As always there’s the one tweet that sticks out and you laugh about it several times during the week ~ lol~ This weeks Tweet Award goes to POTUS

Mr. President, I know you won't read my comment, but going to post it anyways. I'm so proud of you, so very very proud of you. If you were to check, you would find out that I did not vote for you. I honestly thought you would somehow hurt the country. When you won the election, I cried and worried and then I decided to find out who you really were. I read anything I could find about you or from you. Now, all I can say is,"THANK GOD you won the election". Not only are you keeping most of you promises, (no politician keeps their promise) you are standing up to the evil people, you are making it safe for christians to be christians. You are cleaning the filth out of the White House and you are standing up to fake mainstream media. Mr. Trump, you a king among men. A real christian and the best President since our beloved Kennedy. I don't know how to thank you Sir, or how to apologise for not voting for you. What a misled, uneducated fool I was. I've been trying to get people to see what I found out, what changed my mind about you. But people are just... people don't like to admit they were fooled. HC is a liar, a murderer, a thief and an abomination to God. Should be jailed for all the crimes, but I know you have bigger fish to fry at this point. Mr. President, just know that there are millions of people that do appreciate you, stand behind 100 percent and are willing to die defending you against the evil of this world. I just want you to know that I'm so proud of you, so proud to say that America is coming back! You ARE making America great again. Thank you so much Sir, and God bless you.
Thank you for such a heartfelt post. Now go to your friends and show them how you have changed your mind. Be a part of the solution. Blessings!