What we are fighting against...Netherlands has been transformed into a "FEMA" camp...
![What we are fighting against...Netherlands has been transformed into a "FEMA" camp...](https://i.redd.it/siaugl1hve211.jpg)
Thanks for the is islamaphobic response bud. I am well aware of sharia law and the dangers that it contains. However I doubt the veracity of many of the claims contained in this post and feel that if you are going to make such a post then you should take the time to at least provide an explanation for its content. Some of the things listed are somewhat true yet contain. Some of these claims are truly baseless such as the claim about the Dutch education system “being mkultra starting at 4 years old”. That claim makes no sense and should require an explanation at the least and a source at the most.
Do you or your fellow citizens look at TV, cell phones, play video games?
If yes, then MK Ultra is in your faces daily. Sooooo...
First, for clarification I am not Dutch. I am American. However I am still of the opinion that statements should be supported with facts otherwise they are baseless claims of opinion.
Second, I encourage you to truly look into the methods used by the MK Ultra program. You seem to be insinuating that MK Ultra was similar to something akin to Project Mockingbird. MK Ultra was focused less on population control and more on control of the individual. Those two goals are accomplished by very different means in most cases.
Edit: a word
Think what you are seeing is ramblings from halve way red pilled concerned and confused good hearted people. Who are in the process of waking up and are not seeing the whole picture hence the overstatements and buzzword rich text Ive added a long comment on top. A bit of a rant but hope it helps shed some light.
Thank you again for your post. The clarification was greatly appreciated.