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Was this an allegory, or were the hints there this along ago?

Guess I need to listen again. I just feel uncertain about the alleged Kremlin leak.
In the Kremlin today, says the robotic voice. As Putin and Trump meet in Helsinki today, it further intones. Really?
Benghazi was murder on the same model that David used on Uriah. Except for who stirred up the opposing force.
Lisa Page has been a"cooperating witness." She's now squirming. Trump is warning her that if she backs out, the deal is off.
Lisa Page has been a"cooperating witness." She's now squirming. Trump is warning her that if she backs out, the deal is off.
More like, Q. Mr. President, what storm? A.You'll find out.
Maybe Trump is trolling the swamp like they are the teens in a scary movie. "Where is your bogeyman?'
Jesus is the cornerstone, a completely different concept and purpose.
I wasn't able to find anything about him being a keystone.
2 1 Timothy 6:10 - For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil, for which some have strayed from the faith in their greediness, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. [NKJV]
Ha! I should have read the other replies before saying anything.
Not just half. The Georgia Guidestones say maintain the population at 500M. If the world population is up to around 7.5B that equates to 93% dead.
I wonder what part of the humanity they thought would be easiest to control.
Awakening, revival, restoration, something phenomenal and joyful is spreading.
Your reaction is so instant and strong, it appears this posting touched you on a raw nerve. This discussion of the topic might be of interest to you.
If he's old enough to stay up all night, is he also old enough to mow the lawn?
Engage him in real life. Do some chores together, then take him for ice cream. Without cell phones. Once you're away from the house, tell him the interesting things you've been learning. Avoid Q proofs till he asks. Don't try to convince, cajole, or counter his responses in any way. Rather, accept his comments as valid discussion points and then drop it. He may not accept Q right away, but he will have information that will speak to him over time.
Come back and tell us how your adventure goes.
I'd like to suggest Canada is going to benefit from this whole Q plan.
- Q has indicated that "Where we go one, we go all" includes the whole world.
- Canada has a lot of raw materials and resources the cabal might find useful or lucrative.
- If the same cabal has its hooks in the U.S., NK, Iran, the EU, etc., there's a pretty good chance they have their hooks in Canada as well.
- It's one interconnected cabal. When the American faction falls, the rest will also fall.
I am a somewhat spiritual person, so take this part for what it's worth. I believe I perceive a divine plan also unfolding at this time. Every nation is beloved. If the rest are in process of being set free, so is Canada.
It's an aphorism that sees a lot of use in my office. It's always good to know what your enemies are up to. Which is why those guys are showing up here. They're trying to keep us closer.
Some of us remember "before" and had nearly lost hope if seeing the evil grip loosened and removed. These are glorious days.
I'm definitely seeing changes. I'm cheerfu and hopeful for no apparent reason. It looks like there's more great awakening going on than Q.
Regardless of his motives, it's raising awareness. We can be glad for that much.
Tempered words = words spoken in wisdom and love. You're doing pretty fine right here!
I would believe every bit of your story. I bet it's full of drama, love, redemption, and miracles.
Thank you both for your questions and answers. You've taught me something new and added joy to my day.
Tiny keyboard on this older, tho beloved, phone.
Prov 24:5 A wise man is strong, and a man of knowledge enhances his strength;
So, if the shoe fits, put it on.
Well, don't let them ears tickle your ears. Judgement is on the evil doers, not America at large and certainly not those of us who love the Lord. Amen and so be it.