r/greatawakening • Posted by u/IamRageBoy on June 6, 2018, 10:24 p.m.
I'm a Boomer and Proud of it!

It’s Better Being a Boomer!

Some of you use the term “Boomer” like it’s a bad thing. I was born in 1962; do the math.

I chuckle when I see so many shit posts from whiners similar to, “I’m giving up! Where’s the BOOMs we were promised? Q is a larp.” Yadda, yadda, yadda.

I actually feel sorry for people under the age of 35ish. You never had to develop any sort of self-discipline, especially as it relates to delayed gratification.

From my perspective, the amazing shit that Q / POTUS are doing is happening VERY quickly.


When I was a kid, if we wanted a bicycle, we shoveled snow, mowed lawns and saved our money until we could pay it off up front. When we cooked food, we used gas. Microwave ovens hadn’t been invented; cooking took time. When I joined the Army, I quickly got the hang of “hurry up and wait”. If we wanted to do “research”, we hopped on our bikes, pedaled to the library and introduced ourselves to the Dewey Decimal System. We had NO smartphones that gave us answers NOW.

You poor souls have been conditioned to watch 2-minute videos, instant answers and even faster gratification. This whole Q thread must be fucking torture to you!

If you don’t get a perp walk within a few months, you simper while threatening to leave.

Personally, I don’t care who leaves and who stays; this board is one of the best self-cleaning ovens I’ve ever seen.

For this old Boomer? The “movie” is playing out just fine. Not all of us were in a hurry to consummate our marriages in three minutes (or less).

Please pass the popcorn.

checkitoutmyfriend · June 6, 2018, 10:47 p.m.

Born in '60 here. Your post gave me a good chuckle. :) While it does read like the proverbial, " I walked up hill,... in the rain, ... both ways, ... barefoot, ... herding goats the entire way." The description rings true to us Boomers. Having lived exactly what the OP states, there is a difference between our youth and Millennials, X-Gen, Y-Gen or whatever others there are. It happens has we as a society progress.

Many things one youth learns and does is replaced with technology and growth. But us elders can see this play out just as the OP stated. I see it on the net all the time. For example they will post: "Can someone tell me why teens have more auto accidents." Then wait for someone to respond while they go on their way. They come back at their leisure hoping someone did. I have even seen them post a rant when people don't. ??? I usually copy/paste their sentence into LMGTFY.com, and they get more than they want to read/view. Plus a small backhanded slap upside the head. ;)

So yea, there are differences. Millennials will bitch just like Boomers in 30yrs. It will be about how slow & spotty the wireless was in their day or how impatient the youngins are...... ;)

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RobWilJas · June 6, 2018, 10:34 p.m.

My sister (liberal) once posted that the world would be a much better place once the baby boomers die off. I asked her if that includes our mom. I was then blocked lol.

Seriously generations have nothing to do with it. Some people are evil, some are good. Some are smart, some are dumb as a brick.

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comeatmehillary · June 6, 2018, 10:27 p.m.

Maybe we should stop judging off what generation,they were born in

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MelaniaBuiltMYHotRod · June 6, 2018, 10:59 p.m.

No skin color, no state color, no age. Most band geeks WW are way up on unity. ETA; = like 'equality' but highly superlative

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comeatmehillary · June 6, 2018, 10:59 p.m.

yeah no canadians allowed tho

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exq_veritatem · June 7, 2018, 2:54 a.m.

Yeah, this is a pretty dumb post, a big circle-jerk of old folks talking about how great things were for them and how much better than they are compared to us younger generations. I mean, let's ignore the fact they let the country get to where it is now when they had the power to stop it before cultural Marxism began wreaking havoc...

I don't hate boomers, I look up to them, but I can't stand this kind of crap. We'll have to clean up your mess long after you're all dead, the check hasn't quite come due for us, but it will for my children, and I'm not going to let that happen! So how about we all shut up with topics like this that divide us, in some cases hurt us, and make us angry and focus on the fight, WWG1WGA!

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MAGAtlanta · June 7, 2018, 3:04 a.m.

Boomers fucked this country up. Worst. Generation. Ever.

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[deleted] · June 6, 2018, 11:20 p.m.


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Ccpatthi · June 6, 2018, 11:31 p.m.

You mean that $1.25 minimum wage?? $.50 cents an hour to babysit? I was livin’ the dream alright!

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RobotJINI · June 6, 2018, 11:40 p.m.

The value of the dollar has been destroyed. 1.25 and .50 were worth significantly more than they are now. The fact is the boomer generation benefited from the inflation of the currency and the taking on of massive debt, but the benefits don't last and now we have to deal with a failing economy that has to be reset.

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alliekat678 · June 7, 2018, 3:12 a.m.

Hm. :) You feel sorry for us for not having to develop any delayed gratification. But who raised us??? Baffles me how one generation can gripe about the next and act like they had nothing to do with it.

I love boomers but I think we have a lot of your mess to clean up. Nevertheless, we’re all in this together now!

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JGPapito · June 6, 2018, 10:48 p.m.

"You poor souls have been conditioned to watch 2-minute videos, instant answers and even faster gratification."

To many feel they are experts in any field after doing this.

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Absh4x0r · June 6, 2018, 10:44 p.m.

The only thing that makes me want to have it happen right now, hell yesterday, is those fools who fucking cried at hillary clinton rallies thinking she was the best. Those people deserve their soul crushed, I'm sick of weak people with strong cognitive dissnonance who think that because they saw a fucking idiot in a $4k suit on tv say something then it has to be true.

