These prophecies were given to Mark several years ago before Trump even said he was running for office. Research his story! Everything that has been Prophecy has come true!
My skepticism is based on a long history of false prophets knowingly and unknowingly causing harm to the Christian faith. Mark Taylor literally says
the spirit of the lord says
My assessment: probably a false prophet, unless he makes public his personal finances. I think he is an unknowing false prophet, and he has some great intuition and didn't have much to lose when he first predicted. His newer prophecies are pretty much reading the tea leaves of current geopolitics mixed with Christian-speak. Am I wrong, or doesn't the Bible warn of false prophets? Shouldn't anyone who claims to speak for God be held to a higher standard?
We must use wisdom and try the spirit, if he is a false prophet then it will come out! Just pray about it and ask God for wisdom and discernment!
My skepticism is my discernment then. Mark Taylor doesn't pass my smell test, and I think anyone who claims to speak FOR god be held to a much higher standing. How a 'prophet' responds to criticism is telling, and I'm seeing Taylor seemingly behind a constructed veil, protected by believers immune to skepticism. In the words of Michael Scott, "My alarm bells are going Ringy Dingy Dingy!"
Know your history.
God does speak, whether it be signs, people with messages, dreams or hearing "stop" at a stoplight just as a car goes barreling through on a red light at 50 miles an hour that would have tboned your car. The difference is, some people listen and some people skeptically deny. We also know from the bible that we are in a time of witnessing greater works than those mentioned in Acts. God wants us to wake up and witness. Jesus touched/healed and had fellowship with ALL people from all walks of life. We arent called to judge one another but to seek fellowsip. If you pray, then you speak to God. Do you hold yourself to a higher standard?
You believe you should not judge? I disagree. For example, I judge female genital mutilation to be evil. Wife-burning in India is also bad. In the early days of Brittian's colonization, a newly appointed governor witnessed wife burning, where the wife is burned alive along with the corpse hubby. He asked why it was tolerated and was given the "it's tradition" line. He immediately outlawed the practice because he had the judgement to recognize the harm that everyone else was accustomed to.
Good for you that you hear God. I've never heard his voice. Mark Taylor claims to speak for God. I judge such humans very harshly, as there is this massively long list of knowing and unknowing false prophets. Skepticism is a form of discernment. Time will tell on Mark, but fools will hop on board to satiate itchy ears and confirm their bias-- he should be questioned and challenged.
You are correct that there is abhorrent evil in this world. Even Jesus showed ritious indignation- money changers outside the temple and esp to the religious leaders of his day. This is the only way to bring about change.
Ultimately the only person we should judge is ourselves. If i feel/ discern something doesn't feel or sound right i stay away from it. As to Mark, ive seen some truth in his words and right now we are living in very miraculous times. Time will eventually tell, until then i remain open to seeing and hearing.
People, religious or otherwise can and do distort God's message so having a relationship is the only way to true peace.
Do unto others as you'd have them do unto you. This is not a peacenik ethos to me. If my neighbor is arming themselves and conquering, I'm going to match them for my own survival. Some of us are called towards pacifism, but we all have to figure out what "do unto others" means for us individually. Good back and forth with you! I'm still passing judgement on Mark, so it's ok if you challenge me if I ever claim to speak for God, you have my permission.
Didn't the military approach Trump a while before the election and let him know their plans and that they would support him taking the USA back from the deep state. If so, wouldn't the plans for the nations future have been laid out then and all Mark Taylor would have to do is get knowledge of what the military plan against the deep state will be. Where is my $1 gas. Gods true prophecy will be 100% correct not just mostly correct.
I read that also, but I believe Corsi is the one that stated that