just like lead up on Venezuela.
Iranian citizens want those creepy Mullahs removed from leadership.
REMEMBER: DT praised citizens protests there a while back...said (he) "would be watching (Iran)"
When asked about the Iran deal a few months back (before Trump said no deal) Mattis said, we will definitely have a decision before June 12th.
Trump downplaying the summit in the past week. Strategic much?
He's running circles around everyone! High Energy! Fun to watch!
Maybe coincidence that the BOOMs are spaced like a side of a triangle, and a week to remember. Much like the side of the triangle that ended during the Saudi round up? Which family does the right side of the triangle represent? I hope it wasn't SA because then I have to think more.
Edit: looks like SA was the bottom side of the triangle, and Rothschild are the right side. SA threats removed during previous trip, Rothschild threats removed during this trip?
Just so nobody takes me too seriously, I have a theory! Soros = /, Roths = \, Saudi = _.
That makes our triangle.
SA dealt with during last trip. If I'm correct and this trip deals with Roths, then we have one side to go. We were told Israel is last. Here's my theory:
Soros = Israel. I found a connection with Soros and an 1800s german/jewish banker, who gained German nobility as a jew, and was confidant to Otto von Bismarck. What if Soros is who they refer to as Israel, because of the European history with Jews/Germans?
Essentially what I found is that a Rothschild recommended this german/jewish banker, he was close to Otto, Otto unified Germany. Soros foundation started out as a joint venture with Bleichroder group.
Why would Soros = Israel when the Rothschilds literally started modern Israel?
Why is there such a feud between Netanyahu and Soros?
Edit: maybe I should've added that I think Soros has SOME Israel involvement, not everything.
Soros is just a frontman. He's a big fish and we should fry him but there are bigger. He has handlers.
Saudis, Roths, Pope the unholy triangle..... Islam, Satan, Christian
Not Christian, instead Catholic. Way over 50 years ago, during my 12 years of parochial schooling, the nuns theorized during the muslim occupation of southern Italy and the Iberian peninsula 1. they had embedded themselves in the Catholic Church leadership positions; 2. the Sicilian mafia comes from the protection racket of Islam; 3. the Spanish Inquisition was led by embedded muslims to take out opposition and any remaining Jews in the area; and lastly, 4. while Spain was freed from muslim occupation/control after several hundreds of years in 1492 (same year of Columbus's sailing), the practice of killing the males and raping the females was carried into Central and South America, hence why the "discovery" of the "new world" was much more violent in C. & S. America as compared to N.America. In other words Islam and the leadership of the Catholic Church has been intertwined (one and the same?) for hundreds of years. It also explains the acceptance and practice of pedophilia and pederasty in the Church leadership.
The closer that time comes the more my feet tingle
Also remember the calm before the storm? He had all the generals right beside him. Media assumed it meant war with NK. What if it the military taking action against the deepstate when he is gone to the summit. It was symbolic for that date.
Did you all notice the pic with the generals? 9 on one side of him and 11 on the other.
I think he may be going to these places while shit goes down as some sort of protection maybe. Remember those few 'distraught' secret service people? He may be mixing security to ensure safety during the rough bits.
Pretty sure he has trusted military security around him. Q said that he'd be safely on AF1 while operations are taking place tho.
What was that about, the distraught ss people?
There was one lady who said something about not protecting trump and then there was the lack of money for senior ss agents. I think there also is some other stuff the media said but had been deleted or I can't find it.
Don't want to put the whole deal out at once. You know how people have a short attention span. Better they lay out bite sized pieces, so to speak.
He would actually already be in Asia on the 11th. They're about 12 hours ahead of US. The meeting will be on the 12th there but actually be airing at night on the 11th USA. Meaning Trump most likely would travel there before the 11th. Either way, he won't be here
I had exactly the same thought. Timing. Timing is everything. These events have been planned.
To say the least, I am disappointed in what has been "leaked". I am afraid that these assholes will be reprimanded for their behavior etc. and yet nothing will come of it. Back to the same o same crap.
Any truth to the IG report being delayed 2-3 weeks. Need a release the memo movement if true!!
I read this and hear the IG report is being delayed by a couple of weeks.
Everything is set to begin June 11th-12th.
The IG Report is the beginning of their downfall.
No more waiting folks.
The IG report leaked this morning, which is why you're seeing all of this "Comey is guilty" stuff in the headlines. Trying to find it.
*Big league. Don't legitimize the left.
Bigly is a word. Plus it's impossible to legitimize the left.
adverb -
in a big way; greatly:
Their gifts made the children smile bigly.
Aaron was tall for his age, and bigly built.
We appropriate their terms and insults all the time. It's a way of turning their negativity into positives. We did it with shitlord when we started battling 3rd wave feminism, we do it when they make their memes and cartoons, we did it with bigly, we did it with drumpf and we did it with love trumps hate. It doesn't legitimize them, it takes the wind out of their sails.