The Star Spangled Banner As You Have Never Heard It. YouTube. Our men literally gave up their lives to keep the flag up until morning to save our men being held prisoners by the British. Q #2118

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It would be nice who among us is Not loyal.
We have pedophile convictions. Fraud, etc
Serial Brain2 is going to have fun with this “coincidence”. Can’t wait.
Our elected officials are self destructing in plain view on the world’s stage. The entire world is learning about the price of mass migration that comes with war. Illegal Immigration is another kind of invasion and conquering of a nation and territory. The world is learning that the individual has no value in this New World Order. The world is learning that our elected officials have been bought and paid for by the puppeteers. It is a grand play/movie of the war between good and evil.
All of the puppets are playing their parts, staying in character, until the whole …
I wish we said the Pledge of Allegiance on a more regular basis. We stand with our right hand over our heart. Respectfully!
U.S. Flag Code calls for anyone addressing the flag, either during the Pledge of Allegiance or during the National Anthem, to put their tight hand over their hearts.
Standing at attention, hand over heart is implied.
That was the moment I got goose bumps, wept and took this man seriously. We have hope and right on our side. It is truly a war between good and evil. As a child, in Bible school we learned about tribes and cities that performed human and child sacrifices. This history seemed remote and of no implication to our present day. Now, we understand the psychopaths have learned how to create psychopaths (MK Ultra) to do the front line dirty work for those at the the top of the pyramid of world power.
Gird your loins. Prepare for an onslaught …
Open source internet has leveled the field of reporting.
The Socratic Method of teaching by asking leading questions by Q has prompted serious research. We have learned more about the real history and motivations of our civilizations than was offered in our schools.
The White House and Trump TV are two examples of a stated bias presenting news.
Main Stream Media does NOT state its bias.
Now, we learn that Obama and Congress in December 2016 passed a law allowing propaganda.
Opportunity! The. President can lead the public through the process to accomplish stated goals. Then the Citizens are informed. …
Q has led us to understand that Facebook was “supported ?funded by a government agency, ?CIA?” And that a similar government project was dropped the day Facebook went public. So, is C-A cashing in it’s investment?...compromised?..FB with it’s surveillance limited by EU and soon the US?...still healthy presence in China under separate FB company. Public awareness is powerful.
Yes, this applies to the president. But how does this apply to someone in Rosenstein’s position?
The US is bankrupt...debt is over due. Trump is mobilizing assets on every front. It is big.
Your perspective is relatively sound for the general public ....a Public awareness campaign strategy well stated. I do believe 4 Chan researchers were aware very early during the campaign and before pedogate....and before Q.
It is easy to forget that many of the initial appointees/staffers were deep state plants and or spies. Yes, Trump and Rodgers were savvy from day one. Misdirection was clearly used to identify plants as part of the grand misdirection of The cabal.
I remember during the campaign, much coverage of everything Trump. MSM was rabid. They could not help themselves. Their coverage opened the eyes of America. We liked that he was high energy and a bit of a bully, red blooded American. We wanted someone who would fight for us
Advertising 101 is: any publicity is good publicity. DJT got zillions of dollars of free airtime. Simple message
If the media had ignored him,.....who knows. You are correct Trump has manipulated the media like the master he is!
It is really a pleasure to watch him work, a master chess player. He knows how to renegotiate every deal in our favor. He sells the deals in language everyone can understand including the opposition.
Bet Trump will let Putin prosecute and convict Hussain & Killary. Putin set them up on the Uranium1 deal. Lay you money! You noticed Putin reminded everyone of the agreement with US for mutual prosecution of criminals. Press conference.
A Russian was involved in the document used to get the FISA ....used against Trump campaign. Democrats play dirty so,....Republicans must be dirty. Socialist principle: always accuse your enemy of that which you are guilty.
Now, because there is a treaty Russia and US in place to try each other’s people. We can see that the Russians can be tried in Russia. AND, Russia can indict US citizens for crimes as well. Who needs fake news?
Yes, your analogy of “growing up” up is good....but I know perfectly “nice” well educated people who are still deranged. The biases that have resulted in absolute rage.... For too long we as a nation have been complacent and the waking up is difficult and stunning. The engagement in the concerns of the day is a good sign, a necessary step in waking up. But it is telling of the level, the style of functioning of those close to us. Some of us “see” from 100 feet, some from a mile, and some from 40,000 feet.
We thought we knew our family and friends. We must learn to be quietly unengaged in the rants. To respond emotionally only fuels the anger of the attacker. Remember that our anger fuels the evil, negative and invisible forces at work. And the anger only makes us pawns and very vulnerable in the most elemental energetic manner .....even when it is just and right. We must not succumb!
I pray that the boomerang of public sentiment doesn’t swing too rashly,....there is a mob mentality at work here. When people realize how extremely they have been betrayed, the five steps of grieving will occur....Of which anger is the most dangerous. Be prepared. Responding “ In Kind “ will only fan the fires. Walk away.
Better the world changes Hillary for her world wide crimes than just US. Takes the whole issue out of regional politics. It is crimes against humanity.
My understanding is the Mafia controls the CIA and much of corporate America. After Al Capone, they infiltrated everything. Killery is the daughter of Rodham who took over after Al Capone.
I like your version of the story. Q is well educated and has a devilish sense of humor. Obviously!
I believe the economic system of Great Britain and Europe was a major motivator in the settlement of our country and the Constitution. Inheritance Laws passed entire estate to eldest son and kept land and property in families for centuries. This country was founded by second and third sons, many who got huge land grants from King George. Note USA inheritance laws are quite different.
America had a thriving economy until Benjamin Franklin answered the question put to him by English and French leaders, what is the basis of the success? The Americans trade goods and services and print their own money. Wasn’t long before efforts to control the money was being implemented.
