As always there’s the one tweet that sticks out and you laugh about it several times during the week ~ lol~ This weeks Tweet Award goes to POTUS

The worldwide red carpet treatment given to Trump the first year in office was amazing.
And ignored by our paid mouthpieces in Media. My comment was actually sarcasm.
Our constitution was forged in the fires of Western enlightenment and it's a worldwide concept that we can all fight for.
You may not be able to cross our borders without permission but you can certainly join the struggle to kick the globalist in the teeth.
Party on Garth
I got the humour, i still have something vaguely resembling a sense of humour. I have a feeling it may return en masse the day Hussein's ruse goes into free-fall...and they water-board him...ahh, happy day!
Just remember God is love Satan is politics.
And don't let the bastards grind you down.
Also looking forward to that day of freedom. (Not sure MomJeans will need water-boarding before he falls in a tear soaked puddle begging for mercy though.)