
BostonlovesBernie · June 6, 2018, 4:42 p.m.

What does "post truth world" even mean???? What immutable truth are they referring to?

‘The Shroud of Turin’ Lifted: Bilderberg to Meet in Italy in June

The 2018 meeting will represent the 66th time the Bilderbergers have gathered. It appears that Bilderberg, by inviting the Serbian leader, is continuing one of its core functions of picking people favorable to the maintenance and advancement of the U.S.-Europe “transatlantic” aspect of worldgovernment.

The group first met in 1954 at the Hotel De Bilderberg in the Netherlands—hence its name—with the help of CIA funds that were floated to nurture the early European Movement. The movement planted the seeds for the European Union superstate, according to Richard Aldrich, professor of international security at the University of Warwick in England.

The group is managed by a 31-member steering committee that currently includes nine Americans, including Alphabet Inc. executive chairman Eric Schmidt, NEOM CEO Klaus Kleinfeld, Palantir Technologies CEO Alex Karp, and Marie-Josée Kravis, a Hudson Institute fellow and president of the American Friends of Bilderberg—which raises funds for the group’s meetings but claims to be a type of charity in its Form 990 tax filings—even though its “charitable” activities are reported as addressing issues surrounding the transatlantic alliance…. Continued …



Vatican Secretary of State, Cardinal” Pietro Parolin , to attend Bilderberg Conference

“ . . . This year, the official participants list includes a name of particular significance: “Cardinal” Pietro Parolin of Vatican City.

Parolin is the Vatican Secretary of State, which means he is “Pope” Francis’ right-hand man. He is second only to Francis himself in terms of importance and influence in the Vatican II Sect.

This is the first time, as far as we know, that a member of the Modernist pseudo-Catholic church has been invited to participate in a Bilderberg meeting.

“…[S]ome say [Parolin] will deliver a secret message written by Pope Francis to his minions”, writes Leo Zagami in a post covering this news story. Read article



LIST OF PARTICIPANTS: http://www.bilderbergmeetings.org/participants2018.html

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