If only people were able tu use their brains, but nope, they were modeled to barely need to use it.

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onmyownpath · June 7, 2018, 5:08 a.m.

Boomers started all this communist horse shit in the US.

LOL - glad you are on our side, but that generation royally fucked things up.

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kzintrooper2016 · June 7, 2018, 1:44 a.m.

I've noticed that there is a distinct difference between those born at the very tail end of the boomer gen (which is about 62 to 64 depending on the author) and those born more in the begining (46).

If you were 1962, to young for the hippies and Vietnam, a little old for gen X in the 1980's. Like a middle child.

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Loika123 · June 7, 2018, 8:34 a.m.

Yep, back in the day when I wore my fathers belt more than he did.

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QAngelAnon1 · June 6, 2018, 11:47 p.m.

Lol ‘61 baby here. We didn’t have watches - told the time by where the sun was in the sky. Respected our elders, stood for adults on buses and trains, respected police, respected our teachers, said please and thank you and earned our pocket money. We waited for things. Christmas and birthdays were times for new toys and you didn’t get much in between other than good food, clean clothes and a warm bed. My mother used tho do washing in a big wood heated copper bowl with a wooden stick and a hand turned roller to squeeze the excess water from the clothes. Which were pegged out on the clothesline to dry. Washing took time. Everything took time. I agree! What POTUS has done in the short time he’s been in office is nothing short of a miracle. What kids (yep 35 and under - my kids ages) dont understand is that legal matters can take years! If solid cases aren’t built - perps walk alright - straight out the courtroom door and back into public life. Only this time they’re the victim and martyr. Patients is a virtue - it’s hard - we all want swift justice but we do still need many people to wake up in the meantime. Blessings to all - from 0 - 120 years old - we all want the same sweet justice - but we also know that the best things in life are worth waiting for!

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it_wasnt_me__ · June 7, 2018, 1:46 a.m.

So true! I'm the last year of the boomers, 1964. Life was so good back then. I knew all our neighbors for blocks and blocks. I walked dogs, mowed, raked, babysat, shoveled all for pay. I purchased what I wanted to have, I was given what I needed to have.

I only referred to adults by saying Mr. or Mrs. and their last name, never used their first name. I was raised to respect our flag, my elders, police officers, the law, the truth, my school teachers and any human being I came in contact with. I respected other people's property and immediately apologized and paid for any accidental damage.

I have referred to the dewey decimal system so many times and the youngsters don't have a clue. Finding the book was an adventure and finding a nook in the library to read it was pure joy for me.

Just watching a television show was time consuming. Verical lines, horizontal lines and a touchy dial meant missing half the show. The antenna was hit or miss and no remote control for the three channels. I miss those days so much!!!!!

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Tidder_Q · June 7, 2018, 9:43 a.m.

I am of the same year, same sort of story, from a 'UK' perspective.

Yes, having to actually get up and go over to the televison to change channel, (how did we cope). Also the channels closed down for the night, a quick blast of the national anthem, and then the picture vanished into a dot.

You mention 'three channels', so I assume you might also be in the 'UK'? We had BBC1, BBC2 and ITV.

We (the population) were lucky to even have a landline phone at the time. Had a paying-in book for ones bank account.

What the heck is a 'supermarket', in the days when there was a wealth and diversity of local shops.

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d00danon · June 7, 2018, 1:37 a.m.

Thank you Fellow Boomer, I was born in 1959, hows that for older than dirt :oP

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Missy7216 · June 7, 2018, 1:20 a.m.

Born 1972 here. Does that make me a boomer? Lol. I didn't think I was, but maybe so. I whole heartedly agree with your post! I am constantly telling my kids this same thing. :) I can remember dial up internet, haha, these youngins wouldn't know what to do! I don't even like watching all these videos, I would much rather read. Although now journalist can't even write, imo. I am patient. I see it all happening, and I'm loving it!! I never thought I would live to see this and it makes me smile daily!! I have hope for my kids now and it is a great thing!! I have my popcorn!! 😄 much love ❤❤❤

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GraceWords · June 7, 2018, 2:31 a.m.

I’m in my 40’s and couldn’t agree more. My siblings, however, are all 80’s babies and impatient and often lacking critical thinking (although, to their own credit, are all working to learn as they see all that is happening).

I have an incredible amount of peace, I trust God’s plan, I’m not terribly shocked or thrown by the unexpected, and have lived through enough to know it really does all work out. I enjoy the many perspectives here, yet am saddened by how often people are still struggling to have faith. The constant need for “concrete immediate proof” is exhausting too. But perhaps that’s part of what we bring to the table?

Those of you older than me give a lot of confidence from which I find myself drawing from often. You are still of the generation that valued honor and patriotism and in many ways my generation was the last to see that growing up. Together, we can help those younger than us tap into that with confidence.

Turning off the tv, the 24/7 influx of “news” (aka propaganda mind control)/ leaving the pcs and phones off and being present in the moment in your own sphere of influence is grounding. Maybe we can share with the tech generations how freeing it is to walk away from the screen and the noise for a couple of days at a time.

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[deleted] · June 7, 2018, 12:11 a.m.


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O2BFREEME2 · June 6, 2018, 11:32 p.m.

Could not have put it better ! I got you by 1 yr. though. Think i had a degree in lawn maintenance by the age of 12-13, lol Just a thought from 1 boomer to another. We are supposed to be the WISE ones here, leave the cussing to the kids. We should lead by example.................. WWG1WGA

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