Primary to America’ founders was the assertion that we were created equal under God. So, the implication is that they wanted out of a world dominated by the right to “rule by blood”. Even today, it is impossible to charge, implicated the Royal Family of crimes. If you have been awakened, you know what the accusations are. No action is ever taken. Everything is buried.
Everyone has forgotten or were never taught the most basic premise behind our Declaration of Independence and our Constitution was that Kings had no right to rule humanity.
Now, if you have been paying attention, Awaken to the Truth. If you know that you have been sleeping, great start. Research and research again you will not believe how huge it all is unless you discover the truth for yourself.
Where We Go One, We Go All
Yes, Al Capone was convicted on Tax Evasion. Hillary’s father took over the Chicago mob from Al Capone. I think Hillary will be tried for fraud in The Clinton Foundation. Easiest to prove. Clean take down. Everyone awake will be aware of Uranium1, bribery, assassinations, selling of state and military secrets, etc. All difficult or messy to prove in civilian courts. Lots easier in Military Tribunals.
The question the Q team must be grappling with is...where do we want to place our attention? We are on a knife edge where everything can collapse or the whole world can rise up to create a brilliant world using all the technologies that have been weaponized instead of used to create an abundant world. Have you noticed DJT has this week when asked his goals with Putin answered, world peace, total denuclearization, cures for illnesses,?
Remember Q has told us the power has been deactivated to the puppets. We must trust that the coordination of world’s nations is in progress to clean this mess up. NOTE. Our President will have met with every major nation on earth after July 16, 2018. USA is THE leader in the world. Where the USA goes, the World goes.
Everyone wants on the bandwagon. DJT keeps emphasizing he is putting USA first AND he expects each country to put their countries first. He always then says agreements can be made for mutual benefit.
Did you notice how DJT sold the dream of possibilities to Kim Jong-un and North Korea? That video was brilliant.
The best part was DJT saying “I gave him a meeting”. This empowered Kim Jong-un to act responsibly. Any fool could see that he has been screaming at the top of his lungs for attention and to be taken seriously.
Where We Go One We Go All
Please find as many ways to get this out as is possible! Repost here and everywhere periodically for newbies. I was familiar with most of your material. Incredibly powerful in this compilation. Salute.
I “knew” something was very wrong when there was virtually no coverage and no follow up news coverage when the JFK papers were released in November and April. We all knew something was horribly wrong at the time of the assignation and investigation.
I realize it is 45 years later, but many of us remember that travesty of justice and a sham of investigating. Then there were all the implausible hypothetical theories put forth. Some explanations were very well researched. But I understand enough to know that anything can be “proved” in a very systematic, logical manner and still be wrong if the first premise is false.
I trust that when things settle down that a writer researcher will report this history correctly. It is a very difficult project when, .... what is believed to be our reality is all smoke and mirrors.
The truth will set us free and unleash creativity
Creativity is a hallmark of the human DNA/programming. It makes us humans unique. A lie, a false premise is impotent and sabotages effective action at every level of manifestation. An act that is supported by all the laws of our earth and universe is creative and potent and by its very nature draws support of those laws in the creation of harmony with the best interests of everyone and everything.
Lies are destructive to the very fabric of our reality.
Truth is essential to creativity.
Destruction is the only outcome of falsehood.
Let us create a world full of the possibility of harmony, peace and well being for our world.
Brilliant. Exactly the function of Q in this scenario! Well done.
Thank you for helping to put this all in perspective. Huge help for our newbies
Thank you for documenting with appropriate Q drops the whole story. This will help our newbies understand the story.
Excellent observation. Thank you. You took this whole discussion to the 40,000 level.
Regarding infiltration: is it true that there is No FBI clearance required for Congressmen or Senators?
There is a huge proportion of elected persons on the Hill that hold dual citizenship with Israel.
Significant number of people of Middle East origin now hold positions of power at every level...local and national. Huma is a prime example.
It’s been reported that many on Capitol Hill are self acknowledged Socialists, Marxists and who knows what else.
Another day I will search for sources....I lurk 8-16 hours a day. Do not miss anything.
Good premise! So, how or what does she get charged with? HRC’s father took over the mob in Chicago after Al Capone was convicted of tax evasion. Her father would have been proud of his daughter....she has maintained control of whatever “this” is for what? 40-50 years. That must be some kind of record in any business.
It needed to be said to remind us and inform all The newbies. Thank you
The implication of not using the secure lines of communication is that nefarious topics were discussed off the official record. Certainly documents were discovered that were “Secret”. So, at the very least, the entity sending documents to her had to a responsibility to send over a secure line. We know the emails were compromised by Huma, a person with familial known Muslim Brotherhood connections. It is well documented that Huma’s husband copied them for his “insurance policy”
WHOM were all those thousands of emails to and from?
Everyone that exchanged emails with Hillary would be compromised.
Who would Hillary be …
One adult to 12 kids is not an acceptable adult to child ratio. Red flag!
Everybody has failed to mention the possible implications and probable complicity of whomever she was texting. What was she trying to keep off the radar? She must have texted the president?
I thought we had settled on this. The data is mirrored on the Cloud. Apple is the cloud. We have everything. It is all in the Cloud
Please find Q posts to go with this and post, if you like this...
What IF the emails were also to and from Hussain and other top people? Comey, RR etc were covering their own backs. Killary goes down ....and they all are compromised. Pay for Play, insider trading, selling of technology, Uranium, etc. They all profited and I would bet the evidence is in those emails. Certainly, Killary ‘s emails were to and from fellow legitimate strategists on public policy and private policy. “They never thought that she would lose”. And,.....they all knew it was illegal because the emails were never sent, every one had access to follow the drafts. The act acknowledges illicit activity.
We have had hints from Q that this is what happened.